Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 310

People from Guoan

"You are looking for death. No one has ever dared to challenge the authority of big brother. I have to admire your courage. If big brother didn't look at it for the sake of the same Huaxia clan, I am afraid that you will not even have bones left. Big brother, Your majestic master-level powerhouses, it is enough to teach them a little lesson, there is no need to really slaughter them, as the successor of the great emperor, you have to be tolerant." Qingqing's black hair fluttered, and there was a bit of bitterness at the corners of his mouth meaning.

Murong Feng snorted heavily, and threw the red-haired youth several hundred meters away, spitting blood at the mouth, and fell to the ground. "Look at the place where you are both clansmen, get out of my house, if you dare to set foot on the ground within a radius of ten miles, sir, I will make your bones disappear."

Ouyang Ping took a deep breath, this couple of young men and women was really terrifying, he really wanted to leave here, and secretly scolded his captain, his back was already wet with cold sweat, and said in a trembling voice: "Sir, Don't get me wrong, we don't have any malicious intentions, these boys under us are usually arrogant, please forgive me, sir, we will never set foot in your hometown again."

After saying that, Ouyang Ping waved his hand and boarded the military vehicle, and left here in despair...

Murong Feng put on a serious face, and laughed loudly: "This is the legendary military. In the past, my uncle didn't even have the strength to resist. I really don't want to protect such a clansman, but as the emperor Successor, this is my responsibility, I have to protect it."

Qingqing showed a sweet smile and said: "Brother, you really wanted to kill them just now! Fortunately, you didn't do it, otherwise you will really become the overlord of the heavens and worlds in the future, and you will leave the stain of massacring the people. It will never be washed clean."

Murong Feng's mouth showed a hint of killing intent, and said: "To slaughter people, sometimes it's impossible not to kill them! Qingqing, you are not a human race, you don't understand at all, just like Xueyan, if it wasn't for the dead dog to stop me, I would never have done it!" Keep your hands, you won't leave a trace of hidden danger for yourself, if you have to kill, you don't need to hesitate, I only hate the Huaxia clan for hundreds of millions of years, as for the position of the Supreme Emperor, I have never thought about it."

Qingqing smiled, but did not speak, and Murongfeng quickly walked into the yard, and found that his parents were looking at him in surprise, and said: "Parents, are you all right! Did they make things difficult for you?" , don’t worry if I’m here, they don’t dare to mess around.”

Murong Feng's parents are typical peasants, they are always afraid of the police, let alone soldiers with live ammunition, ordinary people?From a psychological point of view, all the soldiers have come to the door, and nothing has become a problem, "Son, did you do something wrong! Why are the soldiers come to the door."

Murong Feng smiled slightly and said: "Father, don't think about it, how could I commit crimes? Are you saying that with our ability, if we really commit crimes, can someone find out? It's just that when we come, we can easily Solved some robbery train robbers from the road."

Only then did Murong Feng's father nod, lit a cigarette, and said, "Son, no matter how capable we are, we still can't do those unreasonable things. Even if we do, it's to harm the little devils. Back then, wars killed people." If you have the opportunity to harm our millions of compatriots, this kind of blood debt, let them know that our country of China is not uninhabited."

This old man is indeed a nationalist!I'm getting old, but I still don't forget the blood and deep feud, hehe!Of course, the little devils are going to harm them, but not now, we want to play them to death slowly and kill all their races, Murong Feng smiled slightly, "Father, don't worry about this! It won't be cheap. Little devil, but people from the National Security Bureau came here today, and we can’t live here for the time being, you two elders should go to the city with me! It’s not like they come here every now and then.”

"In the city, we're afraid we're not used to it! No, no, it's better to live in the countryside. As long as we walk upright and stand straight, even the state will never want to do anything to us. I'm a farmer. There are not so many reasons, anyway, I can see that you have already created a deterrent for them, next time I come here, I will definitely be polite and treat you like a Bodhisattva."

After Murong Feng's father finished speaking, everyone burst into laughter...


In the National Security Bureau, Ouyang Ping took the members of the special team back in despair. When he arrived at the headquarters, Ouyang Ping was furious. He pointed at their team leader and roared, "I said Lao Zhang, you What kind of mission did the fuck give me, shit, our brothers almost couldn't come back today, if you let us die, just tell us, why bother."

Their team leader, Zhang Dabiao, was confused when he heard this, and quickly stopped and said: "I said Ouyang, when did I hurt you as a team leader? You are the strongest expert in our team, but I just asked you to find someone , Why do you speak so aggressively like your parents are dead, you've eaten gunpowder!"

Ouyang Ping's face was gloomy and terrifying, and he said: "Gunpowder, I can't wait to strangle you to death now, when did such a monster appear in our Huaxia, it's a b*tch, Xiao Liu was almost wiped out by someone, he was invincible with one move! What kind of monster is this? Just that killing intent can shock us to death. If the woman next to him didn’t plead for mercy, all of us buddies would have to hang up today. Tell me, I'm fucking quitting."

Zhang Dabiao seemed to have thought of something, he directly took the laptop on the table, and quickly called up a picture, and saw an energy hand with a distance of ten miles above the dark space, directly crushing the little devil's new satellite , and according to the pictures taken by the satellite, one can only vaguely see a purple and hazy figure swooping towards the earth, followed by a snowflake.

"Ouyang, how do you feel about this picture?" Zhang Dabiao ignored his emotions at all.

Ouyang Ping was stunned and said, "Is this the latest fantasy movie? Why are you showing me this thing?"

"Fuck your magic movie, this is the picture taken by our country's satellite half a month ago. The expert who can exist in outer space directly crushed the little Japanese satellite, and it has mysteriously landed on the earth. Now every country in the world Agents have been sent to look for this person, how do you feel about this?" Zhang Dabiao continued to ask Ouyang Ping.

Ouyang Ping took the mouse, and processed the figure on the screen clearly. After more than a dozen times of scanning and processing, he only saw a figure in ancient costume who could look at the side, but it was only the side. Ouyang Ping carefully Making a comparison, he murmured, "Why is this person so familiar! I seem to have seen him there before."

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