Planet Rebirth

Chapter 75 I am the True God

A Sumerian patrol is chasing two Canaanite warriors, one of whom has lost an arm, bleeding from the wound, while his countrymen support him thinking of Fangorn Forest run away.

And behind them, the Sumerian patrol team chased after them, and finally surrounded the two Canaanite warriors in front of the cabin.

The wounded Canaanite warrior knelt weakly on the ground, while his companions were glaring at the Sumerians, holding their weapons tightly, saying, "This is our territory! You have no right to enter!"

The leader among the Sumerians was a middle-aged mage who rode on a horned dragon and pointed his staff at two Canaanite warriors, saying, "Fangorn Forest will soon become our territory, and you low creatures will be destroyed." eradicate!"

The Canaanite warrior said, "We are all God's people, why are you doing this to us?"

The mage roared: "God is on our side, Moli and his descendants are the gods of our Sumerians! He is the one who protects us and will never show mercy to you poor reptiles."

After speaking, he aimed his staff at the injured Canaanite warrior, a fireball shot out from the staff, hit the Canaanite warrior, and left to burn, the warrior was silent, waiting for death in the flames coming.And his fellow countrymen desperately tried to extinguish the flames in him.

And another fireball roared, surrounding the two Canaanite warriors, and the Sumerians laughed loudly watching this tragic scene.

Seeing this scene, Yang Rui asked Helen: "Why did they do this? Is the heart of these Sumerians all black?"

Helen sighed and said, "Forget it, those are just Canaanites."

At this moment, the fire suddenly went out, and the Sumerians were very surprised. They suddenly saw Yang Rui coming out of the cabin and asked, "What are you doing?"

The sorcerer shouted to Yang Rui: "This is none of your business, we are following orders!"

"Follow whose orders?"

"Command from the leader Molly! Kill all the Canaanites!"

Yang Rui walked up to the two Canaanites calmly, watched them dying, and put his hands on their bodies. All the people present witnessed a miracle.

The Canaanite who lost his arm grew a healthy and strong arm from his wound, and the burns on the two Canaanites disappeared.

Yang Rui said to them, "Go, hurry back to the temple."

The Canaanite asked, "Who are you? Thank you for saving us."

Yang Rui said: "It doesn't matter who I am, I just tell you, the next time you face such injustice, you must fight back!"

The group of Sumerians saw that Yang Rui not only restored the two Canaanites, but also let them go.The sorcerer became angry and shouted at Yang Rui: "Hold your name, God will punish your crimes."

Yang Rui smiled slightly and said: "I once told your god to treat the creatures in this world kindly. If he really has to sit down, I would rather he be this god. But he disappointed me! Therefore, your god You will be punished!"

"How dare you blaspheme the gods like this!" The mage ordered his warriors to surround Yang Rui and said, "Rebel! I will let you die right now."

Yang Rui said: "Your heart has been corrupted and filthy. Therefore, people like you must be cut off."

As soon as the words fell, the mage seemed to be hit by an invisible big hand and fell under the horned dragon. Seeing Yang Rui's sharp gaze, the horned dragon fled into the woods in fright.

The sorcerer picked up the staff that was thrown on the ground and recited spells at Yang Rui, a flame went straight to Yang Rui, but the flame was extinguished when it reached Yang Rui, and turned into a wisp of green smoke.

"Kill him!" the mage ordered his warriors.

The Sumerian warriors swarmed up with weapons in their hands, but after a flash of white light, all the weapons in their hands turned into liquid. These warriors were shocked by this divine power and retreated, and no one dared to take a step forward.

Yang Rui said to the warriors, "If your hearts are as evil as his, go ahead. But you will also suffer my punishment."

After finishing speaking, Yang Rui walked up to the fallen sorcerer, kicked his head lightly with his feet, the sorcerer's head burst immediately, and the brains mixed with blood splashed everywhere. After the body convulsed for a while, he No longer alive.

These Sumerian warriors were shocked by this scene, and after a moment of stupefaction, they all ran away in fright.

Helen walked out of the cabin, looked at Yang Rui and asked, "Who are you?"

Yang Rui said: "Helen, you are a smart and promising magician, but what you need more now is a righteous heart."

"We will have an appointment later."

After speaking, Yang Rui flew into the sky and went straight to Gomorrah.

Up the mountain in Olympia, the palace is heavily guarded and there are guards everywhere, but none of them dare to block Yang Rui's footsteps, and they are all shocked by the divine brilliance shrouded in him.

In Moli's bedroom, on the big bed, Moli was lingering with several female Sumerians, without even noticing that Yang Rui had arrived in front of him.

"Why did you go to war against the Canaanites?" Yang Rui asked suddenly while standing in front of the window.

Mo Li was taken aback by the sudden voice, and when his originally angry eyes fell on Yang Rui, they immediately turned into fear and anxiety.

Regardless of his nakedness, he jumped out of bed and said, "Welcome, my master!"

"Answer my question!" Yang Rui raised his voice, and his tone became more severe.

Moli looked up at the majestic Yang Rui, and said cautiously: "The Canaanites invaded my, oh, not the Sumerian territory, so..."

A whip appeared in Yang Rui's hand, and it slapped Mo Li's face fiercely, scaring the female Su Meiren on the bed to scream.

Yang Rui pointed at Moli with a whip, and said in a low voice, "Kneel down!"

Mo Li didn't dare to resist Yang Rui's order, and knelt naked in front of him.

"Lower it!" Yang Rui continued to give orders.

Molly's whole body was almost prostrate on the ground, like an ugly frog.

Yang Rui said to Moli in a majestic tone: "Don't try to deceive me with lies, you can see through your heart! I am the only true god in this world, the creator who protects you. You, Moli, the leader of the Sumerians, unexpectedly When I was away, I did unrighteousness in the name of God, and I even put my title on the name of God!"

Molly pleaded: "Please forgive my crime!"

Yang Rui said: "Your crime cannot be forgiven, and your punishment must be carried out!"

"Are you going to end my life?" Molly looked terrified.

Yang Rui said coldly: "My punishment for you will be more painful than letting you die."

The Holy Palace of Magic in Gomorrah is one of the most magnificent buildings in the city, and the owner here is Morley's daughter Siteth, the world's first magician.

That night, she sat alone in the library and flipped through the ancient parchments. These classic magic documents were all from the seraphim Remiller.The growth of Cites is entirely dependent on the teachings of this magical wise man.

Yang Rui appeared behind Sitais, and he said sternly: "I give you the power of magic, is it just to let you prolong your life and keep your youth forever!"

Sitais turned his head suddenly, saw Yang Rui's majestic and inviolable face, fell to his knees in fright and said, "My master, please calm down."

Yang Rui said: "You have violated my wishes, especially your father, he will be punished. And you, Sitaisi, you have disappointed me. When I returned to this world, I didn't see Seeing that magic is helping the creatures of this world to develop better, but seeing magic being used for killing!"

Cites said: "My lord, please forgive my crimes, and I will do everything to forgive my sins."

Yang Rui came to Sites, raised her pretty chin gently with his hand, looked into those beautiful eyes and said, "You are too obsessed with magic. You ignore what happened in the outside world! Su Meiren fell into a kind of restlessness Didn't you notice it?"

Cites shook his head and said, "It's been so many years, I haven't left here. I study magic seriously every day, and I never think about what's happening outside."

Yang Rui said: "I need you to do something to forgive your crime. Otherwise, you will be punished like your father!"

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