Planet Rebirth

Chapter 72 Break up

Molly wiped her grease-covered lips with a snow-white tablecloth, turned her head and stared at Elus with cold eyes, and said stiffly: "We are different races, and Aigner's isolated life cannot be imitated. The Sumerians need more More land, more resources, and more food. The Sumerians have experienced too many hardships, and the weak will be bullied by others, so we must become stronger to guarantee our interests."

"But who will guarantee the interests of this world?" Elus also raised her voice and asked back: "You violated what God told us when you left. Have you forgotten all the words left by God?"

"Where is God?" Molly stood up suddenly, glaring at Elus, and the wings behind him spread violently, exuding the radiance of God.

Molly roared: "I am a god! The Sumerians are all over the world now, and they believe in me, not that missing soul!"

Elus pointed at Moli angrily and said, "How dare you speak like that! Don't forget, who created you!"

Molly sneered and said: "It was indeed created, but now is the era of the Protoss! All living beings in the world must serve and dedicate themselves to the Protoss! The Canaanites have violated the interests of the Protoss and will be punished! You, Aigner, can choose to remain silent. But if you dare to violate the power of the Protoss, the magic sword hanging above your heads will mercilessly cut off your head."

Elus stood up and slammed a metal ball on the ground, and a biological phantom appeared in the entire hall.Aigner's huge flying and land forces were displayed in front of all the Sumerians.

Elus raised her chin to warn Molly: "When you want to rule the world, you must first consider whether you have enough ability to challenge Aigner!"

Molly picked up the wine glass and drank the wine in the glass.Then he threw the wine glass on the table, stepped off the high platform, walked through the crowd to the door as if there was no one there, and ignored his guests.Before he walked out of the hall, he announced his will loudly: "Assemble the army immediately, I will fight against the Canaanites!"

The welcome banquet broke up unhappy, although as the hostess, Quia enthusiastically wanted to continue entertaining Elus who came from afar.But the leader of Aigner has no mood to stay in this majestic palace anymore.

She got up to say goodbye and returned to her spaceship.

The spaceship took off slowly under the protection of the attack aircraft, and after flying around Mount Olympia several times, it turned around and galloped away thinking about the south.

Elus sat alone in the largest cabin of the spaceship, while drinking cool water, while looking at the beautiful scenery outside the porthole, her face was full of sorrow.

"After so many years, why hasn't your temper changed?" A loud voice sounded from the cabin.

Elus turned her head abruptly and looked towards the source of the voice. Yang Rui was standing there in a white robe, with a smile on her face and tender emotion in her eyes.

Eluse almost screamed, she rushed forward, hugged Yang Rui and said, "You are finally back."

Yang Rui nodded and said, "Yes, I'm back."

Elus suddenly realized her impertinence, stepped back hastily, knelt on the ground with one leg and said, "My master, please forgive my impoliteness."

Yang Rui helped Elus up, looked at her beautiful face and said, "I'm very glad that you have become the new leader of Aigner!"

"My father said it was my destiny, even though I didn't like it," Elus said.

"Every living being has his destiny, including me too, and I also have my own destiny."

Elus smiled and said, "Anyway, you are back, my master. This world is about to turn around again."

Yang Rui said, "Did a lot of things happen during the time I was away?"

"Too many things have happened." A trace of melancholy flashed across Elusi's face: "The Sumerians broke their original promise, and Moli became a tyrant! His body is swelling, and even the Sumerians are being punished." It becomes unreasonable to be implicated. The fate of the Canaanites is at stake, and we, Aigner, cannot protect ourselves wisely."

"That's why you came to persuade Moli this time not to fight against the Canaanites?"

"I'm trying to do something. I'll keep in mind what you said to us before you left."

Yang Rui said gratefully, "Thank you."

"That's great." Elus said with a smile again: "Your return can wake up the Sumerians. With your divine power, you can definitely stop Moli's suicide."

Yang Rui asked, "What do you want me to do?"

Elus said: "Molly must be punished! He has done too many violent things, turned the planet into a rage, and there are wars everywhere! People are dying every day! Will you look at it with indifference?"

Yang Rui said: "Of course I won't be indifferent. But, just by killing Moli, will these matters be resolved?"

A question stopped Elus, and she stared at Yang Rui with wide eyes.Yang Rui continued calmly: "If you kill Moli, a second Moli will rise up and continue these ugly things, because the seeds of corruption have already taken root. I can't kill all the Sumerians just to restore the peace of this world. "

"Then what are you going to do. Leave them alone? Watch them attack the last leader of the Canaanites?"

Yang Rui said: "You stood on the ground and saw the result, but I did fly in the sky to see these things! Of course there will be different angles, so I will handle these things well."

Looking at Elus' hesitant eyes, Yang Rui felt a little amused. He comforted Elus and said: "Thank you for everything you have done. Now that I am back, leave these troublesome things to me. I hope you will still The carefree Aigner back then."

Elus looked at Yang Rui affectionately and said: "Everything is gone forever, and I can never go back to the past. At that time, there was only one Agna huntress who was deeply infatuated with a great god, but now this huntress is burdened with Too much responsibility."

"Forget it, let's not talk about it." Elus turned around and wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, "Say something happy."

Yang Rui asked, "What joyful thing?"

Elus said: "You must have not seen Aigner's new home. Since the holy lake forest was destroyed, we have built a new city on that land."

At this time, the spaceship had already flown to the continent in the middle of the ocean. Yang Rui looked out the porthole, and saw green forests and rolling mountains on the vast continent.Aigner's city was built within it.

Towering energy towers, huge aqueducts, criss-crossing road networks, magnificent city buildings, beautiful residential areas, and strong defense fortresses.All these make up Aigner's new home.

Yang Rui sighed: "It's so beautiful here!"

"It's beautiful!" Elus also sighed sincerely: "We have given this new continent a nice name."

"what name."


"Atlantis?" Yang Rui almost laughed when he heard the name.

"Isn't that a good name?" Elus asked.

Yang Rui shook his head and said, "It's nothing, it's such a beautiful name."

"Atlantis. It means hope in the ancient language of Aigner. We hope to live a better and peaceful life! We have been working hard for this."

"Whoever dares to destroy our beautiful life!" Elus said right now, "Whoever it is will be hit the hardest."

Yang Rui said: "Take me to meet your father, I miss this old man so much! Does he still have a sharp-toothed beast mount now? Those prehistoric animals are all extinct! Now is the age of dragons."

Elus smiled and said, "You don't have to worry about this, he has already tamed several velociraptors as new mounts!"

The spaceship landed on the platform smoothly, and Elusi personally drove the maglev airship and brought Yang Rui to the edge of a dense forest.

Elus said: "My father still likes to live in such a place. As a daughter, I can only try to meet his requirements."

When Yang Rui walked into the forest and saw that resolute figure again, his tears also flowed down, and the two long-lost old friends hugged each other tightly.

Cessarian cried excitedly: "My master, welcome back!"

Yang Rui smiled and said, "I hope that my coming will not disturb your peaceful life."

Cessarian said: "I would rather have you come back and disturb my life than watch the younger generation keep forgetting the ancient traditions of Aigner."

Elus stood at the door and retorted: "This world needs development!"

"Tradition is more needed!" Cessarian shouted to his daughter.

Yang Rui said: "I don't want to get involved in the quarrel between your father and daughter, so let me tell you about the new things that happened."

Cesarian said to Yang Rui: "My master, I don't know if you have noticed that this world is quietly undergoing some kind of change!"

"What change is that?"

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