Planet Rebirth

Chapter 138

A day of training exhausted Pompeii's Confederate Army to the extreme. Due to insufficient food and military pay, coupled with the bad weather in the southern part of the Italian peninsula, the soldiers complained.Haiernuo sat listlessly in the tent, facing the table full of rich food, but had no appetite.

The oath of Pompeii's oath, pales now.Almost like a lie no one believed anymore.All kinds of gossip and rumors in the army filled his ears.He became irritable and restless, and beating and scolding his servants became a way for him to vent his grievances.

It was getting dark every day, and the soldiers huddled up in their tents exhaustedly.The meaningless garrison made them lose their fighting spirit.The incompetence of the coach made them complain.Homesickness left everyone listless and drowsy.There is no hope of tomorrow without knowing what will happen next.

In the middle of the night, the soldiers of the Confederate Army felt the earth tremble slightly.From slight to gradually increasing, from far to near, the sound of "rumbling" can be heard endlessly.Everyone walked out of the tent curiously and looked around.Nothing was seen.Only the dark sky and faint starlight.This tremor is still going on, continuous, unstoppable, and soul-stirring.What it will be, everyone is whispering.

"What happened?" Heerno, who was fooling around with a few female slaves, also felt the tremor, and walked out of the tent naked to ask the guards.

The guard was also at a loss, not knowing what happened.

"Go and ask someone to see what happened!" Haierno II shouted to the herald.

"There are cavalry!" Suddenly the sharp voice of the sentinel on the observation post pierced everyone's eardrums.Before the sound fell, the 1000 cavalry led by Anthony rushed into the camp of the Syracuse army like a sudden eruption of hot volcanic magma.

The massacre began, and it was easier for the cavalry to destroy the infantry who were not assembled.They chased and intercepted them everywhere, and used long spears to end the lives of the enemies one by one.Wails, shouts, and the neighing of war horses rang out.Massacres are always accompanied by fire.Anthony ordered his men to set fire to the camp to add to the fun of the attack.There were so many corpses that the horses had to step on them, and Anthony's cavalry consisted of ten men.Hunt down the panicked sheep of the Confederate infantry.The blood stained the cavalry's snow-white shirts, which made them forget the fatigue of the journey and became even more excited.They shouted loudly, brandished their spears, and randomly chose their targets to kill among the fleeing crowd.This hunting game made their confidence once again high, and they firmly believed that Caesar was the undisputed overlord.

News of Caesar's cavalry raiding the camp of the Southern Legion quickly spread to Rome.At night, the political hall of the Senate was brightly lit, and the members of the main battle and the main peace were arguing like shrews in the market with red faces.

Someone from the peace faction shouted: "Herno's failure is a manifestation of his incompetence. We cannot sacrifice the lives of our noble Roman soldiers for their cowards. Caesar is not a beast, he is reasonable, and we can negotiate. "

There was booing from the war faction, and someone immediately retorted: "Caesar is an ambitious man. He attacked the army of the Roman Republic in a sneak attack. This is already a traitor. For the traitor, we only have to fight! Destroy him!"

The peace faction shouted: "Caesar has 20 legions in his hands, and they are well-trained. The soldiers are all loyal to him alone, so why should we fight against him!"

The main combat faction said: "We still have the Southern Legion and the Roman Republican Guard!"

The peace faction sneered at this proposal: "You can still count on the sons and brothers of the ancient families in Rome, **. Adultery, molesting boys, drinking. These dirty words are always mixed with these people and become others. Talking after dinner. The city of Rome has enough soldiers. At least 10 legions can be recruited. But most of these recruited soldiers are from upper-class families in society, and the exaggeration has not been restrained because of wearing armor. Military discipline , Combat power is not worth mentioning. It is barely enough to deal with rioting slaves, but if you face the experienced Gaul Legion, you will be beaten to pieces, which is terrible."

The main battle faction shouted: "We still have Pompeii and 15 southern legions, enough to deal with Caesar's treason!"

At this time, all eyes were on Pompey in the corner.At this time, Pompeii was in great torment.He had already dug Caesar's grave.It was when Caesar was wounded by the Macedonians that his army of the South dealt the death blow to his old friend.

However, he underestimated Caesar's ability. In just two weeks, he defeated the Macedonians, robbed two important cities at the southern foot of the Alps, and completely blocked the Macedonians' attempt to attack.

Later, with the help of the Egyptians, they suddenly appeared in southern Italy without anyone noticing, and attacked their garrison in Taranto, and joined forces with the troops on the northern front to form a north-south pincer attack on Rome.

This was unexpected by Pompeii. At this time, seeing all the congressmen cast their eyes on him, he stood up, walked to the middle of the crowd, looked around and said, "What else can I say? As Praetor I have no choice!"

After finishing speaking, he shouted loudly: "Assemble the army!"

Immediately, cheers flooded the entire meeting hall. The faces of the members of the Senate were full of smiles, but the faces beside them were sad.

At the same time, Caesar also got the news that the Senate was going to war against him. He asked Yang Rui: "This time I have no way to turn back."

Yang Rui said with a smile: "The people of Rome lined up to welcome you along the way, and they didn't feel any shame for your actions."

Caesar asked, "I saw it too. Why?"

Yang Rui said: "Human beings are fragile, and they call for heroes to save them. At this time, if someone can play this role, no matter whether he is good or bad, people will support him."

Caesar asked, "Then what should I do?"

Looking at the huge procession, Yang Rui said firmly: "Give them what they want, indulge them, but at the same time discipline them strictly, they will become your slaves."

Caesar said with a smile: "It seems that this is a difficult proposition."

Yang Rui said: "When you held all the rights in your arms, you felt that this is not a difficult thing."

Caesar took a deep breath and said, "I hope it's like what you said, there is no turning back, and all my bets are on it."

Yang Rui said: "Believe me, you will be able to win." (To be continued...)

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