Yang Rui saw countless Aigner's spaceships flying overhead. The big baby had already opened the hatch and released the apostle mechas. These 15-meter-high mechas landed and immediately went into battle.

Yang Rui said with a smile: "It seems that this time it caused quite a commotion."

Elus said: "Gomorrah was destroyed by magic, and we received accurate information that there is trouble here."

Yang Rui asked: "Where are you? You are not on the Shining attack plane."

"Behind you, my master." Elus replied.

Yang Rui turned around and saw that there was also dust on the horizon behind him, and Aigner's marine troops had also arrived. Surrounded by land vehicles, dozens of huge combat platforms looked extraordinarily tall, and every detail of them Armed up, he launched the strongest blow in the face of the tide of undead.

After Aigner approached the battlefield, those combat platforms suddenly moved, and in a burst of trembling, they all neatly turned into huge humanoid mechs, firing at the army of undead with the cannon on their arms.

Elus was driving one of the most conspicuous red mechs, and she said to all Aigners through the intercom: "Okay, brave warriors, magic is powerful, but let them taste the power of technology!"

As tall as a mountain, the huge monster mech rushed into the undead army and dispersed the army of demons.These skin-and-flesh creatures are simply unable to fight against such high-tech products. In front of huge feet, iron fists, and even giant cannons, all resistance and attacks are futile.

The violent ground-air blow made the undead army summoned by Sitais lose their attack power immediately, and these rotting wreckage were wiped out in the rolling heat wave amidst the continuous explosions.

Cites angrily used his power to destroy the rushing apostle mechs, but dark magic such as enslavement and bewitchment could not be performed on these metal monsters.

After rectifying the collapsed undead army and launching the second charge, she began to look for Yang Rui, trying to vent her anger on him.

Yang Rui was standing on a boulder, surrounded by holy white light, exuding a soft and irresistible light, countless angels came to his side, surrounded him tightly, and at the same time protected him tightly.

Sitais flew up and flew towards Yang Rui who was surrounded by angels, and she urged her divine power to knock out all the angels who rushed up.

And poured all the power into the palm of his hand, and then punched out the magic power towards Yang Rui.

Yang Rui knew that if he avoided it, all the Aigners around him would die, so he chose to face this powerful magic power.With one hand, he caught the beam shot by Cites.

He said calmly: "Sites, you do possess great power, but you will never become a god!"

"Shut up!" Cites yelled, and then frantically concentrated his anger into force and hit Yang Rui.

Yang Rui felt extremely tired and weak, but he endured it with his body in order to protect Aigner around him.

At this moment, Sites hurriedly had a gust of wind blowing around her, and she felt a huge black shadow hit her.He turned his head and saw a red monster mecha wielding a huge metal sword and slashing at her.

She had no choice but to accept the spell and hide aside.

It was Elus who attacked her. Seeing Yang Rui's predicament today, Elus asked, "My master, what's wrong with you?"

Yang Rui weakly knelt on the ground with one leg and said, "Someone is stealing my power, but I can't find it!"

Elus asked: "This it, what is it?"

Yang Rui said: "It is a conscious body like me, and it is very cunning! I can't find it now!"

Elus manipulated the mecha to step towards Sitais, and the female mage dexterously hid aside, and then the mecha slammed into the ground again, forcing Sitais far away again.

Elus said, "I'll find it for you."

After finishing speaking, Elus connected to Ishtar and said, "Start a global search immediately!"

Ishtar asked in the command center, "What happened?"

Elus said: "I need to find a strong consciousness."

Ishta replied: "The consciousness is by your side, where the god is!"

Elus said angrily: "There is still a powerful consciousness on this planet, find it immediately!"

Just as he was speaking, the magic attack launched by Cites hit the left shoulder of the Elus mecha. After a huge explosion, the left arm of the mecha was severely damaged.

Gritting her teeth angrily, Elus locked the position of Sites, bombarded the target again with the giant cannon on her right arm, and pulled out the metal sword behind her back, flew forward and chopped down, almost cutting the earth in half.

"Find it quickly!" Elus yelled.

Ishta replied: "Understood, wait a moment, release the detector immediately."

Immediately, countless probes took off from the continent of Atlantis and flew to every corner of the world at an extremely fast speed, searching every piece of land carefully.

Ishtar sat in the command center and closely monitored the images and data sent back by the biological illusion system, but apart from the vast land, ocean and countless creatures, no conscious body was found.

When a detector passed the magic curtain wall built by Yang Rui before, Ishta found a terrible picture, and he hurriedly said to Elus: "Emergency, the magic curtain wall has lost its function, and the black land is extending outward. Those reptiles will be back soon!"

Elus continued to tremble with Cites, and she shouted: "Aigner is fully dispatched, ready to fight!"

After finishing speaking, she told Yang Rui about it.

Yang Rui summoned the angel and said, "Call the Canaanites and Sumerians to join the battle!"

The probe continued to search the land and ocean, but still did not find the existence of that conscious body.

Ishtar sent out more probes, even the deep seabed was not spared, but there was no result he wanted.

Ishta said to Elus: "So far, I haven't found the consciousness you mentioned!"

Elus asked: "Are you sure you have searched every corner of the planet?"

Ishta said: "I even didn't spare the cabin where your father lived, but I still haven't found any trace of the conscious body."

Elus saw that Yang Rui had sat down weakly on the stone, and the angels beside him were protecting him with all their might from the army of undead and Sites, her heart was as if a raging fire was on fire.

At this time, the horn sounded in the sky, and the Canaanite army joined the Sumerian army led by Rhea, marched towards this side, and soon joined the battle.

Rhea, dressed in bright armor, rode a dragon with a sharp ax in his hand, and shouted: "Give me Sites! I will avenge Ilber!"

Cites heard her sister's roar, and she said, "Irbe deserves it!"

Seeing her sister, Rhea's eyes were filled with tears of resentment, and she raised her sharp ax to strike Sitsi.It was powerful enough to shake the earth.

Cites dodged Rhea's onslaught, and said in his mouth: "Put down your weapon, you are not my opponent! God has been defeated by me, what else can you do!"

Rhea yelled, "All I can do is avenge Irbe!"

Sites saw that Rhea was attacking her very violently, but she still found that Rhea's movements were very awkward, she looked a little clumsy, and her slightly protruding belly hindered her flexible movements.

"Are you pregnant?" Cites exclaimed.

Rhea roared: "You let this child be born without a father!"

Cites said coldly: "Then I'll let you and your child go to see Irber together."

After speaking, Cites flashed far away and began to chant spells, and the summoned magical power was ready to hit Rhea.

At this moment, Elus rushed over with the mecha, and slashed at Sitais with a sword.

Facing the huge metal sword, Sites had to stop singing and hide aside.

Elus protected Rhea behind her and said: "Dear Rhea, please stay away from here, the child has no father, and can no longer be without a mother."

After speaking, Elus greeted the apostle mecha and sent Rhea to the rear of the line.

Elus yelled at the communicator: "Have you not found it yet?"

Ishta replied helplessly: "I've searched for everything, but still nothing!"

Suddenly, Elus seemed to be awakened by some kind of force. She turned her head and looked towards the west, where there seemed to be a faint black mist surrounding her.

Elus said with certainty: "I know where it is!"

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