unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 308 Burial!heaven and earth

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter [-] Burial!heaven and earth

Burial place

"Qianshi, I haven't seen you for a few days, and your prestige has increased greatly! Qinglong, Baihu, Suzaku, Xuanwu, Qilin, the five legions are good, really good, Qianshi, you are really good, you are worthy of the title of the first formation master of the magic way." Murong Feng stood in the void like a god of war, appearing sacred and inviolable.

"See the protector of the king, the prince is thousand years old." The 200 million people of the five armies roared like thunder, shaking the void, breaking through the sky, and they have already initially shown the quality of a master of hundreds of battles.

Murong Feng nodded solemnly, and said in a deep voice: "The five major armies disbanded on the spot, the three major regiment leaders of White Tiger, Qinglong, and Qilin, Marshal Yang is here, let's meet together, Qianshi has worked hard on you, you go down and rest first!"

Old Demon Qianshi turned around and disappeared in place...

Lao Niu, Xie Changtian, Lan Yan, and Yang Yanzhao reached the void together, everyone was extremely excited when they saw Murong Feng, Yang Yanzhao punched Murong Feng's chest heavily, and said with a smile: "Brother Murong, you have continuously transported resources here, now The reserve of my imperial army is enough for 200 million people for 30 years, but the sixth brother has never understood what you are so anxious to gather so many resources."

Everyone also had doubts on their faces, Murong Feng waved his hands and dragged everyone into the small world, and said in a deep voice: "Sixth brother, Lao Niu, Chang Tian, ​​Lan girl, I need to go home, this time no matter what I will I have to go back to Huaxia, Lao Niu, Chang Tian, ​​the eldest brother never told me where I was born, today I will tell you, uncle, I come from the depths of the starry sky."

Yang Yanzhao said excitedly: "Brother, have you found the secret of the Starry Sky Ancient Road?"

The old cow stared angrily, and said in disbelief: "At the end of the starry sky, elder brother is indeed a person from beyond the sky. I also want to go to elder brother's hometown with elder brother. Take me there, elder brother!"

Xie Changtian's eyes were extremely firm, but he didn't speak, and Lan Yan frowned deeply, and said, "Murongfeng, you are going back to Huaxia, does the big black dog agree to your going back? The black dog is there, why not?" meet him."

Murong Feng showed helplessness and said: "I lied to him this time, otherwise he won't let me go back. I must go on the Starry Sky Ancient Road. I already have this idea in my heart. If I don't go back, my cultivation Difficult to advance, this time I come to say goodbye to you, I will definitely come back within 30 years, and in the days when I am not around, you must break up the army for me, Sixth Brother, you bring 40 troops to station here, Lan girl, you led two legions to the Phoenix Clan in the Southern Desolation, and the Suzaku Legion was handed over to Feng Ruolan, Lao Niu, you led the White Tiger Legion to the Pure Land Sect in the West Desert, Changtian, you led the Qinglong Legion to the East China Sea, and the Xuanwu Legion was led by Qian Shi. The territory of the Sanmu tribe in the Northern Territory, the big black dog and my avatar are in the Northern Territory."

Lan Yan's eyes showed incomparable firmness, and said: "Murong rascal, I want to go with you. I haven't been back to Huaxia for many years, so I want to go back and have a look."

"Brother, take us with you!" Lao Niu and Xie Changtian said at the same time.

Yang Yanzhao suddenly became very majestic, and said in a deep voice: "You are just messing around, you are all gone, what about these big legions, Changtian, you are also my authentic Huaxia clansman, Lao Niu, your ancestors also have a relationship with my Huaxia clan , now that you are the regiment commanders of one party, you have a heavy responsibility, so how can you be trifling."

Murong Feng showed an incomparable smile and said: "Sixth brother, I can go back with peace of mind if you are here, remember, if I don't come back within 30 years, you will completely obey Marshal Yang's command, and Dahei The dog will naturally teach you how to do it. The reason why I broke up the legion is to fear that the three sects of Taoism will steal my way! I have to guard against it! Don't expand the number of legions, Lan Yan, Chang Tian, ​​Lao Niu , Brother Six, forgive my selfishness, I have to leave a way out, take care, I'm leaving."

When the words fell, Murong Feng took them out of the small world, and then crushed a piece of universe talisman, which had already appeared thousands of miles away, and at the same time, it was also the Demon Forest three thousand miles away from Pingnan City, where the fog of the Demon Forest is endless all year round. Scattering, with Murong Feng's domineering divine sense, he can only scan around a hundred miles or so.

Murong Feng's speed was very fast, he walked directly towards the inside, the speed was staggering, the beast inside smelled the scent of a stranger, and immediately followed Murong Feng's body, and Murong Feng didn't want to fight at all , All the beasts below the eighth level died under his hands.

The Forest of Demons is the barrier of the burial place, with a radius of about tens of thousands of miles, but it is in the realm of forbidden yuan, and it can hardly exert [-]% of its power in it. Even Murong Feng is so powerful that his divine power is not affected by it. Restrictions, everything inside can't stop the pace of progress.

The place where the sky is buried, is it true that the sky is buried?With deep doubts in Murong Feng's heart, he walked out of the area of ​​the Demon Forest. The mist in front of his eyes suddenly dissipated, and there were criss-crossing cracks and huge deep pits everywhere in his eyes. Within a radius of millions of miles, there was complete silence. , even without vitality, it seems that this field has completely become a special field, it seems that it is the place where that powerful existence fought.

Murong Feng has traveled tens of thousands of miles, and he can't feel the passage of time at all. The void here is gray. What surprised Murong Feng even more is that the void, a hundred thousand miles away, collapsed abruptly, revealing a terrifying black hole, which swallowed Everything on the ground.

Murong Feng's feet trembled, as if he had stepped on something, he looked down and saw that the ground was covered with black iron ore, he picked it up and saw, there was thousands of miles of ground in front of him, it was completely a large expanse of star iron!It was as if a star had fallen here.

With a wave of one hand, Murong Feng directly filled half of the small world with the iron of the stars, and then he gave up. After all, the small world is only seven hundred miles away, but even so, it is enough to have several million catties of star iron!This is a priceless treasure!The state of Chu only produces a hundred kilograms a year.

Suddenly, an extremely tyrannical aura enveloped millions of miles in a radius. The powerful oppressive force made Murong Feng's body bend abruptly, the divine power in his body surged, and an immortal will that belonged to the War Demon Emperor emerged, breaking the gods. Jue was revolving at dozens of times the normal speed, Murong Feng's body rose to more than four feet, and a purple divine power protected his whole body, which made him feel better.

"The aura of God-breaking Jue, haven't you fallen, Great Emperor? Could it be that the Great Emperor has been resurrected? No, this is not the breath of the Great Emperor. Could it be that after endless years, you still have descendants alive, Haha! The sky is endless My God Clan is indeed the direct descendant of the Great Emperor, possessing the blood of the Great Emperor, the descendant of my clan, the descendant of my clan, this is the descendant of my clan! Haha!"

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