unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 304 Threats

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter [-] Threat


57 strong men who exceeded the existence of the Three Tribulations Loose Immortals directly detained Murong Tian at the door of the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce. Murong Tian was extremely helpless. He respected and feared these strong men, "Seniors, this junior really doesn't know This Alchemy Dao powerhouse!"

"Boy, stop talking nonsense, the entire Shengchengdu knows that you have met that alchemist once, go quickly and call out that alchemist, or you will be expelled from Murong Feng's family."

"Boy, don't talk too much, you are talking about my deity so that you will die without a place to die."

"... "

A group of old fellows who lived for thousands of years urged Murong Tian to go to the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce, but Murong Fengtian could only bite the bullet and go in, but as soon as he arrived at the gate of the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce, he was greeted by a powerful The power bounced back, and Murong Feng's angry voice said from inside: "Huh! You are really shameless old guys! You have lived for thousands of years, and you actually kidnapped a junior to come here, sir, I have seen shameless , I’ve never seen such a shameless person, hum! Thirty of you are from different races and sixteen from aristocratic families, I’ve written it down, and from now on, my elixir will not be sold to any of you.”

"Boy, get out quickly and hand over the elixir of myriad calamities, or we will wash Murong's family with blood."

"Hand over the elixir of myriad calamities, and spare you the time to die, or I will shatter all the branches of the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce in various places."

"Boy, I give you ten breaths of time. If you don't come out, hum! The Murong family will be destroyed in an instant."

A group of strong men who have surpassed three kalpas, without any regard for their own face, directly threatened them with a loud voice, regardless of whether this is a holy city, for their lives, for their cultivation, these so-called strong men are no different from robbers.

Murong Feng looked up to the sky and laughed, with a cold tone in his voice, he said: "Huh! 37 foreign races, 53 families, I advise you to let go of the young master of the Murong family, or I will make all [-] of your families die." If you don't believe me, you can try to exterminate the Murong family."

"Boy, don't be so alarmist. Let us exterminate our 53 families. I want to see how you annihilated our 53 families. Since you refuse to come out, I will bring the heads of all the members of the Murong family." The 53 strong men didn't care about their faces at all, and completely tore their faces.

"Okay, okay, okay, no one has ever dared to threaten the uncle, you have to kill as much as you want! At most, the uncle will let you be buried with him, hum!" The corner of Murong Feng's mouth in the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce has a bit of murderous intent , the ghost Taoist couple, the big black dog, all of them looked surprised, not knowing what exactly Murong Feng did.

And Murong Feng instantly took out the Blood Demon Token, Venerable Xuanxin's Communication Talisman, and even the Kuangfeng Old Daoist's spell, and in the void, he saw a blood-colored light, a golden light, and a blue-colored light towards him. Drifting away with the Sky Continent.

"Boy, you wouldn't invite that bald head, the old devil, and that old man! This will expose your identity, and it will be very detrimental to your plan! The emperor said that your plan is too urgent, Sure enough, what should I do now, you really don't want to wipe out these 53 people!" The big black dog's eyes showed anxiety.

"My lord, I have my own plan. The Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce is really not simple. It has made these old things dare not attack. Senior Ghost, you should let your retreat master come out to meet you! There is such a big commotion, I don't believe he can still do it." Murong Feng had already sensed that someone was peeping from the dark, but he remained calm.

There was a bit of surprise in the eyes of the ghost Taoist, and he said: "The head of the family has been missing all year round. I am generally in charge of the affairs here. If there is anything special, the head of the house will naturally take action, ha ha! Let's see the big one now. When the head of the family wants to come out, he will come out naturally."

"Boy, the ten breaths have arrived, and I don't believe that you can stay in the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce all this time. Go, kill everyone in Murong's family."


A group of old fellows wanted to leave the holy city, kill Murong's family, and exterminate the family. Murong Tian's face turned livid with fright, and he didn't dare to look at the 53 old fellows.

Ripples scattered in the void, and a dirty monk with a shiny bald head and a dirty monk in tattered cassock appeared, holding a huge dog leg in his hand, and a large black Buddhist bead hanging around his neck. Venerable Jieye Buddha Xuanxin stood directly in front of the 53 strong men, clasped his hands together, lit up the resounding Buddha's name, and said: "Ah Mi Tofu, all benefactors are so murderous, could it be that they want to kill people? You'd better go back quickly, and don't touch the idea of ​​that alchemist from the Dark Dragon Chamber of Commerce, otherwise, beware of a bloody disaster!"

"Old bald donkey, it's none of your business, get out of here quickly, if you dare to be in our way, you are courting death, hum!"

"If this is not the holy city, it will definitely be beheaded. I am most upset with you bald heads."

A group of old people from other races scolded one after another, as if Venerable Xuanxin deserved to die.

"Old bald donkey, I haven't set foot in the Northern Territory for thousands of years, so these bastards of other races can also scold you. The blood monk who slaughtered millions of practitioners in a fit of anger went there. In other words, I haven't done anything for a long time, this old man Ancestor is suffering from hand ulcers recently, this is the holy city, so let’s follow the rules of the holy city! You bastards of alien races, you don’t care about life or death." In front of Venerable Heart, the trace of demonic energy released makes one's heart chill. A master at the Sanxian level has absolute suppression against a low-level one.

Venerable Xuanxin was just about to say hello, but his dirty face was extremely shocked, and he said: "Eight... old... devil, blood devil, when did you survive the eight calamities, hurry up and tell the monk me Tell me what's going on, and if you have any experience."

The blood demon patriarch laughed incomparably complacently, and said: "Haha! It's been tens of thousands of years! Old bald donkey, my patriarch has finally overwhelmed you. You want to know that my patriarch didn't tell you, why? Yes, I'm so anxious to kill you, my ancestor wants to take revenge for being suppressed by you for thousands of years."

Venerable Xuanxin showed a look of incomparable excitement, his voice became extremely trembling, and said: "Haha! Monk, I know. If you don't tell me, the old devil, I also know who made it. Except for that little brother, big brother Monk, I can’t think of another person, you, the old devil, took all good things first, it’s a pity that my Buddhist sect doesn’t have any beautiful female disciples! Otherwise, you can’t be talked about there!”

"En! Old bald donkey, it's almost time for us to catch up on the old days. It's time to take care of these little bastards. If you dare to touch my future grandson-in-law, you are looking for death. You are going to deal with the big bald head, or you can directly deal with it on the Douxiantai. Take care of it and forget about it, so you won’t have to worry about it.” The voice of the blood demon patriarch was extremely calm, and after the eight calamities, the old devil’s whole body became more restrained.

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