Planet Rebirth

Chapter 125 Crossing the Red Sea

On that day, 60 Israelites left Egypt under the leadership of Moses and embarked on the journey to their new homeland.

Moses asked Yang Rui: "It's the shortest way for us to go forward with the principle of non-profit land, and we will reach it in a short time."

But Yang Rui said: "Don't take this road, you should walk along the wild road of the Red Sea."

Moses was puzzled and asked, "Why?"

Yang Rui said: "The land of Philistine is at war, and the Egyptians and Persians are fighting for territory. I know that the Israelites will change their minds and return to Egypt when they see the war."

Seeing Moses' worried expression, Yang Rui said, "Don't worry, I will guide you during the day, and illuminate the camp with light at night, so that the Israelites can rest in peace."

Moses led the Israelites into the wilderness of the Red Sea according to Yang Rui's instructions, but they circled the endless land every day under Yang Rui's guidance.

Moses rushed to the sky and asked: "My master, what is this doing? We have wasted too much energy, time and food!"

Yang Rui said: "Your marching team is full of Egyptian spies. I did this to make Pharaoh believe that you have lost your way in the wilderness, and he will definitely shoot the army to stop you. At that time, I will wipe them all out." Egyptian army, make my presence known to all."

Sure enough, not long after, Pharaoh learned the news that the Israelites had lost their way in the wilderness.He was overjoyed, and his heart was filled with the flames of revenge.

He summoned all the troops in Egypt, followed in the footsteps of the Israelites, chased them up, and surrounded the Israelites who had traveled a long distance by the Red Sea.

The Israelites who saw the Egyptian army were very frightened. They knelt on the ground and prayed in a group, and angered Moses who only wanted to lead.

Someone shouted at Moses, "Is there no land in Egypt to bury us? Did you bring us into the wilderness to seek death? Why did you treat us like this?"

Another shouted: "We said in Egypt, don't disturb our lives, what's wrong with us doing things for the Egyptians? Because it's ten thousand times better than dying in the wild."

Moses stood on the stone and shouted, "Don't be afraid. Just stand still, God is with us, and He will help us destroy the Egyptian army! Just keep quiet."

Although Moses comforted the restless Israelites, he himself was a little afraid when he saw the huge Egyptian army. He knelt on the ground and prayed, "My lord, the matter is really critical. What should I do?"

At this time, Yang Rui's voice came from his ear, saying, "Why are you begging me?"

Moses said: "We have nowhere to go. The Red Sea is in front of us, and the army of Egypt is behind us. We are all going to die if we go forward or back."

Yang Rui said: "I told you a long time ago that you are the one I chose to lead the Israelites out of Egypt. You can do anything you want to do. If you want to go back to Egypt, you should immediately turn around and go to the Egyptian army. Kneel before Pharaoh and ask for forgiveness, and continue to do his toil, and never rest in peace for generations. If you want to go to a new home, go forward boldly!"

Moses said, "But the Red Sea is ahead. It's bottomless. How can we go forward?"

Yang Rui said: "Your elbow has performed many miracles, and this time is no exception. Stretch your cane towards the sea. The sea water will recede to both sides, exposing dry land for you to pass through!"

"But the Egyptians will follow us along this road, too."

Yang Rui laughed and said, "You just go, as for the Egyptian army and their pharaoh. Leave it to me."

Moses came to the shore of the Red Sea amidst all the cries, and stretched out his staff into the water, and the sea immediately churned.From the front of the cane, the sea water receded to the two sides, forming two high water curtains, and then exposed the dry land on the bottom of the sea.

Moses shouted, "Israelites come with me, let's go across the sea!"

After speaking, he was the first to walk down the coast.

After experiencing a brief surprise, the Israelites followed Moses on the road to the bottom of the sea. The water curtains on both sides were extremely tall, and seemed to contain infinite power, which was protecting the safety of the Israelites.

Standing on the chariot and seeing this great miracle, the Pharaoh was filled with despair. He commanded the army to chase up and continue to chase the Israelites ahead along the submarine passage.

At this time, Yang Rui saw that all the Egyptian troops had entered the submarine passage, and with a big wave of his hand, the ground became muddy, and the wheels of the chariot were all stuck in the mud.This slowed down the progress of the Egyptian army.

Until the last Israelites reached the embankment opposite the Red Sea.

Yang Rui flipped his palm and left. The two water curtains fell down, submerging all the Egyptian troops in the waves. Amidst the screams, the Egyptian army was wiped out, while the Israelites were safe and sound.

The Israelites on the other side looked at the dead bodies of the Egyptians floating in the Red Sea. They cheered loudly, knelt on the ground and worshiped the gods, and at the same time worshiped their new leader Moses.

After Moses led the Israelites to camp on the Red Sea for three days, they continued to march eastward.

After that, they continued to move forward in the wilderness, but all the way was in the hinterland of the desert, without a trace of green, and the water sources encountered along the way were all bitter water, which was not drinkable at all.

At this time, there was another complaint in the team, and someone asked Moses, "What shall we drink?"

Moses prayed alone and asked Yang Rui: "My master, what should I do?"

Yang Rui said: "Pick a branch and throw it into the water, and the water will become sweet."

Moses did so, and sure enough, all the bitter water turned into sweet water.

But although there was sweet water to drink along the way, the crowd continued to complain more and more strongly when they continued to walk in the desolate wilderness. Some people said: "We are doing well in Egypt. Although we are tired from work, we can eat meat. Every day We are fed every day. But now, Moses led us into this wilderness, is he going to make us all starve to death?"

Moses continued to pray and ask Yang Rui. Yang Rui said, "This wilderness is full of food. You send these people to gather food. I will only give you one serving a day, which is enough to feed everyone. On the sixth day, I will give you two." portion, so that on the seventh day you may rest in peace."

Moses asked, "Why is the food divided like this?"

Yang Rui said: "I want to test whether they respect my law or not."

Moses hastened to tell the Israelites what had happened.

The next day, people went out to look for food, and there were small white round cakes everywhere in the desert. Some people asked, "What is this?"

Moses said, "This is the food God has given you. Just one portion per person per day is enough."

But some greedy people took more and wanted to keep it for the next day to eat, but when the next morning, all the food they took was moldy and rotten.

When Moses saw it, he asked, "Why didn't you listen to me?"

Someone replied: "We just want to keep some more, in case there will be no more food to be found the next day."

Moses said: "God promised us things, and timely repented? It is enough to take only one portion a day, and there will definitely be more the next day!"

On the sixth day, everyone got a double portion of food. On the seventh day, they could no longer go out and rest at home.

However, there were still people who went out to look for food in the early morning of the seventh day, and they were all shot dead by Yang Rui in the wild.When Moses arrived, he saw Yang Rui standing coldly among the corpses, so he knelt on the ground and said, "My master, why did you kill them?"

Yang Rui said: "How long will you disobey my laws? As I said, the seventh day is the Sabbath, and I have given you enough food for this day. But these people still come out greedily, so I must cut them off." .” (To be continued..)

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