Planet Rebirth

Chapter 86 Battle Dance

This is a huge mollusk, the hard horny flesh armor makes it look extremely ferocious, he opened his huge mouth, and swallowed the dozen or so Phoenix warriors in front of him in one gulp.He twisted his body and beat the Canaanites around, killing a large number of them in an instant.

The phoenix warriors were not intimidated by the huge monster in front of them, they stepped back slightly to stabilize their position, and then amidst the sound of the monks chanting, they spread their wings and charged straight up, each fearless body without any fear. He hesitated and slammed into the huge body.Cut it apart bit by bit with the weapon in your hand.

The monster howled piercingly in pain, it ran around crazily, crushing the Phoenix Warrior and its own kind with its body.

However, the Phoenix Warriors didn't think about casualties, their belief was extremely firm, and they looked for an opportunity to subdue that bug little by little in this chaos.

This huge worm was covered in waves of phoenix warriors, its body was gradually cut into pieces by countless sharp weapons, green juice and dirty viscera were splashed in all directions, until it crashed to the ground, covered in blood. It kept trembling, but the Canaanites still didn't let it go until it stopped moving.

More giant bugs broke out from the ground, howled and charged towards the Phoenix Warriors' line. The Canaanites did not think of heavy assault weapons like Aigner. They sneered at these, and only themselves were in their thoughts Your body is your most powerful weapon.

At this time, the monks also joined the battle. They flew away, gathered all the power of faith together, formed a hot and white light, and then shot at the giants.Under the impact of the white light, these huge bugs fell apart.

These huge bugs didn't stop the Phoenix Warriors from moving forward, they eradicated the spore structures around the black land one by one, making these ugly reptiles think about retreating inside.

However, the battle did not end. After a black wind swept across the land, more reptiles, to be precise, countless various dinosaurs in this world, all of them were infected by some kind of substance or said to be been mutated.Stretching their huge mutated bodies, they howled loudly, emitting a stench from their bodies as they rushed towards the team of Phoenix warriors.

In this crazily charging team, Yang Rui saw quite a few humanoid creatures. After careful observation, he found that these humanoid creatures were all Sumerians. Incomparable.

However, the frightening thing is that they still have wisdom. Among these humanoid creatures, some raised their staffs high and chanted spells. The earth collapsed instantly, and the flames shot up to the sky. The flames suddenly exploded among the Phoenix warriors, forming a large sea of ​​flames.Countless warriors were instantly burned to ashes by the magic flames.

After seeing this scene, Xerath shouted: "Brave Canaanites, hold your formation! Don't be overwhelmed by the evil power of the enemy! God is with you!"

After hearing the leader's shout, the Phoenix warrior regained his composure from the temporary defeat. Surrounded by the Phoenix warriors, the monk also chanted hymns, concentrated his power of faith again, and shot at the enemy formation .

The tide of reptiles was stunned by the light of the power of faith, and they suffered heavy casualties, but driven by those humanoid mages, they continued to charge the Canaanite line.

Xerath saw that the number of these monsters was far higher than that of the Phoenix warriors, and the initial impact of his men was also offset by this huge base. Coupled with the obstruction of the humanoid mages, the attack dropped sharply.

In order to break the deadlock, Xerath ordered all the Phoenix warriors to retreat, leave the battlefield to rest, and then shouted: "Austin, it's time for you to step out."

Before he finished speaking, a group of warriors walked out from the Canaanite army behind Xerath.They look more majestic than the Phoenix Warriors. The horny armor on their bodies has more sharp thorns, and they exude a compelling black color. They have no wings, but they have stronger limbs, and the weapons in their hands are even bigger.

These are the dead warriors newly evolved by the Canaanites. As the most staunch supporters of spiritual beliefs, these dead warriors are more aggressive than monks, and from their names, it can be known that when these people step onto the battlefield I never wanted to come back alive.

Austin was the leader of these dead men, and he shouted in the oldest language of the Canaanites: "gobadai!"

"Ho!" The dead soldiers responded in unison.

This sound is enough to shake the world.

At this time, the reptile army in the black earth was also taking a brief rest. They crowded together in a disorderly manner, watching such a large army appear in front of the Canaanite line. Under the control of the humanoid mage, they seemed a little cautious , and did not easily attack again.

"Gobadai!" Austin shouted again.

"Ho!" There was another wave of shouting.

Austin stood at the forefront of the front and shouted hoarsely: "aqikukosiqoaolusaximu!"

"Obadai! ho!! aqikukosiqoaolusaximu! wow! gobadai! ho!! wokuxiyigobadai! ho!"

So the dead man's legs were slightly bent, he was riding a horse and squatting in the crotch position, his huge eyes were wide open, and he began to show the reptiles the battle dance of the Canaanan dead man before he charged!

They yelled with the rhythm, and slapped their limbs and broad chests neatly with their hands. The sound made the world change color, and the river flowed backwards!

The power of spiritual belief was ignited by the exaltation of the war dance, and a huge energy field was formed above the Canaanite phalanx, and this energy field had gathered to the extreme.

At this moment, Austin shouted: "God is with us! Charge!"

In a blink of an eye, the Canaanite warrior roared again, and with the lingering sound of the war dance, launched a desperate charge against the black land that made up for the reptiles.

The defense line of the reptiles was crushed in an instant, and these magic-driven animals couldn't compete with these dead warriors with absolute faith.

After the Canaanites broke the enemy's line of defense, they began a massacre. Facing the huge monster, a dozen or even hundreds of Canaanites gathered tightly together, forming a huge spherical shock wave and crashing into it. Those big reptiles smashed them to pieces, and at the same time they themselves died in the collision.

The humanoid mage saw that the situation was deteriorating rapidly, which was not good for him, and the Canaanites gradually invaded the core area.

These mages summoned the fire again in an attempt to burn the dead, just when the wall of fire was just formed and was ready to burn towards the Canaanites.

Suddenly, these mages found that they had lost control of the firewall.Turning to attack the front of the reptile army.In this wall of fire, Flame Lord Albert showed his figure, driving fierce flames to burn at the enemy.

At this moment, in the core area of ​​the black land, huge figures reappeared, and those were the giant reptiles that fought against the Aigner mecha last time.

They drilled out of the ground, howling, waving their tentacles, and rushed towards the dead Canaanites recklessly, but the fire in front of them couldn't stop their footsteps.

Albert continued to summon fireballs to fall from the sky and hit the reptile team, but these big guys had already charged up and entered the line of the Canaanites.

Seeing this situation, Yang Rui quickly stretched his arms forward and said calmly, "Go."

At the same time, he opened his palms, and a white light instantly diffused around. In this white light, countless angels rushed out with weapons in their hands, and ran towards those huge monsters.

Angels have the power of gods. In their eyes, these monsters are nothing more than bigger, but compared to the battleships of the Erin people, they are still pocket-sized.

Therefore, the angel group rushed in and defeated the resistance of the reptiles in an instant, and they began to retreat underground one after another, blocking the chasing Canaanites with their continuous gush of green juice.

Seeing this, Yang Rui somewhat understood these creatures that appeared suddenly.Although their technology is not as overwhelming as that of the Erin people, but in terms of numbers and this unique way of parasitic aggression, it can be regarded as a difficult problem in front of them.

Thinking of this, Yang Rui didn't want to watch it any more. He told an angel waiting beside him, "Tell Xerath that they can withdraw their troops."

After he finished speaking, he turned around and was about to turn around to leave, when an angry voice exploded in the air: "You can't beat me! This is just the beginning!"

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