040 The Nanyouxuan banquet hall was a little noisy, as if some important person had come.

Zhuang Nuanchen, who was about to pick up some fruits, glanced subconsciously, but was slightly surprised that Mr. Nan also came. Dare love this banquet is really not easy.

Old Nan, an old man she has only seen in financial magazines, this Chinese entrepreneur who acquired her communication company and successfully entered the Chinese market. I heard that when the Dema Group acquired Dema Communications, this old man made a special trip to She went back to China for inspection, but she hadn't joined the company at that time, so she didn't get to see him in style. She didn't expect to meet him here today.

Mr. Nan is hale and hearty, his gray hair is full of kindness, and his body is straight when he walks, which shows the spirit of an entrepreneur who refuses to admit defeat. No wonder people in the industry also call him "Mr. Nan", presumably out of respect for him. respect.

From the entrance to the banquet hall, many people came forward to greet him, but he just nodded with a smile, but in the end he deliberately walked towards Jiang Moyuan.Zhuang Nuanchen looked at this scene curiously, and felt that the back of the woman standing next to Mr. Nan was very familiar, but couldn't remember it for a while.Holding the fruit plate as close as possible to them, it wasn't that she wanted to eavesdrop on what they were talking about, but she simply wanted to get close to her idol—Nan Lao.

The group's biggest boss is right in front of her eyes, how could she not be excited?

The two chatted softly and laughed loudly. She couldn't understand what they were talking about, but she vaguely heard Nan Lao asking Jiang Moyuan, "Xiao Jiang, do you plan to come and help me?"

Typical poaching, I didn't expect entrepreneurs like Nan Lao to use this trick.Zhuang Nuanchen snickered, and looked back, she was standing at this angle just enough to see Jiang Moyuan's expression, even though Nan Lao had his back to her, he must be smiling.

Seeing that there was no look of flattery in Jiang Moyuan's eyes, she smiled politely, "Don't make fun of me, Mr. Nan, you have a lot of talents under your command, how dare I make a fool of yourself in front of Mr. Nan?"

Old Nan shook his head, his tone slightly regretful, "I really don't know what benefits Biaowei has given you?"

Jiang Moyuan said lightly, "The favors owed to others must always be repaid. Mr. Nan always knows me, and I have never liked to owe favors."

After hearing this, Elder Nan smiled, stretched out his hand and patted him on the shoulder, his voice sounded both helpless and admiring, "You, you are exactly like your father, but compared to your father, you Jiang Moyuan It’s even more blue than blue.”

"Mr. Nan is overrated."

Zhuang Nuanchen was secretly surprised. From the conversation, it is not difficult to see that the two are very friendly, and it can be seen that Mr. Nan cherishes Jiang Moyuan, but what kind of favor does this Jiang Moyuan owe?She couldn't figure it out, but the polite words in the mall just sounded good, who can tell clearly which is true and which is false?

Just as she was about to leave, she heard the woman next to Nan Lao speak again, her voice was sweet and melodious, like spring water splashing her heart, "Jiang Moyuan, your airs are always high, my father has invited you several times but refused, it's really a shame. "It's not difficult to hear the coquettishness and initiative in front of the man he likes in the laughter.

this sound...

Zhuang Nuanchen's ears sounded more familiar, her brain searched quickly in her memory, her eyebrows were tightened.

Jiang Moyuan who was not far away just smiled lightly, did not make any gesture reply, but said politely, "Excuse me, I have something else to do, excuse me." After finishing speaking, he turned to look at Zhuang Nuanchen He called out in a low voice, "Nuan Nuan—"

Zhuang Nuanchen didn't react for a while, seeing him staring at her for a moment, it suddenly dawned on her, Nuan Nuan?This nickname is too ambiguous... I think I used her as a shield this time.Putting down the fruit plate and putting on his usual smile, he stepped forward, he stretched out his hand, she stepped forward, and he took her into his arms, his movements were intimate and natural.

"Zhuang Nuanchen? How could it be you?" The woman's beautiful bright eyes were first jealous and then surprised, pointing at her nestled in Jiang Moyuan's arms, with an expression of disbelief.

Zhuang Nuanchen was taken aback for a moment, she didn't expect that someone would directly call out her name, and her eyes fell on the woman's face and turned into shock!

Nan Youxuan!

How could it be her?

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