summer market

005 corpse and blood

Last time, Gu Zhenting asked Liu Wensheng about the Monster Suppression Bureau.

"The Bureau of Demon Suppression, of course it is used to suppress demons." Liu Wensheng stood up, shook the clothes on his body, and said, "You can call me Lao Liu, sir. Don't dare to be that."

He pondered for a moment, frowned and continued, "The Zhenyao Bureau is precisely called the Tianshu Town Demon Fengshui Bureau. This Fengshui Bureau is specially designed to restrain evil spirits and monsters. I have seen vague introductions in the article, but I didn’t go into details. The fragment said that this Fengshui bureau was created by the Fuxi clan. Later, when the Yellow Emperor defeated Chiyou, he used this geomantic array to suppress Chiyou’s evil spirits, so as to prevent his evil spirits from escaping. Come out and endanger the common people. It has been a long time, and it is difficult to investigate whether this is a fact or whether the author intentionally fabricated it." After Liu Wensheng finished speaking, his brows gradually relaxed.

Gu Zhenting nodded. This kind of ancient legends is inherently mysterious, and most of the books of Qingwu Kanyu and fortune telling are written by later generations in the name of the predecessors. If you really believe it, it is It's going to be a wrong year.Gu Zhenting signaled Liu Wensheng to continue talking.

"The Yaofeng Shui Bureau of Tianshu Town is ingeniously arranged according to the trend of the Big Dipper in the sky throughout the year. From Tianshu to Tianxuan, Tianji, Tianquan, Tianheng, Kaiyang, and Yaoguang, the seven stars are in the four seasons. Of the seven tombs on the ground, at least four of the tombs can be far away from each other, so that they can play their unique role. Therefore, choosing a site is the first problem. In addition to meeting the conditions just mentioned, it must be a piece of extremely sunny soil The remnants say: the soil of the extreme sun is sparse but not greasy, and moist but not wet. In addition, six people born at the time of extreme sun must be used for burial, so as to stimulate the power of the Big Dipper and achieve suppression The role of evil spirits, and before a person is buried, he must cut his throat and let blood in one place, and he cannot bring blood into the tomb, otherwise it is taboo. In the past few days, I have visited the tombs No. 1 to 6 during the day and observed the Big Dipper at night I found that this statement is very consistent, so it can almost be concluded that this is the Tianshu Town Demon Fengshui Bureau. "

Liu Wensheng coughed, and then said, "This feng shui bureau is really amazing. If you don't have the ability to learn about heaven and man, even if you know the method, it is absolutely difficult to use it. All kinds of taboos are beyond our thinking. Beidou The implication is the car of the emperor of heaven, and the meaning is extraordinary. The ancients spent countless efforts to create such a feng shui situation. There must be extraordinary things happening. Therefore, there must be extremely evil things hidden in the No. 7 pit at the position of Tianshu. Things." After Liu Wensheng finished speaking, his brows were furrowed again, apparently thinking about what was hidden in Pit No. 7.

Gu Zhenting took another deep breath. Over the years, he thought that he had achieved quite a lot in the field of archaeology, and he also had a lot of insight into traditional geomantic techniques, but what Liu Wensheng said made him feel ashamed.

Wu Haode, who was always by the side, couldn't help asking, "What kind of evil thing? There is nothing special about the batch of bronzes unearthed today."

Gu Zhenting shook his head and asked, "Xiao Wu, does this batch of bronze wares look like something in the cultural system of the Yin and Shang civilization at that time?"

"It's not like, it's of the same origin as the one found at Sanxingdui in Bashu." Wu Haode said without thinking.

"Then, do you think it's a strange phenomenon that an apple grows on a peach tree?" Gu Zhenting said with a wry smile.This student is so naive!

"Of course..." Wu Haode's face suddenly changed, "Professor, you mean, those bronze vessels are this evil thing?"

"It can't be those bronze wares," Liu Wensheng suddenly thought of something, and then said, "Bronze was also used to suppress evil in ancient times." Liu Wensheng continued, "I'm afraid this pool of things has a great connection with cinnabar. There are many meanings of demons." Species, mostly refers to unknown things, mostly refers to living beings." Liu Wensheng's expression was a little strange. "Cinnabar?" In Gu Zhenting's heart, he never wavered from the idea that this is Weeping Blood Spring.But Gu Zhenting is not sure what the so-called Weeping Blood Spring refers to.The practice of placing cinnabar in tombs was very common in the ancients. Among the jade wares unearthed during the Shang and Zhou dynasties, there is a kind of precious cinnabar qin. Nowadays, people casting ancient jade fakes are often made of this kind of cinnabar qin jade.So Liu Wensheng's words are not without reason.

"It can't be cinnabar!" Standing aside, Zhang Xiao took over the topic. He patiently listened to the conversation between Gu Zhenting and Liu Wensheng, but he sneered at such words. "The specific gravity of cinnabar is almost ten times that of water. Mixing with water will produce a large amount of sediment. Although this pool of liquid looks a little thick and greasy, it is far from the effect of mixing cinnabar with water. If it is cinnabar, this A pool of liquid looks like jelly." Zhang Xiao tried to use popular metaphors to make everyone understand what he said.

Liu Wensheng ignored Zhang Xiao's words, but his expression became even weirder. He sniffled vigorously, "This smell is not right!" He said thoughtfully.Gu Zhenting also noticed that the faint musk in the air had become more and more intense, gradually becoming pungent.Gu Zhenting knew that the main component of cinnabar is mercury sulfide, which has a certain sulfur smell.The smell that permeates the air is indeed not like the smell of sulfur.

Chen Wenming, who had been silent all this time, acted very strangely. When he saw Liu Wensheng coming in, he had a strange expression on his face, as if he didn't want to see this person very much.He covered his nose and slowly approached the pool of blood.As soon as he came in, he was very sensitive to the smell of musk, and he sneezed several times in a short while.

The water level in the blood pool was still rising slowly, so everyone stood at a relatively high place.When Senior Colonel Zhang saw Chen Wenming approaching the blood pool, he was afraid that he might be in danger, so he quickly approached and asked, "Chen Magnet, don't go so close, the water level is still rising." Come on, the relationship is not bad. Seeing Chen Wenming walked to the pool of blood, he hurried over to remind him.

Chen Wenming shook his head at him, signaling that he was fine.He didn't want to speak, and when he spoke, he would inhale more musk smell, who knows whether this thing is poisonous or not.

Gu Zhenting made a signal, and the three scientists who had just been summoned were immediately invited out by A Wei. In the face of this unusual environment, modern science seemed a little weak.Only about 20 A guards under Colonel Zhang, five members of the archaeological team, and a feng shui master Liu Wensheng were left on the scene.

Gu Zhenting knew that Chen Wenming had a subtle feeling for some special things, just like his son Gu Fengchun, who could tell the authenticity of antiques as soon as he touched them.He also remained silent, and walked to Chen Wenming's side to see what Chen Wenming found.

Liu Wensheng also followed closely behind, and Gu Zhenting expressed full trust in his words, which made him feel that Gu Zhenting was different from other people, and he was attracted to him as a bosom friend in his heart.Liu Wensheng has been thinking about the familiar feeling of this smell, but he just can't remember whether he smelled it there or heard it from someone.

Chen Wenming, who had observed for a long time, slowly put down his hand covering his nose, turned his head slowly, his face was extremely ugly, and he said word by word to Gu Zhenting on the right: "Professor, there is something at the bottom of the pit. Well, they are watching us, don't move, if you move, I'm afraid, I'm afraid..." He couldn't continue the last sentence, because he knew that Gu Zhenting knew what it meant.Although his words were very soft, but the tone was drawn out, almost all the people present heard his words.

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