Planet Rebirth

Chapter 45 The Kingdom of Heaven

Yang Rui returned to the Hanging Garden. Compared with the outside world, this place is still in decline. The traces of the war are still there, with gravel and withered plants everywhere.

Yang Rui walked slowly through the ruins and came to the high platform. This is the peak of the world, cold and lonely, with the vast sky above his head and the vibrant earth under his feet.

And at this moment, I am standing here, I can look up at the starry sky and look down at the earth, and I recall the conversation with it just now in my heart. At this moment, isn't this high platform the crossroads leading to gods or mortal things?

Yang Rui sat cross-legged on the ground, closed his eyes slightly, gradually cleared his mind, and recalled everything that happened.

He was just an ordinary human being, but because of his diligence and studious, he has been outstanding since he was a child. After graduating from university, he chose his most desirable career and became an outstanding astronaut.And it's also because of his girlfriend's efforts to build a warm family.

But all this was ruined by a gamma ray storm.

So far, he is not sure whether he is dead, because it is different from his common sense and imagination.Why did I come here, became the conscious body of this planet, and created all things, saved Aignar, and just repelled the invasion of the Erin people.

He remembered that when he was in college, Professor McGinn once said something that impressed him in his elective philosophy class: "Death is not the end of life, but a new beginning."

At this time, Yang Rui was facing his new start, and was inexplicably dubbed the title of God. Although he had done some things, he never felt that he was a god. If this is a god, then He's such a god.

It is right. When I face many things, I have a lot of emotions involved in them. After all, my human attributes are still playing a role.

He also knows why he always avoids Elus' hot emotions, because there is a beautiful smiling face in the deepest part of his soul.

His heart skipped a beat when a meteor slid overhead, and he thought it was the Alyn warship.This feeling made him bring his thoughts back to reality.

In this world, how he will survive has become an unavoidable question.Since he came to this world, he must abide by the laws of this world, not to mention that this law was made by himself.

Just like a game, Yang Rui realizes that the game participants are also the rule makers. In other words, he is omnipotent in the game. In order to win the game, he must learn to control everything, otherwise even if he is the rule makers, he will lose miserable.

He didn't want to die again. After being crushed by the mysterious force, he was wiped out, and when he opened his eyes, he didn't know what kind of situation he was going to face.

In today's world, he can already handle it, but it requires effort and price, which he can accept.Perhaps, when he continues to play this game, he will discover the mystery, and he will be able to solve the mystery of why he came here after death.

He looked down at this planet, no matter how similar its size, landforms, and climate are to the previous Earth, maybe this is the Earth, and he is just another distorted time and space today.

That being the case, in its mouth, it is a god, why not be a god when facing this planet.When he didn't know the truth, according to the 45 billion years of development history, step by step, maybe the answer would appear.

It was also his only option.

Watching the sun rise and the stars set, and the vicissitudes of life, Yang Rui didn't know how long he had been on the high platform. In short, when he opened his eyes again, the earth changed dramatically.

What is he going to do?

This scene is simply a time-travel novel. Others have traveled through hundreds of thousands of years, and even throughout human history.And he traveled through billions of years, returned to that original prehistoric year, and miraculously became the creator of this world.He was a little uncomfortable with this new role at the beginning, but now, in order to find the answer to the puzzle, he must continue the game seriously.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help laughing.

Sitting quietly for too long made him feel a little stiff, and he finally stood up from deep thinking.

The hanging garden is even more dilapidated, and it has reached a horrible state.

He walked slowly into the temple. Most of the stone pillars here had collapsed, only a few were still struggling to support the falling roof.

That well is the only place in the entire hanging garden that has not changed.The well water is still clear and gentle, containing infinite vitality.

He held up some well water in his palm, and saw countless shining cells swimming happily in the water in his palm, all of them were full of energy and eager to try.

Yang Rui picked up the strongest one among them, and I played with it in my hand, the strength of my body has slowly flowed into this cell.

The cells grew rapidly under the radiance of Yang Rui's divinity, and gradually condensed the power of the gods, and then began to take shape, the embryo of a humanoid creature thrived in his palm.

Yang Rui threw him into the well again, and after he fished out the embryo again, it had turned into an angel waving its wings.

This angel is as strong and energetic as the protoss he created before him.But Yang Rui was not satisfied, he wanted to give it more wisdom and strength.

As a result, two more wings appeared on the back of the angel. The moment Yang Rui let go of his hand, a seraph spread all its wings, waved a golden light, and flew around the collapsed temple.

Yang Rui said to the little angel: "Come here, my child."

The seraphim turned back in mid-air, and heard Yang Rui's palm steadily. Yang Rui carefully looked at the little guy on the palm, and poked a little bit on the imperfect parts of his body, making it look more invulnerable .

Finally, after Yang Rui was satisfied with everything, he said to the elf: "Lucifer, you are the first servant of God I created. From today on you will have my power and serve me."

Lucifer spread out his six wings, knelt down to Yang Rui and said, "Obey my master."

After that, Yang Rui followed suit and created seven seraphs, 81 four-winged angels and countless double-winged angels.

Yang Rui walked out of the temple and shouted to the angels flying all over the sky: "Go, repair my garden."

Under the call of God, the angels began to work.They are a group of wisdom. They not only repaired the hanging garden according to Yang Rui's instructions, but also built a towering and magnificent castle on the top of the snow mountain around the garden. Almost pierced the sky.

After the completion of the palace, Lucifer led all the angels to bow down at Yang Rui's feet. Lucifer said: "My master, this palace is our gift of life to you. Please accept our most sincere blessings."

Yang Rui smiled lightly and said, "Lucifer, from today on you and the other seven seraphs are in charge of everything here, and the rest of the angels also accept your orders and serve me."

Then he bestowed names on the remaining seven seraphs.

"Uriel, Raphael, Michael, Sariel, Gabriel, Remil." Yang Rui named the seven seraphs one by one and said, "From today onwards, you will be angels." The seven guardians of the regiment, I hope you can guard the land under your feet under the leadership of Lucifer."

After that, Yang Rui said: "I will not imprison your thoughts, you can use your own wisdom to produce and create. And use these results to help the protoss at the foot of the mountain and the kind Aigner, you are me My messenger, to spread my will to the farthest place, to make all creatures, even mountains and rivers, survive under the will of God.”

His voice was majestic and powerful, spreading from the top of Daxue Mountain to the world, so that all the creatures in every corner got his will, and surrendered to him, praying for God to favor him.

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