Planet Rebirth

Chapter 110 Chi You

Yang Rui smelled the sweet fragrance, looked at the desolation on the earth, felt some regrets in his heart, he said to Noah: "From today on, I will not condemn this world for the sake of living beings, you humans and All other surviving beings, live well, don't try to do anything wrong, and I will no longer interfere with your life. Creatures in the world always have a beginning and an end, let this happen naturally, and I will not interfere."

Speaking of this, Yang Rui touched Noah's forehead and said, "I bestow my blessing on you. I hope you will raise more descendants and let them bloom everywhere in this world. All animals on the ground and birds in the sky are more afraid of you. Together with insects And the fish in the water, I will hand over to you human beings. All living animals, you can use as food, and I will give you everything, just like I gave you vegetables and fruits before.”

"In addition." Yang Rui continued: "Anyone who sheds your blood or kills you, no matter it is a beast or an intelligent creature, I will attack them and punish them. If you kill each other, the same is true. be punished by me."

Finally, Yang Rui said: "I make a contract with you, all creatures that survived the great flood will not be exterminated."

After speaking, he raised his hand, and a rainbow appeared in the sky, saying: "This rainbow is a sign, and it is the proof of my covenant with you."

With the cheers of the people headed by Noah, Yang Rui left the land and returned to the shrine.

On the rooftop, Yang Rui looked up and saw that human beings began to flourish on the land after the great flood. Their clansmen migrated to all corners of the world, established their own countries, developed their own cultures, and did nothing unexpectedly for the territory and the land. The interests have started a large-scale conquest again.

Behind Yang Rui, Samael asked: "My master, this world is not what you expected. It has become beautiful, but once again appeared in chaos."

Yang Rui smiled calmly and said: "Greed is the source of the struggle of intelligent creatures. If this is deprived, the world will become boring."


Yang Rui interrupted the worried Samael and continued: "Everything is under my control, whether it is human beings, Sumerians, Canaanites, they are all created by me. Such chaos will bring about the The reorganization and unification of the world also saves me the trouble of doing everything myself, as for how the world develops, I completely leave it to them. And I only need to give guidance at critical moments."

Samuel said: "However, human minds are so confused, their actions are blind, and their development will cause a lot of trouble."

"Trouble?" Yang Rui said: "This is exactly what I need. The energy of the biofield has never been stronger than it is today. I need this kind of chaos. Don't worry, dear Samuel, you angels just need to be yourself It’s fine. As for the mountain, don’t worry about it.”

Samuel said thoughtfully: "The great flood submerged all the land. Many people were not spared. The Sumerians used magic to lift Mount Olympia to the sky to avoid destruction, while the Canaanites hid Into the underground abyss. Dragons have been wandering in the sky, this world may really be entering the age of humans."

Yang Rui looked at the human cities that were constantly being built in the distance and said, "This is exactly the result I expected."


Yang Rui said seriously: "I want to know how I became what I am today."

At this time.In the east, the traces of the flood have not completely disappeared, which caught Yang Rui's attention.He ignored Samael and flew to this land.

The land is rich and beautiful.The flood that has not receded is still wanton in some places, forming a large expanse of ocean.But the people living there have learned how to deal with the floods, and they are still conquering.Expand your territory.

Yang Rui turned into a bird and hovered in the sky, and saw two human armies fighting on the ground, corpses were strewn all over the wilderness, and blood flowed like a river.

He saw that among the fighting crowd, a heroic human being was fighting fiercely with the enemy facing him with a sharp ax in his hand. During the massacre, his vigor did not disappear at all, on the contrary, he became more and more courageous as he fought.

The enemy gradually weakened until they were defeated. The heroic man led his men and finally won the battle. They captured many prisoners, cut off their right hands, tied them with straw ropes, and returned to the tribe singing songs.

On the banks of the great river, there is a city that is particularly prominent. There are many humans gathered in the city. They stand at the gate of the city and welcome their warriors back.

In the evening, a grand banquet begins.

In this banquet, the highlight is the slaughter of prisoners of war to sacrifice to the gods.

The warriors brought the prisoners who had lost their right hands to the altar. These prisoners were naked and trembling, kneeling in front of the bonfire to wait for the final judgment.

In front of them, a clay statue was clearly carved, and a woman with a peaceful face was the god worshiped by these tribesmen.The facial features of that woman, Yang Rui suddenly remembered, was that beautiful woman Nu Xin in the city of Sodom back then. Now that countless years have passed, this woman has long been the object of worship of her descendants.

A tall executioner walked up to the altar with a bronze sharp blade in his hand. He grabbed a short prisoner of war, and with a wave of his big hand, the sharp bronze sword chopped off the head, and cheers continued from under the altar.

Immediately, the lifeless body was swiftly cut up by the executioner, and the internal organs were dug out one by one, placed on the altar, blood flowed down the table, the air was filled with bloody smell, and the remaining prisoners of war were Seeing what he was about to become, he trembled, and fainted in a timid way.

Watching this scene in the sky, Yang Rui couldn't help feeling a little unhappy, and frowned. He saw that heroic man stepping out amidst the shouts of his clansmen, walking up to the altar with a big ax in his hand, beheading the prisoners of war one by one. , Disemboweled, heart and lungs removed.

The bloody sacrifice came to midnight at midnight. Accompanied by the bonfire and fine wine, these victorious tribesmen sang and danced, holding up the heads of the prisoners of war and throwing them at each other for fun, while those female prisoners of war became the objects of male venting. All the corpses were raped by women.

Until the early hours of the morning, the city fell into a deep sleep.

Yang Rui turned into an old man and walked on the messy ground, passed over the heads of those drunk people, and went straight to the biggest tent in the city.

The heroic man felt someone walking in while he was drunk, he suddenly turned over and sat up, picked up the sharp ax beside him and asked, "Who are you?"

Facing the cold light of the sharp axe, Yang Rui was not afraid, he asked unhurriedly: "Chi You, how does it feel to kill someone?"

Chi You felt a little hesitant when he found out that the stranger actually called out his name, but he still looked at the old man in front of him vigilantly.

Yang Rui continued to ask with a smile: "You killed all the prisoners of war, what is the purpose?"

Chi You replied: "Let all the people in the world see that I am the omnipotent ruler, and I am the only true god in this land."

"Really?" Yang Rui sat opposite Chi You, and said lightly: "If the number of murders can prove the existence of divine power, then those ancient tribal leaders were already god-like existences a long time ago, and why are they so ignorant? Did they disappear one by one?"

This sentence made Chi You a little puzzled, he didn't know how to answer Yang Rui's question, but continued to ask: "Who the hell are you?"

Yang Rui then asked: "Then let me ask you another question. How did your god, the great Nu Xin, become a god? Did she kill more people than you?"

"Presumptuous!" Chi You jumped up and came in front of Yang Rui, almost slashing the ax on Yang Rui's head. He reprimanded sharply, "How dare you call a god like that!" (to be continued) ..)

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