unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 301 Conquering the Stone

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter [-] Subduing Qianshi

Conquer Thousand Stones

"Boy, who the hell are you? You actually suppressed this demon with scriptures from the Buddhist sect. It is definitely not from the Buddhist sect of the sky. This demon has peeped into your memory. You come from the endless starry sky world. Since you are outside the starry sky My master, it is better to die in your hands than to die in the hands of these despicable and shameless villains, let's do it!" Old Demon Qianshi's voice did not have a trace of begging for mercy, on the contrary, it was unusually calm.

"Old Devil Qianshi, I ask you, do you want to take revenge, do you want to wipe out all the Taoist sects, kill all the men, and capture the women as slaves, do you want to achieve the prestige and prestige of you, the old devil Qianshi, and exist in the mainland openly and honestly? The world respects and worships." Murong Feng's voice was full of endless temptation.

"Think, never think about it, this demon dreams even in his dreams, if you make a promise, this demon is willing to submit to you, even if it is to be your dog." The old devil Qianshi is also an old devil who has lived for thousands of years. Extremely treacherous, he naturally understood Murong Feng's intentions.

"Very good, old devil Qianshi made your oath of inner demon, surrender to this deity, and this deity will fulfill your wish, otherwise this deity will let you die without rebirth." Murong Feng's voice carried an irresistible order.

"My lord, I, Qian Shi, am willing to be a dog of the lord. I dare not have two hearts, otherwise I will die under the demon of my heart, and I will not be reborn forever." At the same time, the old devil Qian Shi made his own oath.

With one wave of Murong Feng's hand, the purple divine power dissipated invisible, and the suppressed myriad demons recovered. At the same time, three streaks of black blood fell on Murong Feng's body, and the heads of myriad demons quickly merged into one, turning into a middle-aged figure. It's a man who has the demeanor of the Bone Demon Lord, especially with a bit of evil spirit, which is even more attractive.

Old Demon Qianshi bowed respectfully and said, "My lord."

The corner of Murong Feng's mouth was somewhat evil and he said: "Old devil, you really have the potential to harm the world. With your appearance, it's no wonder that you can seduce disciples of both righteous and evil ways. Yes, yes, old devil. This seat asks you how many scumbags were expelled from the various forces in the Holy City."

The old devil Qianshi was shocked, and said: "Honorable One, don't you think..."

Murong Feng's eyes were like lightning, he looked in the direction of the opposite holy city and said: "Yes, you are right, this deity does have this meaning, how many people are there in the Qianshigu faction, and what is their combat power, come for this deity one by one. "

The old demon Qianshi took a long breath and said: "My lord, this force is already deeply rooted in the Holy City. It has about 3000 people, all of whom are powerful from the major forces in the sky, sects, and families. However, due to some incidents, he was forced to flee to the holy city, but the leader of this force has a lot of background. He is a great monster of the Five Tribulations. If this person can be subdued, then this power will be in the hands of His Holiness."

Murong Feng was taken aback. The Great Monster of the Five Tribulations, and he was also the uncle of King Xiaopeng. People are definitely not that easy to get along with.

"Do you know why the Great Demon of the Five Tribulations escaped from the demon clan?" Murong Feng asked with a somewhat questioning expression.

Old Demon Qianshi shook his head helplessly and said: Your lord, I really don't know about this matter. After all, it happened thousands of years ago. Maybe the monster race may know, but we don't know at all. The name of this big monster is Flowing Moon Demon Venerable, with boundless arrogance, few in the Northern Territory dared to use his edge. The most sensational thing ever was to kill a Sanxian from the Taoist sect in the Holy City. The Holy City did not intervene. It is estimated that the Holy City supported him . "

"Oh! The holy city is backed by the back, um! Okay, I know about this, old devil, you go to Chu State for me, and find Yang Yanzhao, the deputy commander of the forbidden army of Chu State, that is my sixth brother, I need you My Thousand Stones Illusory Formation is for my soldiers to train their minds, go! This deity will go back and accept the results, and then this deity will guarantee that you will succeed in crossing the tribulation." Murong Feng directly opened the empty check, and waited until the old devil was of no use. It turns to ashes.

"Thank you, my lord, Qian Shi will definitely die forever." The old demon Qian Shi showed gratitude, and directly turned into a phantom, and went away through the air.

Murong Feng's eyes flickered a bit blurred, the Great Demon of the Five Tribulations, the power behind the Holy City?Interesting!Do you still think how noble your holy city is?It turned out to be a sheep in wolf's clothing!Its experience is well weighed!The Holy City will meet one day.

Thinking of this, Murong Feng soared into the sky and headed directly towards the Holy City...


The Dark Dragon Merchant Guild has already been crowded with people, among them they came here for the Golden Elixir of Transcending Tribulation, and this time only three of them were auctioned, each with a reserve price of 200 million yuan. Although this price shocked many people, the North The foreigners in the domain are rich!Nothing, just so many goddamn fairy stones!

Moreover, all the powerful families and sects came, including the Xuanyuan family, the Lieshan family, the three Taoist sects, the Tianmo sect, the Pure Land sect, the Yao clan, and the Phoenix clan who came from thousands of miles away, but the rightful master never arrived. The masters among them have long been impatient. If it wasn't for the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce, they would have been unable to sit still.

"Second master, do you still want to hold this auction? We have been waiting for two days. Could it be that your Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce is trying to trick us?" An elder of the Lieshan family couldn't help but speak out.

"That is, the reputation of your Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce has always been very good. What is going on now? Although the Transcending Tribulation Golden Elixir is precious, it will not make us wait until this time. We are rushing for the sake of your second leader who has always kept his promises." I just waited for two full days." An elder of the Yaozu also asked aloud.

The ghost Taoist is helpless too!If it wasn't for Murong Feng, I'm afraid he would have killed the auctioneer long ago, that is, Murong Feng is always punctual, and if he helped him so much, he must have encountered something on the way, maybe he met a Taoist sect Master's interception.

"Everyone, please don't rush. I understand everyone's feelings. The reputation of our Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce has always been very good. Besides, the old man, I assure you that it has not been noon yet? If you don't come, the old Taoist is willing to compensate everyone for their losses." The ghost Taoist resignedly assured everyone present.

"Okay, let's wait until noon, I believe you will be the second in charge, don't let us down!"

"That's right, we'll be at noon for the Second Master..."

The big black dog at the door wagged its tail, and there was a strange light in its pupils, and said: "Bastard boy, why don't you come, grandpa, is something really wrong? Come here quickly! Otherwise, really We are going to fight against the Dark Dragon Merchant Guild!"

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