Planet Rebirth

Chapter 34 Humanity must be punished

() Sodom was built on a low hill.Under the scorching sun, countless laborers are pouring the tall city walls under the scorching sun, and outside the city of Sodom, countless barracks have been established, and groups of soldiers are standing with weapons in their hands for training.

He walked into the city slowly, the air was filled with the smell of stinky salted fish, the dirty water was indiscriminate, sick livestock were dying in corners, the once wide streets became crowded and narrow, because too many hungry people The poor knelt on the ground and blocked the road, begging the passers-by to give them some food to survive.

Crime is happening everywhere, muggings, thefts, rapes abound.But the law enforcers turned a blind eye, as long as the gold was given, even killing someone was nothing more than a trivial matter.

Yang Rui passed between them, expressionless, but the anger in his heart was burning.When he came to the barn, piles of grain were tightly locked inside the gate, and the guards at the gate forbade everyone from approaching here.

Yang Rui stepped forward and asked, "Why isn't the food in the barn distributed to the hungry poor?"

The guard said sternly: "This is to be offered to the gods, and no one is allowed to eat it without authorization."

But Yang Rui saw that on the other side of the barn, as long as you pay enough gold, you can get countless food from the barn.

Along the way, he saw not only the hardship of the poor, but also the extravagance of the rich.The fine wine is consumed in large quantities at the banquet, and the leftover food, even though it is moldy and smelly, is willing to give alms to the poor who are dying.Shy laughter and sinister panting came from the magnificent palace.Surrounded by these harsh voices, Yang Rui walked into the king's palace.

The palace is huge, splendid and luxurious, and countless gold decorations are used everywhere, making it extraordinarily splendid and luxurious.The guards here are heavily guarded and there are guards everywhere, but no one dared to stop Yang Rui's footsteps, and they were all scared back by his divine brilliance.

Yang Rui walked into the king's spacious bedroom and saw the naked Adam entangled with several beautiful women who were also naked on the bed covered with exquisite blankets. He didn't notice Yang Rui's appearance at all.

"Why do you want to build a barracks? This planet is peaceful, what is your purpose in building an army?" Yang Rui asked suddenly standing in front of the bed.

Guy was taken aback by the sudden voice, when his originally angry eyes fell on Yang Rui, they immediately turned into fear and anxiety.

Regardless of his nakedness, he jumped out of bed and said, "Welcome, my master!"

"Answer my question!" Yang Rui raised his voice, and his tone became more severe.

Gay looked up at the majestic Yang Rui, and said cautiously: "The city needs someone to guard it, so I did it?"

"What's the purpose?"

"For . . . . . for protection against wild beasts that come out at night."

"Then let me ask you again! I asked you to dedicate a part of it to me after harvesting every year. Why didn't you do so?"

" are not in the Hanging Garden, so I want to dedicate it to you after you return."

"But why, some people can get food from the barn by taking gold?"

"That's because..."

"Because gold can bring you more wealth." Yang Rui answered this question for Adam: "In front of me and gold, you are more willing to follow gold's instructions and ignore my existence."

Adam stood on the ground, trembling, looked timidly at Yang Rui in front of him, and still quibbled: "I asked my subjects to mine gold just to enshrine it to you, my master!"

A whip appeared in Yang Rui's hand, and it slammed onto Adam's body, knocking him down to the ground. The women on the bed screamed in fright, and looked at the furious Yang Rui cowering in the corner.

Yang Rui pointed with a whip and said, "Kneel down!"

Adam didn't dare to resist, and knelt on the ground with one leg while enduring the severe pain just now.

"A little lower!" Yang Rui poked the whip hard on the ground again.

Guy had to kneel on the ground with his legs, almost lying on the ground, like an ugly frog.

Yang Rui looked down at Adam on the ground and said: "Don't try to deceive me with lies, you can see through your hearts! I have given you the best land, and you can take root and germinate with just a handful of seeds, and grow the best. Through your wisdom and labor, you can get a better life. But now you are greedily extracting gold from the ground! Turning mountains and rivers into barren land, desire and greed have buried your conscience, let you It has become a lowly creature that is not even as good as a beast!"

Yang Rui continued with a low voice, but with incomparable majesty: "I am the master of this world! And you, Adam, I created you and your people. Remember this! Don't challenge my patience and kindness! I have seen all the evils of human beings! It all boils down to complex human nature! I hoped that you would understand something after being driven out of the Hanging Garden by me. But, I think I was wrong!"

Adam crawled forward a few steps, prostrated himself at Yang Rui's feet, kissed his toes frantically, and begged: "My merciful Lord, please forgive our sins!"

Yang Rui turned around and walked out of the palace, leaving his loud answer in the huge space: "Human beings must be punished!"

He left the palace and walked through the dirty streets expressionlessly. Just as he was about to fly away, a soft hand stretched out in front of him, only to hear a woman ask again: "Excuse me, do you have any food?" ?”

Yang Rui turned his head and followed the sound, there was a beautiful girl standing beside him, she was wearing a blue linen robe, her blond hair was tied behind her head, and she was holding a clay pot in her hand , there are a few hard-bodied bran cakes in the basin.

Yang Rui asked, "What's your name, and what would you do?"

The girl replied: "My name is Sophie. Your Excellency, if you have any leftover food, please give me alms so that I can help the poor who are about to die of starvation."

Yang Rui looked at Sophie's beautiful face and said: "Sophie, you are a kind person. Let me tell you one thing. This city will be destroyed tonight. You leave this city before the moon rises above your head. When you arrive at The hillsides to the east of the city will be spared."

Sophie felt a little baffled when she heard Yang Rui's words. Yang Rui saw that she didn't believe her words, so he pointed at the pot.Sophie looked down and saw that the few bran cakes inside had all turned into golden and fragrant unleavened cakes.

Sophie covered her mouth in shock, and stared at Yang Rui in a daze.But Yang Rui said with a smile: "Please believe me, this is God's will."

At night, the cold flying flies around, Yang Rui stands on the hillside in the east of the city, staring at the bright lights of Sodom city in the distance.

When the moon appeared from behind the mountain, he saw a faint figure, not a single person, but a group of men, women, old and young, supporting each other, walking towards this side.

The leader of the team is Sophie.

A calm and gratified smile appeared on Yang Rui's face, and he asked Sophie: "I only told you one person, why did you tell so many people?"

Sophie knelt in front of Yang Rui devoutly and said: "My master, I know you are the incarnation of God! I thank you for your care. However, I don't want to enjoy God's grace alone. I hope that all who are willing to believe in you Existence, those who are willing to believe in you will receive your favor together."

Yang Rui helped Sophie up, nodded and said, "Sophie, you are a kind girl. Your deeds have given me hope for human beings. You and your followers will be pardoned, while those who are still Those in the city who are greedy and enjoy life without repentance will eventually be punished as they should."

Sophie raised her head and looked at Yang Rui in the evening wind and said imploringly: "My master, can you also pardon the people in the city! Give them another chance to reform themselves!"

Yang Rui ignored Sophie, walked to a higher place on the hillside and stood still, he said loudly: "The guilty people in this world must be punished as they should be."

Before the words fell, a red light appeared in the dark sky. This red light tore through the sky like a sharp knife, and gradually a huge whirlwind formed, covering the city of Sodom in the sky full of yellow sand. middle.

And the red crack in the sky is getting bigger and wider, almost like a monster opening its big scarlet mouth and preparing to swallow this human city in one gulp.

Countless huge fireballs fell from the sky and smashed into the brightly lit city of Sodom.

Suddenly a fire broke out in the city, and all the buildings were burning hotly. Men, women, old and children ran out, but there was nowhere to hide, because the fire engulfed everything.

Those greedy people were slow to run because their bodies were covered with gold, and they were overtaken by the fire, and their bodies were burned to ashes together with the gold, and dissipated with the strong wind.

Those who ran fast without gold staggered out of Sodom, crying and looking for their lost relatives. They saw a white light shining on the hillside in the east of the city, so they walked over.

Gradually, all the surviving people gathered here, and behind them was Sodom in the sea of ​​fire.

Until dawn, Sodom, the first great city of mankind, was burned to ruins.

Someone asked: "Where is our king and queen?"

The guard who escaped from the palace replied: "The king refused to give up his treasury and was burned in it. And the queen, no one saw where she went."

At this time, someone shouted again: "Look, there is a holy light on the top of the hill."

Everyone saw the holy light on the top of the mountain, Yang Rui stood there with a calm face surrounded by this light, and he said to the people on the hillside: "Sodom was burned to ashes, as a warning for future generations of ungodly gods. I only rescue those who are willing to follow God’s will and live peacefully in this world. Those who are unrighteous remain under punishment, waiting for the day of judgment. Human, even more so."

Everyone knelt down at Yang Rui's feet and cried out: "Almighty God, please forgive our mistakes. We are willing to abandon evil and do good, and no longer try to gather those ill-gotten gains in vain."

Yang Rui walked down to the top of the mountain and came to the crowd. With a stick in his hand, he said: "Go back to your respective hometowns, and from now on, cultivate and raise animals well, and use your wisdom and hard work to enrich your life." During the harvest season every year, send one-seventh of your harvested grains to the Hanging Garden of Daxue Mountain as your tokens to the gods, so that I can see that you are indeed working hard, not on the wrong path. travel far."

Sophie asked: "My master, how can we experience your existence? We have deviated from the right direction."

Yang Rui put the wooden stick on Sophie's shoulder, and said softly, "Sophie, you will be the guide of human faith. I hope you will be able to take on this arduous task."

Sophie raised her head, looked at Yang Rui hesitantly and asked, "My master, how can I do what you have done for us."

Yang Rui kissed Sophie's forehead lightly and said, "You can definitely do it."

Afterwards, Yang Rui said to the crowd: "From today onwards, this woman will become my messenger, and she will convey my will and your wishes to each other. Anyone who follows her will receive God's favor and continue to do evil. People will be punished more severely."

People complied with Yang Rui's will, and returned to their homes one after another with the old and the young.Yang Rui looked at the dust from the crowd, with a smile on his lips.

But when he inadvertently raised his head to look at the sky, the moon had just emerged from behind the dissipated dark clouds, but not far away, another moon suddenly appeared above Yang Rui's head.

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After a period of calm, the next chapter is about to start, so get ready to get excited!

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