Planet Rebirth

Chapter 121 Pharaoh's Punishment

() The guards stopped Moses and asked him, "Who are you? What are you doing here?"

Moses took a deep breath and said, "My name is Moses, son of Sith, and I want to see Pharaoh."

The guard looked up and down Moses who was dressed as a shepherd for a long time, then turned and walked into the palace. After a short time, he returned to his original post and said, "Pharaoh wants to see you."

Moses entered the palace, and in the highest hall he saw the Pharaoh on his throne.

Pharaoh looked at Moses at his feet and smiled and said, "My father once wanted you, but you escaped. Now you come back to me, are you here to forgive your sins?"

Moses shook his head and said, "No."

"Oh?" Pharaoh continued to ask with interest: "Then why did you come to me late at night?"

Moses thought for a while and said, "God asked me to tell you that I am the messenger of God and the savior of the Israelites. Please let me lead the Israelites out of Egypt to our new homeland. And you, Pharaoh, you See us off in the wild, and keep the festival."

After hearing what Moses said, Pharaoh laughed and said, "God? Who is he? I don't know him! Why did you ask me to follow his instructions?"

After speaking, the pharaoh stood up, opened his arms and said, "I am the god of this world, and my words are the divine will. You want the Israelites to leave Egypt, which is impossible. I will never allow you These scumbags are reckless."

Moses looked up at the tall Pharaoh and asked, "Are you really unwilling to obey God's will? God will punish you."

"Shut up!" Pharaoh pointed to Moses and said, "I've shown you the greatest tolerance, and that's for the sake of my aunt Sith! Don't make me angry anymore, or you will face the harshest punishment." !"

Moses said again, "Then listen to me again."

Pharaoh asked, "What else do you want to say?"

Moses said: "Since we are not allowed to leave, please let us Israel go to the wilderness and walk three days' journey to sacrifice to the gods, so that we Israelites will not be punished by the gods!"

Pharaoh sneered and said, "No, you'd better go back to the construction site to shoulder the load, or I will punish you."

After speaking, Pharaoh no longer allowed Moses to appear in front of him, and asked the guards to throw him out of the palace.

Afterwards, Pharaoh summoned the overseer of the tomb project, and in front of his own face, asked the guards to beat him with thirty lashes, and asked sharply: "Why didn't you supervise those cunning Israelites well! Allow them to think wildly, listen Rumors of Moses."

The overseer knelt before the pharaoh and begged for forgiveness.

Pharaoh pointed to the overseer and said, "From today onwards, don't show the slightest kindness to the Israelites. Don't give them hay for making bricks, let them go to the river to mow grass and make bricks. They usually The number of bricks to be made must be doubled, and there must be no less brick.”

Pharaoh was still chattering and issuing orders: "The people of Israel are all cunning and lazy, and they want to deceive me with vain gods. Then I will make them so tired that they will no longer have this idea. All the works will be doubled. , and must be completed within the stipulated time!"

The overseer didn't dare to be negligent, and he returned to the construction site enduring his pain. He made all the Israelites anxious and said, "Your cunning and laziness have angered the great Pharaoh. He will punish you for your sins. Starting today, the amount of work will be doubled, and it must be completed within the specified time. The grass used to make bricks will no longer be supplied, and you must harvest it yourself, and the number of bricks handed over every day will also be doubled. If If you disobey the pharaoh's order, you will die!"

The Israelites were all taken aback when they heard the news, but before they realized it, the Egyptian whip had already hit them.They were driven to continue to do hard work in the mausoleum, and women and children were forced to risk being eaten by crocodiles to do their best to harvest grass for bricks.

However, despite the best efforts of the Israelites, they were still unable to fulfill Pharaoh's order.

The supervisor vented his anger on these elders, because the Israelites couldn't double the number of straw bricks before dark.

The supervisor beat the elders and shouted: "If you don't hand over enough straw bricks, you will be whipped like this every day!"

The elders wailed: "But, that is an impossible task, we can't do it!"

The overseer said: "This is the consequence of your angering Pharaoh, and you will bear it yourself!"

After being executed, the elders came to see the Pharaoh in the palace of Memphis. They knelt on the ground and cried, "Great Pharaoh, why do you treat your servants like this? If the supervisor doesn't give us grass, we can't complete your order." , we were beaten, everything is our fault, please forgive our crimes, forgive us."

Pharaoh smiled condescendingly and said, "You Israelites are cunning and lazy. Want to find a murderer like Moses to confuse me? That's why I punished you."

The elders said: "Great Pharaoh, you are our only true God. We will no longer listen to Moses' instigation, and we are willing to be loyal to you forever. Please give us your grace and forgive us from our sins."

Pharaoh shook his head and said: "Go to work, you will not be given grass, and you will not be allowed to listen to the project for a moment, and the number of straw bricks handed in will not be reduced!"

When the elders left the palace, they met Moses on the way, surrounded the shepherd angrily, and shouted: "You liar, traitor to the Israelites! It is because of your deception that the great Pharaoh was condemned and punished." People of Israel! It is because you made us people of Israel infamous before the Pharaoh, which is equivalent to handing the knife into the hands of the Egyptians to kill us!"

Moses was overwhelmed by the anger of the elders. Facing the rain of fists, he was powerless to resist and had to run away.Along the way, he was chased and beaten by the Israelites, which forced him to leave Memphis and walk towards the wilderness.

Under the reflection of the setting sun, Moses looked desperate, not knowing where he was going.

Just then, a calm voice came from behind and said, "Dear Moses, where are you going?"

Moses turned around and found that Yang Rui was standing behind him, looking at him with a smile.

With tears streaming down his face, he knelt on the ground and said, "O Lord Almighty! Why did you send me? Why did you treat the Israelites like this! Since I went to Pharaoh and said those words as you commanded , Israel received more suffering, you did not save us at all!"

Yang Rui sat cross-legged on the ground and said: "In a few days you will see how I punished the Egyptians. As for why you still suffer, it is because the hearts of the Israelites have not surrendered to me, including You! That’s why you’re being punished like this!”

Moses was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer. Yang Rui smiled and continued: "Dear Moses, when you stood in front of the Pharaoh, although you said those words according to my instructions, I saw that even you doubted The truth of these words! Therefore, you seem to have no confidence at all, it is because you are not convinced by me. Therefore, there is the current ending!"

Moses knelt in front of Yang Rui and said, "My master, if you don't appear, how can I trust you. I don't feel that God is with me!"

Yang Rui said: "You don't feel it because you don't believe it's true!"

Yang Rui went on to say: "Moses, I have an agreement with your ancestors, I will bring you out of suffering, but the premise is that you must believe in me. As long as you believe in me, I will let you stay away from suffering and have a new home! Because I am God! I am the only true God in this world!"

Moses asked, "My lord, what shall I do next?"

Yang Rui said: "Go to Pharaoh again and say that you are going to take the Israelites out of Egypt!" (To be continued.)

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