Planet Rebirth

Chapter 162 Judas

Those were a pair of beautiful and pure eyes. They belonged to an equally beautiful woman. She sat quietly in a corner and stared at Jesus. A girl's love for a man.

Jesus accurately received this subtle signal, and he too was attracted to this beautiful woman.From that day on, every night when the believers came to Jesus' house to hear the gospel, this woman would appear, and without saying a word, she just sat silently in the corner and looked at Jesus obsessively.

Until one day, Jesus mustered up the courage to go up to him and asked, "What's your name?"

The woman smiled shyly and said, "My name is Magdalene."

"Magdalene." Jesus also smiled and said, "What a beautiful name."

Jesus asked again, "You live here, too?"

Magdalene nodded and said, "I moved here many years ago."

At this point, Matthew took Jesus aside and said, "My lord, don't pay attention to this woman, she is a whore."

Jesus was unmoved, and he said to Matthew: "Are prostitutes not human? The Lord wants us to love all the people in this world who believe in him. Since Magdalene believes in God, no matter what she did before, he will As believers in the Lord, so are our brothers and sisters."

Although Matthew believed in Jesus, he still had some reservations about his street spirit. He showed a mischievous smile and said, "My master, I can see that this woman has fallen in love with you, and you are very blessed to this woman." Great favor."

There was a trace of shyness in Jesus' expression, and he said bluntly, "Yes, I fell in love with this woman too."

In the days that followed, Jesus also fell in love with Magdalene, and they were married in the spring of the following year. All believers came to congratulate Jesus and Magdalene on their happy event.

In addition, more and more people came here admiringly, and saw Jesus perform many miracles with their own eyes.They all bowed at the feet of Jesus, enshrined him as Christ, the Son of God, and vowed to follow his footsteps all their lives until they went to heaven.

The fame of Jesus gradually spread in the Jewish area, and even residents as far away as the Iberian Peninsula heard about his deeds, and came thousands of miles to make a pilgrimage.

Jesus moved all the people around him with his integrity, fraternity, justice and kindness, and made them loyally surround him.

Jesus chose twelve believers headed by Peter and Matthew, regardless of the road, preached everywhere on both sides of the Red Sea, and brought the gospel to the local people.Let them know God exists and bring hope into their lives.

With the help of believers, Jesus became the church, preaching that there is only one true God in this world, and that is God.Such a dogma is incompatible with the polytheistic belief in Rome, but the decay of the Roman Empire has long made people heartbroken. They saw the light that Jesus brought to them in despair, so they devoted themselves to the embrace of new religions without hesitation.

At the same time, the changes that Jesus brought to the world also threatened traditional Judaism, and the universal values ​​preached by Jesus touched the fundamental interests of many Jews.Especially the upper class represented by the clergy, they didn't pay much attention to the shepherd at first, but after they suddenly realized that Jesus had become a serious threat to their dominance.

At a meeting called by the chief priests.All of them voted to take action against the Son of God, but under Roman rule Jewish priests had no jurisdiction.But they have decided to get rid of this serious problem.

They sent clergymen to search around in an attempt to find Jesus' whereabouts, but the Jewish clergymen who converted to Christ notified Jesus in advance.So that Jesus was not captured.

However, the Jewish priests were not reconciled. The chief priest asked at the meeting: "Who wants to investigate the whereabouts of Jesus?"

"I'll go." A young priest stepped forward and said, "Respected Chief Priest, I am willing to take on this glorious responsibility."

The chief priest did not know the young priest, but he was very pleased with the man's courage. He said, "Since you volunteered, I will send you, but how will you find Jesus' foothold?"

The young priest smiled triumphantly and said, "Human beings have weaknesses, and the church of Jesus is not a single iron bucket. I will definitely find a breakthrough."

The chief priest nodded and said: "Since you are so confident, I will temporarily entrust you with the power of judgment, and you can exercise the power without notifying me again. I will fully support you."

The young priest led the order and walked out of the temple, and flew into the sky in a flash, revealing Yang Rui's real body at the same time.

Of course Yang Rui knew the whereabouts of Jesus. He could have directly brought the priests to arrest Jesus, but in order to tell the complete story he carefully designed, he had to do more things and set up some intriguing details.

He came to a village where Jesus was staying at this time. All the believers of Jesus lived here, and he kept the secret that Jesus was hiding here.

It was late at night, and there was no movement on the streets of the village. Yang Rui walked on it slowly, and he found the house where Jesus lived, which was very dilapidated.

Through the crack of the door, he saw Jesus sleeping on the haystack, hugging Magdalene tightly in his arms, and the two slept sweetly together, looking very happy.

Yang Rui also showed a smile, and he said to himself: "Jesus, your good days should be over."

After speaking, he turned and disappeared into the darkness.

There was only one place in the whole village that was still burning, and that was the room of Judas, who had been in charge of finances since he followed Jesus.

Today, many believers came to collect donations. Judas had to give up the idea of ​​going to sleep and sort out the accounts before dawn, so that he could report to Jesus the next day.

Standing at the door, Yang Rui could see clearly that Judas was counting the gold coins in the basket over and over again very seriously, and Yang Rui saw what he wanted in his eyes, which was **.

Yang Rui pushed the door open and said to Judas with a smile, "Why, are you still working?"

Judas saw a man in the costume of a Jewish priest coming in, and he became alert when he left. He turned around and picked up the dagger from the bed, and asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Rui immediately made a gesture that hurt Judas unintentionally and said, "Relax, don't be nervous, I'm not here to catch you."

Judas asked, "Then what are you doing here?"

Yang Rui closed the door, walked up to Judas and said, "Your name is Judas?"

Judas still did not relax his vigilance and asked, "My name has nothing to do with you."

Yang Rui sighed and said, "I'm sure you are Judah, the descendant of Judah, the fourth son of Yaqor, the son of Moses. You have the same name as your ancestor."

Judas asked, "How do you know?"

Yang Rui ignored Judah's inquiry and continued: "Judah is the greatest of the twelve sects of Israel. He once inherited the endless wealth left by King David and King Solomon, but now, as a descendant of Jesus' direct ancestor, But you are housekeeping for Jesus, and in such a quiet night, your master has long since gone to sleep with his arms around the beauty, but you are still working for him."

These words pierced Judas' heart like a knife, his face became ugly, and the hand that was holding the dagger fell down.

After a long time, he raised his head and asked, "What are you doing here? Are you here to arrest me?"

"Absolutely not!" Yang Rui shook his head and said, "I came here to help you."

"Help me?" Judas was a little puzzled.

Yang Rui went on to say: "I'm here to help you. You have committed an irreparable crime. If you don't rein in the precipice, the only thing waiting for you is death."

Judas said, "How do you want to help me?"

Yang Rui said: "The chief priest has issued an arrest warrant. I will give this credit to you. If you report on Jesus' hiding place, you will be rewarded handsomely. And the crimes you committed before can also be forgiven. "

Judas eyes lit up when he heard this, and he asked, "How much can I get?"

Yang Rui said with a smile: "One gold coin is enough for an Israeli to live richly for three years. Thirty gold coins make you a rich man."

"Thirty?" Judas' eyes brightened.

Yang Rui said: "Yes, it's thirty gold coins. This is my promise to you, and the most important thing is that you can no longer hide and hide like a mouse."

Judah asked: "What good will it do you if I do this?" (To be continued...)

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