unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 310 Star Gate

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 310 Star Gate

star gate

The sun, moon and stars above the starry sky gate, flowers, birds and fishes seem to contain the life and changes of all things in the universe. , massacred hundreds of millions of immortal powerhouses, even shattered the prehistoric world, and even broke his head in the end, and continued to fight, the violent combat power shocked the heavens and the world. Sadly, the head of a generation of great emperors was finally suppressed in the abyss world. Life and death are unknown.

Murong Feng caressed the gate of the starry sky with both hands, and seemed to feel the helplessness and anger of the Emperor Zhanmo back then. Murong Feng said solemnly: "Great Emperor, rest in peace, old man! What you have not completed, future generations will surely complete for you, you Leaving a way of retreat for future generations, but not leaving a way of retreat for myself, Great Emperor."

The Great God Candle Dragon seemed extremely weak and said: "Boy, don't miss it anymore, the emperor has fallen, go quickly! I wish you good luck, you can really reach the time you want to go, my god is going to sleep, Huaxia Clan Hope is on you."

Murong Feng gave a deep salute to the Great God Candle Dragon, and then Murong Feng pushed open the gate of starry sky with his hands full of divine power, and beyond the gate of starry sky was a boundless void, Murong Feng stepped in without hesitation, the gate of starry sky closes abruptly.

Murong Feng escaped in the endless starry sky world, suddenly a huge pressure came in front of his eyes, his body was dragged by a huge force, and he moved quickly, and he could see the bright starry sky passing by countless planets in a second The world is incomparably gorgeous, the divine power in Murong Feng's body is rapidly draining, the huge pressure directly shatters his body, and Murong Feng runs extremely fast.

In desperation, Murong Feng had no choice but to forcibly practice the Breaking God Jue. Against the pressure of the starry sky world, his chest felt like a heavy blow, and a mouthful of blood spurted out. Murong Feng's consciousness gradually fell into a coma. It was too huge, so huge that it almost hit it to death.

Murong Feng in a coma doesn't know how much time and space he has passed, how many planets he has passed, the endless starry world, the alternation of darkness and coldness, loneliness and solitude...

One year, ten years, one hundred years, or even hundreds of millions of years, Murong Feng was still moving in the ancient starry sky road. During this time, Murong Feng's body, under the pressure of the ancient starry sky road, unexpectedly broke through to the realm of the seventh heaven automatically. The divine power in the body is as vast and endless as the sea, and the powerful physical body is comparable to a half-celestial weapon.

After Murong Feng's breakthrough, the injuries in his body have been repaired, and the ancient starry sky road has come to an end. There is a huge vortex in front of him, which seems to be the exit of the ancient road. He dragged it out.

In the huge vortex, Murong Feng felt as if he was riding a roller coaster. He seemed to be thrown out for a moment, and there was a familiar planet in front of him. At this time, Murong Feng was in the solar system, nine planets, the moon, Earth, and not far from Murong Feng's eyes is a blue planet.

And Murong Feng turned his head to look at the void, the vortex has disappeared, grandma is so fierce, can she only come back but can't go back?There are still unfinished things over there!Great Emperor, don't you have no intention of giving yourself a way out at all?Instead, make a determination to fight to the end!

"Earth, sir, I'm back again, I hope it's time for me to leave! Ten or eight years doesn't matter, but don't be too far away! Otherwise, my master will come back for nothing." Murong Feng was extremely excited. The body turned into a purple light, and the world in outer space swooped towards the earth.

But when Murong Feng was away from the edge of the earth, he stopped abruptly. The earth in front of him was densely packed with dozens of satellites. There were satellites from various countries on it. Suddenly, a huge satellite came over , is being launched from the blue planet.

But the logo of the little devil and the flag of the sanitary napkin are printed on it, Murong Feng smiled a little, and said in a deep voice: "Little devil, do you still want to successfully launch the satellite? It seems necessary Let the whole world know that the power of my Chinese Protoss is immortal."

The words fell, Murong Feng's realm of the seventh heaven, the purple divine power transformed into a giant hand with a thickness of a thousand feet, the muscles all over his body trembled, and the force of 300 million catties fell directly, the purple giant hand traversed the void, causing the void to collapse in a radius of ten miles, directly Squeeze and explode the devil's satellite, turning it into flames that filled the sky, and Murong Fengfeng formed a big purple hand, wrapping the little devil's tattered satellite, and directly threw it out of the endless depths of the starry sky.

"Hey! This is the first thing I do for Huaxia when I go home. The doomsday is coming, you little devils. I will play with you to death slowly. The little devils launched satellites. It seems that the time difference is within a few years. That's good, it saves time and trouble, anyway, with all my combat strength, who else on earth can hurt me, this time, sir, I want to develop a cultivation version of the nuclear bomb, hum!"

With a trace of coldness, Murong Feng turned into Ziying and swooped down...

But Murong Feng forgot that all satellites have the function of automatic shooting. Just now, the god-like ability directly shocked all the big bosses in the world, and even made the little devil extremely terrified. He thought it was the arrival of aliens. His world is only half a year away from Murong Feng's departure, luck is good.

Murong Feng's home is in the countryside of Jiangsu, China, but he opened a small veterinary clinic in Shanghai alone. Murong Feng stood at a height of [-] meters, watching the traffic below, and the extremely fast-paced life. When he left, Without any change, the polluted air and the increasingly damaged environment, the earth is already in jeopardy.

Murong Feng did not transform into his own appearance, but used the purple magic power to transform into a casual outfit, reached a corner where no one was paying attention, and landed directly. In front of him was a familiar yet unfamiliar world. After fighting for a long time, he had already It seems a bit out of place, and now my parents who are most worried about me don't know what is going on with my two elders.

Landing in the city below, Murong Feng scanned it with his mind, and found that this is China's Shanghai City, which is only a six-hour drive away from his hometown. Murong Feng didn't use his ability, and used some small tricks to get thousands of dollars. money, boarded the train to Jiangsu.

The train is a bullet express. Although the price is a bit more expensive, it is better in speed. Murong Feng found his position, closed his eyes and entered the realm of breaking the gods. Inadvertently, Murong Feng felt an aura belonging to a warrior. It's just the realm of the beginner's path, not even the innate realm, so Murong Feng simply didn't care about him, but continued to close his eyes.

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