Planet Rebirth

Chapter 63 Entering the Transport Ship

On the ground, in the energy control tower of the Holy Lake Forest, Ishtar sat on the seat of the command center, in front of him was a huge battle scene in outer space presented by the biological illusion system.

All the Aignars in the command center, including Ishtar himself, watched the battle on the front with bated breath.

After a long silence, Ishtar said to Evia beside him, "Elus and the others have captured the deck of the transport ship. I think I should go there."

Evia said: "Are you crazy? You are a scientist, not a soldier! You will die!"

Ishtar stood up and said, "I want to see how the people of Erin create life. Maybe this will help us in the future!"

Evia said: "Eluth will not allow you to go to the front line."

Before walking out of the command center, Ishta said: "She can't take care of so much now."

Ishta came to the boarding platform, and it was very busy here. The third attack wave has been prepared. All the big babies and the Shining attack planes are parked in front of the take-off tunnel, waiting for orders to start at any time.

He walked alone to a corner of the huge boarding platform, where a test model of the Apostle [-] was parked. It could change two attitudes and conduct air combat and land combat at the same time.

Ishta sat in the cockpit and activated the bio-energy control device. The apostle's huge body suddenly trembled slightly from calmness. The energy display was full, and all modules were normal, ready to take off at any time.

The command center monitored the abnormality of the Apostle prototype, and Evia's voice came from the intercom: "Are you really going?"

Ishtar said: "As a scientist, I cannot miss this opportunity!"

Evia was silent for a moment and said: "Then bring enough ammunition, the battle above is too fierce."

Ishtar replied with a smile: "Thank you for your advice!"

After speaking, he levitated the Apostle [-] prototype to the entrance of the tunnel, and the take-off tunnel had been opened for him. Following the command center's command, Ishta flew the Apostle [-] out of the tunnel and went straight into the sky.

Evia said through the intercom: "Your flight attitude is normal, keep in touch!"

Ishtar said, "Has the deployment of the Spore Canopy been completed?"

Evia replied: "It's all done! It has entered the launch state."

Ishtar sighed and said, "I hope it can stop the attack of the Erin people."

After that, Ishtar stopped talking and focused on driving the prototype out of the atmosphere.The moment he rushed out of the atmosphere, he was still stunned by the sight in front of him.

The space warships of the Erin people were surrounded by Aignar's raiding force. The two sides were fighting hard. Many Erin destroyers had already been destroyed, and the fragments were floating in the space, looking messy.

Ishtar carefully drove Apostle II into the battle zone.

The Erin attack planes quickly discovered this big guy, and immediately gathered their fleet to rush up.

Ishtar hurriedly ran at high speed, thinking about the direction Elus had just reported in the midst of the battle.With the Alyn attack planes in hot pursuit, Ishtar gave them a taste of some of Aignar's new inventions.

The towed bomb was ejected from the fuselage of the Apostle [-], forming a huge barrage behind it. Many Erin attack planes crashed into the barrage and crashed into the barrage, giving Ishtar a chance to escape.

However, those attack planes that successfully avoided the barrage were already chasing him.

Seeing that Ishtar couldn't get rid of the entanglement of these Erin people, he changed his combat mode. The entire body of the Apostle suddenly changed from the shape of an attack aircraft to that of a land combat mecha. Due to the propellers at the bottom of the legs Stretching forward, the apostle braked suddenly in the air, stopping his body.And the Aelin attack planes behind them rushed to the front.

Ishta's arm controlling the mecha pulled out a huge machete from the compartment behind him, and said to himself, "Actual combat is the best testing ground."

The second generation of Apostle rushed forward and cut an Elin attack plane in half with a knife, and he swept away and chopped down another one.Immediately afterwards, it deftly changed back to aircraft mode, and continued to soar forward at high speed.

In the intercom, Ishtar called Elus: "Ellus, I have arrived at the transport ship now, how is your progress?"

Elus was fighting bloody battles with Erin's mecha on the deck, when he heard Ishtar's words suddenly, he asked in surprise, "Are you here?"

"Yes, I'm coming!" Ishtar replied, "I want to see how the Erin made themselves."

"Your curiosity will kill you! You're not a warrior!" Elus said after knocking over an Erin mech.

Ishtar said, "Evia said the same thing, but I think it's worth a visit!"

When Elus saw the second generation of the apostles of Ishta, she said, "Follow us!"

Ishta looked at the fragments of the wreckage of both mechas floating everywhere above the deck, and couldn't help sighing: "It's too cruel!"

Elus replied: "It's all worth it for our planet!"

The Erin people's line of defense gradually loosened. The Phoenix Warriors seized a hatch, and Aigner's mecha troop successfully rushed into the transport ship.

After Ishta drove the mecha into the transport ship, he looked at the wide passageway, and he was deeply responsible. He said to Elus: "Our ancestors lived in this environment back then."

Elus drove the apostle forward and replied: "Be humiliated and killed anytime and anywhere. I would rather die than live like that!"

Xerath led the phoenix warriors to assemble on the front line, because the large group of Alyns was gathering towards this breach, trying to drive these intruders out of the transport ship.

Xerath said to Elus: "Do you want to destroy this ship?"

Ishtar said, "At least until I see how the Erin make themselves, don't do it!"

Elus turned on the biological illusion system, and the structural diagram of the transport ship appeared in front of her eyes. He said to all Aignar and the Canaanites, "Go ahead and turn right at the intersection ahead."

Xerath shouted to his Phoenix warriors: "Warriors of Canaan, come with me!"

Then the first one walked out towards the other end of the passage.

Elus found that the second-generation apostle driven by Ishta was closely following her, and said: "This guy looks good, it should be equipped before this battle."

Ishta agreed: "If I can drive him back to the Holy Lake Forest safely, he will be put into production immediately!"

Elus said: "I said earlier that the battlefield is the best place to test weapons."

The Erin people rushed up, and in their own transport ship, their equipment lost the advantage. In such a space, the brave Phoenix warriors are invincible.Wherever the sharp spiritual blade went, it left countless mutilated corpses and plasma flowing everywhere.

And the support and fire suppression provided by Aigner's mech heavy troops in the rear enabled the Phoenix Warriors to quickly defeat the impact of the Erin people.

Phoenix warriors hunted down the lone Alyn inside the huge transport ship like hungry beasts.

This transport ship is really too big, and it took them a long time to pass through a small part of the space.Ishta asked, "Have we lost our way?"

Elise replied: "No!"

At this time, Elus stopped suddenly, and aimed the muzzle on the arm of the mech at the bulkhead above her head and fired a single shot. The spore bomb exploded quickly and dissolved the cabin, revealing the space on the upper floor. The Erin saw Aignar below.

Elus was the first to fly up with the apostle mecha. She rotated the mecha 360° in mid-air, and fired fiercely at the surroundings at the same time. The Erin people were scattered far away by the spore bullets.

Immediately afterwards, the phoenix warriors spread their golden wings and leaped up. They howled and rushed into the defense line of the Ailin people again.

Elus yelled, "We can take a shortcut! Follow!"

Ishta said: "We are getting closer and closer, I can feel the existence of that energy field!"

Elus and the phoenix warrior rushed to the front, slashing and killing in the defense line of the Erin people, she replied: "Then let's go and see what's in there!!"

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