() Guy said to Yang Rui: "This city has no name yet, I hope you can give her a beautiful name for her birth."

After thinking for a long time, Yang Rui said, "Call her Gomorrah."

Guy excitedly shouted to the crowd: "The first city of mankind, under the light of God, has a beautiful name: Gomorrah!"

Shocking cheers erupted from the crowd under the viewing platform. They knelt down at Yang Rui's feet and shouted: "Great God, please give us more blessings."

Yang Rui was moved by this scene, he said: "I will bless your world, let you avoid pain and live happily."

Guy continued to shout: "For the birth of this city, a grand banquet will be held tonight! It is used to thank God for his care for us!"

After the sun went down, the celebration in Gomorrah reached its climax. Flowers and fine wine were spread all over the city, and all the men, women and children in the city were immersed in the ocean of joy.

Yang Rui sat in the hall of the palace, looked at the drunken humans, and said to Guy: "Why don't you invite Aigner to attend such a grand banquet, the two races should be the closest partners .”

Gay raised his glass and shouted down: "Tonight is the glory of mankind. Only God and us can share the beauty of this moment."

Yang Rui stopped talking, he turned his head and saw that Kuiya was wearing the blouse given to her by Elus. Although the dress was extremely gorgeous, it always felt uncomfortable when it was covered by Kuiya. .

He said softly to Kuiya: "I know what you did in my home, and I won't pursue it. However, I hope you can use what you get to benefit mankind, not just satisfy your own private interests." yu."

Kuiya was terrified by Yang Rui's words. She hurriedly leaned over and said to Yang Rui in a low voice: "My master, thank you for your kindness. I will obey your will and never do anything out of the ordinary. matter."

Yang Rui nodded and said, "That's the best."

After apologizing, Kuiya turned to look at Yang Rui's face with a charming smile and said, "My master, if you need it, I will dedicate my body to make up for the mistakes I have made."

Yang Rui smiled lightly and said, "No need."

After the banquet, Yang Rui left Gomorrah alone while everyone was drunk and asleep, and returned to the foot of the Snow Mountain through the vast grassland.

He breathed in the cool air, turned his head and glanced at the splendor of the early morning, feeling a sense of loneliness in his heart.

At this time, it spoke again: "My child, you have made an unforgivable mistake."

Yang Rui asked as he walked up the mountain, "What mistake did I make?"

"You have indulged human beings too much and turned a blind eye to all the bad deeds they have shown. You are a very dangerous thing."

"But I used to be human too. Of course I know the shortcomings of human beings, but facing the same kind, can I turn a blind eye to their past hardships and let ferocious beasts hunt and kill them day and night?"

Its tone suddenly became severe: "Rui! You have to remember! You are no longer a human being, you are now the god of creation in this world! You need to maintain your aura and let all things in the world respect you, You can control them. If you always stay with them like this, let them easily understand you and perceive your existence, then they will soon ignore your authority and act recklessly."

"Although I created the heavens and the earth. But I don't want to enslave and rule them. I hope they can live freely and happily. As a god, I should satisfy all their wishes, just like parents treat their children."

Its tone seemed worried: "I told you about human beings a long time ago. Although they are full of spirituality, they are also complex and changeable. Excessive doting will make them degenerate faster, and you need to be vigilant."

"Since this is the case, why are humans still the spirits of all things? If they are really a threat, then just eliminate them. Why do they still appear at the top of the map, indicating that they will rule the world?"

"The emergence of human beings will naturally have their uses, and you will know this in the future. But at the present, the embryonic stage of human beings, if they don't suppress their desires well, they will bring disaster to this world."

Yang Rui stopped at this moment, the temperature dropped a little due to the increase in altitude, he let out a long breath, and a little cold air came out of his mouth, he looked up at the sky garden high above and said: "I know that there are many human beings. But I believe in them. After all, the world I used to live in was pretty good. There are family members and people I love. Although the world is not perfect, it is constantly correcting itself. You need to give human beings Time to reflect, to correct, and not treat them like animals."

It said: "My child, I am touched by your kindness. However, I still want to remind you, don't indulge human beings, then you will be the most hurt person, and you may even lose your life!"

Yang Rui laughed and said, "Do I have a life? I'm already dead!"

"So you became a god."

Yang Rui asked suddenly: "Why did you choose me?"

It solemnly replied: "Because this is your own choice."

Yang Rui ignored it, and returned to the Hanging Garden silently.The temple is still towering, looking up, there is indescribable solemnity, Yang Rui stood on the steps for a long time, thinking in his heart: "If there is no awe, this temple is really just a pile of cold stones. But the awe is really created by these stones Is it?"

After thinking for a long time, he felt a little tired. He walked through the path alone and came to the depths of the garden. A docile deer came over, stretched out his purple tongue and licked Yang Rui's palm, and there was a slight sound in his throat. soft cry.

Yang Rui gently stroked Xiao Lu's back, and the figure of Elus appeared in front of his eyes again.In order to see this elegant figure more clearly, he waved his hand, and an illusion appeared in the air.The scene of the banquet that day was restored.vividly in front of his eyes.

He was so obsessed with this Aigner that he missed it every moment.

Suddenly, Yang Rui turned into a real body.The deer was startled by the sudden disappearance of the human being, and shrank back a few steps.

Yang Rui flew to the sky, and with anticipation and throbbing, he hurried towards the holy lake forest.

When he found Elus, the beautiful female Aigner was squatting under a tree, staring at the ground in a daze.

Yang Rui changed into the shape of Aigner, stood behind her and asked, "What are you doing?"

Elus was taken aback by Yang Rui's sudden appearance. After calming down, she smiled and said, "My master, I'm collecting some spores."

"What do you collect the spores for?" Yang Rui also paused curiously.He found that many strange soft-bodied creatures grew on the ground, and their bodies were covered with thick fluff-like adhesives.

Seeing these mollusk creatures, Yang Rui said in amazement: "These creatures are all basic creatures. I created them just to provide enough nutrients for the entire forest. I didn't expect them to have become like this."

Elus said: "I have observed them for a long time, and they have become too much compared to before. These little things are very greedy, devouring everything around them non-stop, allowing themselves to grow vigorously."

After finishing speaking, Elus picked up the fattest mollusc creature, carefully took out a thin piece of wood, and scraped off the thick layer of sticky material on the mollusk's skin. In a round wooden box.

Seeing that the wooden box was full of stickies, Yang Rui asked with a smile, "What are you going to do?"

Elus stood up, her tall body looked extraordinarily charming in the morning light, she put the box in the leather pouch at her waist, and said, "Come with me, I will tell you about my new discovery."

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The second update is that Xiaoyi is here to ask for collections and various tickets.Today's comment area is very lively. Several readers said that the protagonist, compared to NC, shouldn't have compassion for human beings, and it's best to kill them all.

Thank you for your corrections, I think the plot must have all kinds of ups and downs and all kinds of twists and turns to be good.

Maybe some people like the thrill of being crushed all the way, then I would like to ask you to continue watching, and after this kind pig's foot abandons everyone's attributes, he will start crushing.Please forgive his kindness at the beginning stage, because he doesn't have the attributes of the benefactor yet, but soon~~~~~~~

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