Planet Rebirth

Chapter 40 Sky Curtain

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Yang Rui said to the wind lord Quiris: "Is your sky ready?"

Querris replied: "Always at your disposal."

"Then start."

Just as the four space warships were approaching the atmosphere, perhaps these Erin people did not notice that there were some subtle changes in the atmosphere surrounding the planet.

The azure planet suddenly turned into cotton white, and the turbulent airflow wove an invisible curtain at the edge of the atmosphere, tightly wrapping the planet inside, and at the same time shutting everything outside out.

The first spaceship headed by Erin had just adjusted its angle and was about to cut into the atmosphere, but the moment its hull came into contact with the atmosphere, it was bounced up violently as if a ping pong ball had fallen to the hard ground. .

The huge impact force bounced the spaceship back into the outer space, and the ship lost its balance in an instant, thinking of flying farther away like a helpless meteorite.

The other three warships quickly adjusted their flight postures, pulled up their bows and slid past the edge of the sky, only to avoid the bad luck of being bounced off.

The down-on-his-luck spaceship struggled to adjust its posture, regain its balance and momentum, but they were unlucky, the moon was right in front of them.

This battleship has entered the gravitational range of the moon today, thinking straightly about the rough lunar surface and falling down, until a beam of dazzling flames rose from the moon, and the space battleship became a pile of burning scrap iron.

After the other three space battleships avoided the sky, they circled the earth's orbit in a circle, then turned around and aimed directly at the atmosphere.

At the same time, the bow of the ship suddenly opened slowly like a flower, revealing the main gun of the battleship inside. Condensate power, and inject this power into the silver columnar object to strike the target.

When the silver pillar was full of energy, a burst of dazzling light flashed suddenly, and three red light beams shot out from the three battleships almost simultaneously, directly hitting the surface of the planet.

But when these three beams of red light hit the sky one after another, the whole planet trembled a little due to the three blows, and the atmosphere rippled and swept across the globe like regular ripples like the plucked silk.

Yang Rui felt the planet sinking down hard, as if his body had been punched hard, and he felt a tightness in his chest.

He issued an order to all creatures and elements on the surface: "Destroy these invaders."

Aignar and the Protoss completely encircled and wiped out the remaining Erin people.The fall of the sky fortress made the Erin people lose their support point, and at the same time, they could not get the support of the mothership, and lost the battle while being constantly consumed.

The remaining attacking spaceships and attacking aircraft quickly pulled up to leave the planet and return to the mothership, but when they were rising at full speed, the invisible air was as hard as a copper wall.The aircraft of the Erin people hit the sky one after another, exploded in the air, and the flames of the explosion illuminated the entire planet.

The Ailin who retreated afterward fled around desperately, but the airtight sky did not give them a chance to escape, and they were wiped out one by one by Aignar and the Protoss in the atmosphere.

The three motherships in outer space kept attacking the sky with their main cannons, but the sky was already standing on the periphery of the atmosphere, unable to penetrate at all.

In the end, the Erin stopped their attack, and their three space battleships retracted their main guns, closed their hatches, and retreated to their original planetary synchronous orbit.

Wind Lord Quiris asked Yang Rui: "Have they surrendered?"

Yang Rui replied: "Absolutely not. They must be looking for a way to break through the sky."

"Their hulls are too small compared to yours, and they can't be shaken at all," Quries said.

Yang Rui's gaze was fixed on the three temporarily calm space battleships, and he didn't speak any more.He also didn't believe that the battle was over, because although the Ailin people had suffered huge losses, Yang Rui believed that they would launch a more violent attack again, and it was only a matter of time.

After a long time, the three space warships changed. Two of them retreated into the depths of space and disappeared from Yang Rui's sight. Only one was still in the synchronous orbit, hanging like a ghost. above the planet.

Yang Rui ignored it and returned to the ground.After the war, the surface of the planet was in a mess, full of metal debris and physical corpses.Some giant birds and terrifying beasts that hadn't been picked up received Yang Rui's blessing before they died, and they went away peacefully, were slowly decomposed, and finally returned to the soil.

Yang Rui came to the Holy Lake Forest again, the place was extremely bad, there were ruins after the war everywhere, many giant trees that had grown for tens of millions of years were chopped off by artillery fire, and fell to the ground like dead giants.Many older Aignars knelt there weeping and praying.And more Aignars are cleaning up the battlefield and repairing the destroyed buildings.

Yang Rui saw the busy Elus and asked, "Are you okay?"

Elus nodded and said, "I'm fine, but my flying machine was injured and was hit by the beam cannon of the Erin."

After speaking, she pointed to a damaged hole in the aircraft.Yang Rui stepped forward and gently stroked the damaged hole. The metal trembled slightly, and many new blue spores appeared in the damaged place, and they were actively repairing it.

Yang Rui smiled and said, "It will definitely fly again."

Elus said, "Yes, soon!"

"Thank you very much!" Yang Rui said.

Elus jumped back into the cabin and said to Yang Rui below: "We are also fighting for ourselves."

Yang Rui said: "Be prepared, the people of Erin will come again."

Elus raised her proud chin and said, "We're ready now."

Yang Rui asked, "Where is your father?"

Elus replied: "He has been guarding the edge of the holy lake since the beginning of the battle, and he has not left for a moment."

Yang Rui came to the depths of the jungle. On the shore of the holy lake, he saw that resolute figure. It was Cessarian, and beside him was a strong sharp-toothed beast accompanying him.

Yang Rui stepped forward and asked with a smile, "Your people are fighting bravely. What have you done?"

After saluting to Yang Rui, Cesarian said, "I don't know how to fly those aircraft, but as an Aignar warrior, I will defend the holy lake and the source of our Aignar's strength and wisdom. If the Ailin people come When I get here, I will use the sword in my hand to talk to them."

Yang Rui sat on the bank of the water, touched the cool lake water with his hand and said, "You and I are doing the same thing now."

Cessarian said: "The strength of the Erin people is unimaginable. This is just their vanguard. I have seen their space fleets. They are huge enough to cover the brilliance of the stars and can destroy all civilizations that stand in their way. .My lord, what we are doing now is defending our dignity and honor."

Speaking of this, Yang Rui sighed and said: "You Aigner are my guests, I don't want to see you suffer such an end, after all, the Erin people came to this planet, not you."

Cesarian replied: "Since you gave us Aignar a second life, our destiny has been closely linked with this planet and you. We are also a part of this planet, and we have reasons to share it with it." Survival."

Yang Rui looked at the lake in silence for a long time, and finally he said slowly: "Thank you for your understanding."

At this time, the voice of the wind lord Quiris came from the sky: "My master, the battleship of the Erin people has returned. I think you need to go and have a look. They have a new move."

Yang Rui flew to the edge of the atmosphere. As far as he could see, the two spaceships were rushing towards the planet at high speed. The powerful turbulence stirred up the entire outer space and created chaos.

This disorder did not come from the high-speed attack of the two battleships, the real reason came from the rear of the battleships.

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