unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 15 The Murder Case Caused by Peeping

Chapter 15 The murder caused by voyeurism

15 Murder caused by peeping

The two lustful demons who hit it off just lay there quietly, waiting for seven or eight hours without seeing the so-called beautiful woman arrive, until Murong was sweating profusely, and rebooting seemed to be With the deep composure of Buddhist practice, he didn't make a fuss at the end of the day.

Until the night fell quietly, Murong Feng couldn't bear it anymore, and said in a deep voice: "Brother Jie Se, where is the beauty you mentioned! Why hasn't she appeared yet! You must not be lying to me, are you?" !"

Suddenly, a powerful aura came from the void, landed firmly on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Brother Murong, here we come, let's slow down our movements as much as possible, otherwise if we are discovered, we will be doomed I'm afraid that even that old bald donkey Kong Ming won't be able to help us."

Murong Feng nodded heavily, and whispered: "Brother Jie Se, who is this! Is it Tianling or Feng Feiyan!"

Jie Se's eyes showed a sultry smile and said: "She is the spirit of the devil, and her strength is already in the late stage of Yuanying, only one level lower than that old bald donkey of Kongming, and she is also one of the top ten sects." The daughter of the head of the Demon Sect! Who knows what secret method of the Demon Dao exists, if she sees us, she will be destroyed.

Murong Feng nodded. The lake in front of him was about 36 meters away, and the woman on the ground was wearing a black dress, but she showed her beautiful figure tightly. Her long black hair was coiled up high, and she looked like a pair of autumn waves. Shui's delicate face is like a work of art from heaven, with a hint of maturity, especially the twin peaks on his chest. Murong Feng roughly estimated that it is at least [-]d.

Seeing this, Murong Feng felt his mouth dry, and he smiled and said: "Fairy-like face, mature charm, she is still a mature woman! That pair of white steamed buns must be at least 36d! Superb! Compared to Fairy Purple Heart Don't be afraid to give in too much! This uncle decided to accept it reluctantly."

Curious about rebooting, he asked Murong Feng what 36d is, what is a mature woman, etc., but Murong Feng directly taught rebooting n the division of beauties on earth, what he heard directly about rebooting is lustful!Two extremely lewd and cheap guys actually analyzed her just a hundred meters away from Tianling.

Tianling, who was not far away, felt a prying eye, but his spiritual sense carefully searched the creatures within a hundred miles, and there was nothing at all. He felt that he might be overwhelmed, so he gently took off his clothes, revealing With their snow-white skin exposed, two thin shoulders slowly appeared in front of their eyes, and the gap between the mountain peaks also faintly appeared...

The corners of the mouths of the two big perverts grunted, hoping in their hearts that Tianling would drag off the clothes on their bodies quickly, but at this moment, Tianling's eyes flashed coldly, and a strong murderous intent appeared, and he shouted at the hiding place of the two: "Who dares to spy on my mother's bath? I won't destroy you two bastards, so how can I gain a foothold in the future."

As soon as the words fell, a black demon energy appeared in the palm of Tian Ling, and it quickly turned into a skull in the air, attacking the bodies of the two people quickly, Murong Feng stood up and pulled Jie Se's shoulders and said : "Brother Se, if we don't leave now, when will we wait? If it falls into the hands of this witch, we will really be doomed."

With a look of regret in Jie Lu's eyes, he said: "Brother Murong, hurry up! I'll stay and resist for a while, but with the strength of the two of us, I can't go at all. If I resist, maybe you can still escape Get out, go quickly."

Murong Feng's expression was firm, and he directly pushed Jie Se out and shouted: "Hurry up, or you will start a war between the Buddha and the devil. I naturally have a unique way to save my life. I just have to refuse to admit my identity. She can't do anything to me, hurry up, brother reboot, you and I hit it off right away, I will treat you to a drink some other day."

Jie Se knew that Murong Feng was thinking of him, clasped his hands together, and said with a solemn look on his face: "Brother Murong, this little monk is one step ahead, this little monk owes you a life, if you die unfortunately, this little monk swears that he will kill Tianling." Death will avenge you, the little monk is leaving first, take care of yourself!"

Jie Se's figure quickly moved towards the outside of the woods, the speed was staggering, at this moment the black skull hit Murong Feng's body firmly, and Murong Feng felt as if his mind had been hit hard, The intense pain caused his body to fly upside down for tens of meters, breaking n big trees, and fell heavily to the ground.

The effect of invisibility was also broken, and Murong Feng didn't even have the strength to move at this time, and with a miserable smile on the corner of his mouth, he secretly said: "F*ck, peeping has brought death! Is this the strength of the Nascent Soul stage? It’s really powerful! It’s not unreasonable for the Demon Dao to be able to stand in the Sky Continent for a million years! Do you think you can really kill me, a stinky woman?”

Thinking of this, Murong Feng yelled with the last of his strength: "Xiaoying, you bitch, hurry up and save me, otherwise, I will die, and I won't have a good life for you."

"Meow!" Xiaoying yelled, and the black shadow appeared directly beside Murong Feng in a flash. The cat claws stretched out twice again, and Murong Feng vomited blood. At this time, the dead cat actually wanted to eat the lamb , nodded heavily and said: "The dead cat repelled this woman for me, I will give you thirty cats."

"Meow..." Xiaoying's eyes burst out with strong complacency, and the wings and horn on his body appeared again, and the violent black light directly hit Tianling who was coming, and Tianling saw a black light, and his figure was like the wind It flashed to the side directly, the speed was as fast as lightning.

At this moment, Xiaoying jumped onto Murong Feng's body, and a burst of black light erupted from the figure again, one person and one beast disappeared in place, Tian Ling looked at everything in front of him in surprise, and quickly reached the place where Murong Feng landed. At the same time, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of his mouth and said: "It's actually a person of the beast cultivator lineage, which is interesting! The whole academy dared to go against my mother, that is, Xuantian of the beast cultivator. My mother will find you now go."

The body soared into the air, and quickly moved towards the beast cultivator's territory. At this time, the bodies of Murong Feng and Xiaoying appeared. When Murong Feng saw Tian Ling's figure disappear, he breathed out a heavy breath, and said, "Dead cat!" You did a good job, I have rewarded you a lot, and it seems that you have to strengthen your strength. If this continues, I will die sooner or later, ****, Xiaoying, what kind of spirit beast are you, I am looking forward to your identity!"

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