Chapter 24 Teasing the Witch

24 teasing witch

Murong Feng felt like throwing up when he heard it, it's a pity that Y just messed with Tianling like this when he gave it to his sister-in-law!Tianling is a witch!These words about rebooting sound extremely shrinking!There is a good show to watch, one person and one cat have sinister smiles in their eyes.

Sure enough, before the words were finished, Tianling's fierce kick landed on Jie Se's stomach, this kick was filled with [-]% of the devilish energy, but Jie Se, a guy who has not even mixed with the golden core, can Can you accept the three successes of a master who lives in the Nascent Soul stage?It flew backwards directly, and spit out blood from the corner of its mouth.

Murong Feng knew it was wrong, Tian Ling, a moody witch, did not have any seriousness in her attacks, originally it was enough to teach this bald head a lesson, but now this is a big game, so she hurriedly ran to the face of the rebooting person and said with concern: "Brother rebooting , how about you, this witch is too heavy."

Tian Ling flicked her long hair lightly and said contemptuously: "Deadly bald, you dare to tease my lady. Today I will make you a eunuch, so that you can know how powerful I am." , walked towards the lower thigh of Jie Lun extremely quickly, Murong Feng saw that it was not bad, this witch is really too poisonous.

He directly threw Xiaoying who was next to him out, and said: "Xiaoying, block it quickly, otherwise I will let you become a eunuch first."

"Meow!" Reluctantly, Xiaoying sent out a black light to block the flying sword back. At this moment, Murong Feng checked the reboot and found that he had only suffered a slight internal injury. Brother, let's see how I can avenge you, this witch didn't teach her a lesson today, I really thought no one could cure her, others are afraid of her Heavenly Demon Sect, but I, Murong Feng, are not afraid."

Tian Ling heard Murong Feng's words clearly, and there was a hint of playfulness on his face, and a hint of magic appeared on his fingertips: "You are Murong Feng, right! Don't think that you saved my life, and this lady will Thank you, let me know how to get out of the way, otherwise, I will kill you all today, and throw you to the back mountain to feed the monsters."

Murong Feng's heart burst into sweat, this witch is really shameless!It seems that you have been trained well, otherwise you may be bullied to death by her in the future, little witch, I will make you a good slave girl, thinking of this, there is a playful smile on the corner of her mouth and said: "Little witch, you You beat my brother and me, I don’t have to care about you, but you want to turn me into a eunuch, you really deserve it, today I will take you, the head of the Demon Sect, to teach you a good lesson.”

When did Tianling hear such arrogant words, he couldn't help trembling with anger, and said in a cold voice: "Stinky boy, I am not going to kill you today, why do I, Tianling, gain a foothold in the academy, the lightning strike." A wrist-thick black The magic thunder descended from the sky, and struck towards Murong Feng's head with the momentum of destroying everything.

Murong Feng was startled, and quickly ran up and shouted: "Little witch, you want to kill your own husband! Everyone, come and see! This witch, Tianling, wants to kill her own husband! This is really unreasonable! ! Fellow cultivators! Hurry up, everyone! Tianling wants to kill her husband!"

Sure enough, Murong Feng's words were filled with real energy, and the voice was like thunder echoing in the sky. Originally, several colleges were not far away, and they were all practitioners. Who could not hear Murong Feng's voice?One after another sword lights appeared quickly, and there was a spirit beast driver behind him. In short, at the moment when Murong Feng's voice fell silent, hundreds of practitioners had already gathered in the sky.

At this time, the black magic thunder was still approaching Murong Feng's body, and Murong Feng revealed a sly smile, and turned to roar in his heart: "Xiaoying, you fucking hurry up, or I will die!" It’s gone! Who will roast the whole lamb for you when I’m dead, and who will find you a beautiful female cat!”

Xiaoying turned into a black light and appeared on Murongfeng's shoulder. At this moment, the black magic thunder directly hit Murongfeng's body, but most of the magic thunder's attack was completely absorbed by Xiaoying. Paralyzed!The clothes on his body were in tatters, his hair turned into a doghouse, and black smoke was emitting from his body.

He simply sat down on the ground with his hands on the ground, and said with a look of grievance to the extreme: "It's unreasonable! It's really unreasonable! Heavenly spirit! You can't just want to kill me just because my level is low. I know you look down on me, if you look down on me, at worst, let’s call off the engagement, but I really like you! You are a genius, I’m a waste, I know I’m not good enough for you! But you can’t obliterate I have a whole heart for you! You are so cruel! You actually want to kill me! Brothers and colleagues! If you make judgments, don’t you deserve to die if you have a low realm?"

When the words are turned over, the words are filled with tears, and the listeners are all filled with emotion!Unexpectedly, cultivators also have such infatuated people. Everyone sympathized with Murong Feng to the extreme, but hated Tianling to the extreme. Thousands of cultivators all had expressions of deep disgust.

"Tianling, your heart is really vicious. This junior just likes you. Is it wrong to like someone? It doesn't matter that you are the little princess of the Demon Sect. He really likes you!"

"Yes! You really deserve to be a witch! You actually want to kill your own husband, such a vicious woman!"


Accusations, comments, wave after wave, almost drowned Tianling, Tianling didn't expect this to be the result, this extremely shameless guy, he dared to say such words, it was the first time he met To those who dare not be afraid of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and dare to say that I am his wife, this guy is really reckless.

But facing so many accusations right now, even Tianling couldn't resist, looking at the sinister smile in Murong Feng's eyes, he was really angry all over the place!He said coldly: "Murong Feng, you wait for me, I won't kill you, I will never give up with you."

After the words fell, he flew up into the sky and was about to leave here, but Murongfeng could let him escape so easily, so he slapped Xiaoying and said: "Fucking Xiaoying, I will imprison her for my uncle. I have to do acting." The whole set, if you want to play, just play bigger, let her know how powerful I am."

"Meow" Xiaoying's body disappeared in place, and appeared in the sky above Tianling in an instant. A black light entered Tianling's body, directly imprisoning his Nascent Soul, and Tianling's body fell to the ground suddenly. , Tianling knew that he was plotted against, but Murong Feng ran over with an incomparable expression, caught her and said loudly: "Dear my wife, don't be afraid, your husband, I'm here to pick you up."

Holding Tianling's body firmly in his arms, feeling the bursts of body fragrance from her body, his heart was full of lust, and he said with an evil smile: "Little witch, you are fighting with me, you are still too far away, Let me let you know how powerful I am today."

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