Planet Rebirth

Chapter 3 The Raging Planet

() But only a second passed, at least Yang Rui thought so.He suddenly opened his eyes, feeling that he was in a free state, his whole body felt a little itchy, which made him a little uncomfortable, and his ears were filled with various strange sounds.

He felt his body fell into a bottomless black hole.

In this bottomless abyss, Yang Rui completely lost his sense of space and direction, because the boundless darkness has blocked all his sensory awareness.He was convinced that he was floating, and he instinctively wanted to use his limbs to sense the surrounding situation, but the fact was that he couldn't move his limbs, because they didn't exist at all.

The fear in Yang Rui's heart was gradually deepening. He tried his best to mobilize all his senses, but he couldn't prove that his body was still there.But the bone-chilling chill was constantly attacking his senses.

I don't know how much time passed, Yang Rui heard a voice, he was calling himself, so ethereal that I couldn't find her there: "Welcome home, my child."

Yang Rui shouted: "Who are you?"

To be honest, this feeling was very strange. He realized that he hadn't opened his mouth, but the voice could be heard very clearly. This scene seemed to be in a dream.

Therefore, Yang Rui suddenly felt a burst of joy, thinking that maybe this was just a dream.

He thought carefully about the memories that remained in his consciousness.This morning he got up at [-]:[-] GMT.Without breakfast, he helped the three returning astronauts put on their space suits and assisted James in the final inspection of the Atlantis space shuttle.And watched this big guy leave his sight with his own eyes.

Then he had some quarrels with his immediate boss Pete Anderson on the communication channel, which was also innocuous.He didn't really hate the man who repeatedly broke his promise to him, but just made some complaints to relieve space syndrome.Then the battery board of the space station was hit by a meteorite, and he was ordered to go out of the cabin to disassemble it.

All this is real and believable, and there is nothing bizarre, not like a dream.

How much he hoped that James could wake himself up at this time and tell himself that the time is up and it is time to go to the command module to be on duty, even though it was a painful thing at that time, but now it has become the result that Yang Rui dreamed of.

Yang Rui floated in this endless darkness, this space seemed to be infinite.

Just as he was wandering, suddenly there seemed to be a little light in the distance, Yang Rui was very excited, and rushed over there, he felt that he was not walking or running, but flying!That's right, he was indeed flying. He didn't feel that he had grown wings, but he could already charge towards the bright light with all his strength, feeling like a superman.

The light became more and more intense, shining on Yang Rui, a warm current came slowly, and gradually heated up, until he felt hot all over, and his whole body seemed to be burning hotly.

Finally, he rushed to the light, which was like a door, blocking this bizarre darkness from the light of reality.

Yang Rui broke through the door impatiently.

But the scene outside the door made him dumbfounded.

The space here is vast and boundless, and right in front of his line of sight, a huge scarlet sphere is spinning crazily. Countless scorching beams of light are ejected from the surface of the sphere, and the frighteningly high temperature spreads everywhere. Surrounded by thick colorful auspicious clouds, it is even more mysterious.

At first Yang Rui thought that he had entered a magical space, that it was a magic ball.However, he soon realized that he was not in some magical world. Based on his knowledge of astronomy, the hideous sphere in front of him was just a newly born star.The thick and colorful auspicious clouds are space dust scattered in the universe after the big bang.

Just when he realized this, he also found that he was in danger.

That is, there are meteorites flying at high speed all around you, which feels a bit as dangerous as standing in the middle of a highway.These meteorites are of different sizes, and their flight paths are extremely chaotic.This is what happened after the big bang.They collided with each other and made a loud noise.

After the collision, an extremely dazzling light is produced, and the huge shock wave will often affect the nearby meteorites, causing their flight trajectories to change and collide head-on in other directions.

Yang Rui felt that he was speeding on this meteorite highway.His eyes retracted from a distance, and he looked around him.

Strangely, he didn't find his body, limbs, torso, nothing.And instead of these are hard rocks.This made his consciousness confused again.

"Where's my body?" he thought in his mind, "How can it be all rocks?"

He is still trying to find his own way of existence according to normal logic.But the fact is that everything in front of him has broken the height that his imagination can reach.

He discovered that he was a meteorite flying at high speed, an asteroid to be precise.One's sight can move freely on this asteroid, from top to bottom, from inside to outside.Like a holographic camera with no dead ends, it can overlook the entire asteroid's appearance, and can easily pass through the hard rock layer to reach the planet's interior.

The interior is undergoing a violent mutation, and Yang Rui can feel the scorching heat and unspeakable terrifying power.This power is accumulating, waiting for an opportunity.

Suddenly, he felt a huge shock, and he hastily pulled his gaze back to the surface of the asteroid.It was a meteorite hitting the surface of the asteroid, and the huge shock wave produced a dazzling flash of light and a huge amount of destructive energy.

After the meteorite hit, it fell apart, and countless fragments were splashed into the space, and continued to collide with other meteorites in a series, producing more fragments.

What surprised Yang Rui was that he did feel pain from this collision, which was the same feeling he felt when he was hit by a high-speed football again when he was in college.But that time he paid the price of a mild concussion.But this time, a large crater was smashed out on one side of the asteroid, and red smoke was still emitting from it.

Next, the asteroid Yang Rui seemed to have slightly changed its flight path due to the collision just now, and he entered a dense meteorite belt.

Collisions are inevitable. Countless meteorites of different sizes and shapes rush toward us like gravel blown by a hurricane.

Yang Rui saw that his "body" was full of scars, dense craters everywhere, and the sound of explosions came and went one after another.Some meteorites disappeared after the impact, but some larger ones penetrated deeply into his "body".He's sure of it because he can feel his body getting heavier.And he found that in the constant collisions, he was growing up.

At present, he still doesn't know how big the body of his planet is, but because it is beyond his understanding as a human being.Always he can only roughly estimate the trajectory and time of the line of sight passing over the surface, this is by no means an ordinary asteroid.

In addition, he discovered a problem. This meteorite belt circled the new star for a while, and he was also running on this orbit.Constant collisions allowed him to continue to grow, and he also saw that in this nascent space, there were countless asteroids that were equal in size to himself or even larger, with this star as the center point, in different orbits. on the flight.

He witnessed the earth-shattering collision of two asteroids that happened to meet on two overlapping orbits.This scene is far more shocking than the scene when the nuclear weapon exploded.

Yang Rui is an astronomer, and he can understand how powerful such a collision is in his mind.Many asteroids have since been smashed into pieces and disappeared without a trace, or turned into countless meteorite fragments and were attracted by the gravity of other planets to become part of it; or turned into finer space dust floating around.

So far, Yang Rui is still lucky, the ones who collided with him are all little guys, his body is due to the elephant rushing into the chicken coop, let him go on a rampage without any scruples.At the same time, these meteorites were permanently attached to his body through the collision, making Yang Rui even bigger.

Plus, he finds himself zipping about his autobiography as he orbits the new star.Since the beginning, because of his small size, he can still feel this kind of regular movement, but it becomes less obvious when he grows stronger.

Compared with those meteorites that are either icy or hot, Yang Rui is thoughtful. In his thinking, he was a living person not long ago, an astronaut who attracted the attention of all mankind, and an An ordinary man with a close lover.

He admits to having a few ailments, some of them annoying.But he considers himself to be an ordinary good person.Don't commit crimes, pay taxes on time, get along with your neighbors, love your family deeply, and make small contributions to the world.

He loves meat, hates carrots, and likes to sit in the cinema with a big bucket of popcorn on weekends and watch a wonderful movie.And will discuss the plot of the film loudly with his girlfriend on the way home. < ren website, and download some videos to watch.He loves Dota, Warcraft, and StarCraft, and because of this, he has had countless conflicts with his girlfriend.

But they love each other, no matter how much they quarreled, as long as Yang Rui rushed to Houston to prepare for the next space flight.His girlfriend would always see him off at the airport, kiss him deeply on the lips, tell him softly to be safe, and tell him that he would wait for her at home.

All of this shows that Yang Rui is just a human being, nothing special.

But at this moment, Yang Rui's thoughts, memories, and consciousness are still there, but his body has become a substance that has mutated violently, and the life he once lived is far away from him, and he will never be able to find it again.

Yang Rui couldn't accept this fact in his heart, and his emotions began to become manic, which also caused drastic changes in the core of the planet. Fiery red magma spewed out from the core, melting everything in its way, and the planet The surface began to liquefy, and a magma sea formed.

He didn't have a vocal organ, but he was still roaring, and the roar alarmed the entire planet, making it even more furious.More lava bursts out, forming towering lava waves that roll across the planet's surface.Just below the surface of the magma sea, the magma gushing out one after another was squeezed and kneaded, turning into a liquefied magma column, breaking through the sea, and the terrifying explosion sound expressed all of Yang Rui's emotions.

The planet continued to fly in the meteorite belt, and more meteorites were attracted by gravity and crashed into Yang Rui's body.Yang Rui was still releasing his anger, his furious planet was firmly held back by the gravitational force released by the new star, and it just kept spinning at a high speed endlessly round after round.

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