() Yang Rui came to the light, and found that the light came from a huge crack, before he could react, a huge siphon force sucked him in.

The surroundings were filled with dazzling light, countless bubbles surrounded him, and water droplets flew around him, smiling happily.

Yang Rui asked, "What happened?"

Shuizhu replied: "I don't know either, it's pretty fun anyway."

Before she could finish her words, Yang Rui felt his body sank and felt that he was falling down quickly. It felt like committing suicide by jumping off a building, which made him nervous all of a sudden.

Hundreds of millions of tons of seawater rushed out from the bottom of the crack, flowing down hundreds of kilometers like a waterfall.Yang Rui, who turned into a water drop, was also among them.

It wasn't until he fell to the bottom that he rolled with the current for a while before reaching the surface of the water.He saw himself in that vast space between the crust and the core.He has never been able to figure out what this place is.

The knowledge he learned told himself that there should be a mantle about 6000 kilometers thick between the crust and the core, filled with this hot magma, it should be a scene like hell.

But the fact is that this place is peaceful and peaceful, no matter where he floats, the light of the earth's core always shines on everything in the center of this world.

It seems that the glowing and hot core is the sun inside the planet, she is gentle and soothing, not tyrannical.It also makes it a paradise-like beauty.

Yang Rui is surrounded by blue sea water, sparkling and the temperature is right.Just when he was stupefied by the scene in front of him, the water drop jumped up in front of him and said, "I can't imagine that there is such a beautiful place on this planet."

Yang Rui replied uncertainly: "This place is indeed beautiful and mysterious. I still have no idea what happened here."

Shuizhu asked: "What? This is a part of your body, you don't know what happened?"

Yang Rui was a little embarrassed: "This planet has too many secrets waiting for me to discover, maybe this is just one of them."

At this moment, the water flow suddenly became rapid, and the huge suction force drove all the sea water in one direction.Yang Rui felt a little uneasy, he jumped out of the water, regained his transparent form, and flew over at high speed to check what happened.

The water drop asked on the water: "What happened in front?"

Yang Rui replied: "There is a huge vortex ahead, I don't know where it is!"

Water Drop asked with some concern, "Will I be sucked away? Send me somewhere else?"

"Try not to get close to that vortex, wait for me to go down and have a look." After speaking, Yang Rui plunged into the huge vortex.

The terrifying power formed by the vortex almost made Yang Rui feel a little overwhelmed, but he quickly overcame his inner fear.He kept telling himself that this planet was his body, don't be afraid, rush over to see what happened.

At the bottom of the vortex is a huge black hole, somewhat like the one that once devoured itself.He hesitated for a moment, but went in anyway.

Drilling into that black hole, I found that there are countless luminous objects floating in front of my eyes. They have different shapes and are full of spirituality.

At the same time, Yang Rui also found that he had escaped from the water package, as if he had entered another dimension.

At this time, the voice appeared again, and it said, "You have finally found this place."

Yang Rui asked: "Where is this? Why have I never been here?"

"This is the deepest part of the planet and the source of all your strength. Of course you have never been here. Every time you are dormant, you are always attached to her shell, and you have never entered."

"You mean this is the inside of the earth's core?" Yang Rui wandered around, feeling novel about everything that happened here: "If I publish everything here, I will be the next Nobel Prize winner in science."

The voice continued, "Follow me, my boy."

Yang Rui followed the voice and continued walking towards the deepest part of this space.

Gradually, the light in front of him became more dazzling, almost making Yang Rui dare not look directly at it.He tried his best to make himself see everything around him clearly, and right in front of him, two huge columns full of mystery stood in front of him in an intertwined manner, exuding infinite power.

Yang Rui felt that the closer he was to the cylinder, the more powerful he felt.

"What is this?" he asked.

"This is the root of your strength and the source of life on this planet."

"Can I control her?"

It said: "Of course, but you have to be careful, her power may be beyond your estimation. You have to treat her kindly, and treat this planet kindly."

Yang Rui asked: "Can you tell me if this is the earth?"

It says: "Yes is yes, no is no."

"Aren't you talking nonsense!" Yang Rui was a little angry

It smiled: "My child, everything depends on your choice. This can be the earth, but you can also transform it into other appearances. It will take time."

Yang Rui asked again: "You turned me into this planet?"

It said: "Of course not me, the choice of the universe."

Yang Rui felt a little discouraged, which was beyond his comprehension.At this moment, he felt that the strength in his whole body was increasing, making him energetic.

Yang Rui turned his head and flew towards the place he entered just now. It asked, "What? You want to go?"

Yang Rui replied without looking back: "I don't want to talk nonsense with you anymore, I have a lot to do now."

It smiled and said, "Then I wish you luck."

Yang Rui went straight up the bottom of the vortex and returned to the surface of the water.Shuizhu had been waiting anxiously, seeing Yang Rui returning, he asked, "What's down here?"

Yang Rui jumped up from the water and said, "That's my nest."

"Nest?" Shuizhu felt a little strange.

Yang Rui smiled and said, "Don't ask any more questions, I'll take you back to the ground."

"But how do we get back?"

"Let me try it."

Yang Rui tried his best to fly to the top of this huge space, above which was a layer of fluffy halo like a protective film surrounding this mysterious space.

Outside the halo is the cooled magma, which has turned into hard rock at this time.Yang Rui rushed upwards, smashing the rock in front of him like an extremely powerful drill bit, digging a huge passage leading to the ground.

While watching countless rock fragments fall down, the water drop yelled, "What are you doing?"

Yang Rui didn't answer, and continued to use his strength to rush to the ground.

Finally, the ground was drilled through, revealing a huge hole in the bottom of the sea.Countless seawater flowed down that channel unstoppably in an instant.

Another spectacular waterfall was formed, and Yang Rui returned to Shuizhu. Shuizhu looked at the huge waterfall above and said, "Do you want to keep all the water on it?"

"Look again!" Yang Rui concentrated his mind on the waterfall, and then a change appeared. The seawater that was sloping down seemed to be injected with some kind of force, and instead of sloping down, it began to flow back upwards, forming a stream. Magnificent spectacle.

The seawater at the bottom of this space is also poured back to the surface along this water flow.The water drops were also among them, and she shouted excitedly: "Master, you are so great."

Yang Rui laughed loudly: "This is very unscientific, but I did it!"

He and Shuizhu returned to the ocean, and Yang Rui said to her: "I have to go back to the ground to check, I feel something is wrong?"

Shui Zhu asked, "What happened."

Yang Rui rushed forward: "You'll know when you go!"

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