unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 323 You Are Rebelling

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 320 [-] You Are Rebelling

you are rebelling

Qingqing smiled slightly and said: "Yimu, Qingfeng, let me show seats to some old people. I believe you already understand what my brother said. The time that my brother can stay in Huaxia is not long. According to the time of the sky, it is only a mere 30 years, but There are only about three years in China. When the elder brother passes down the martial arts, he will go to another world to continue the battle. The grievances of hundreds of millions of years can only be washed away with blood. Several old people, you are the highest leaders in China. You decide whether to cooperate or not! If you don’t cooperate, the eldest brother will leave immediately. As for the life and death of the people here in the future, he has no obligation to continue to take care of him. He won't die, he can use his own blood to recreate a Chinese clan."

Boss No. [-] said with endless anger in his eyes: "You want to rebel, Huaxia was created by us, you are anti-d and anti-human, it is simply nonsense, we admit that you have the power to destroy an enemy at any time!" The power of the country, but it is absolutely impossible for us to compromise."

A cold light flashed in Murong Feng's eyes, but he didn't get angry, but said very calmly: "Forget it, forget it, since you don't cooperate, I don't force it, anyway, I didn't ask for anything from you, don't think that this deity Without your help, this deity will not be able to do anything. The great emperors of China, the descendants have done my best. This deity does not have the heart of fraternity like everyone. This deity is only for the hundreds of millions of years of hatred and grievances of the Chinese people , Kazuki, send the big guys away."

The No. [-] boss laughed hastily, and said: "Little brother, don't be angry. Our No. [-] boss is like this. His temper is so tough. Let's discuss things slowly. What do you have?" Feel free to ask? It is a good thing for all people to practice martial arts! At least it can improve their health?"

"Fitness, joke, No. [-] boss, if it's just for physical fitness, this deity doesn't have to travel through the void to return, and form your own power in another world. It's not very happy to be a local emperor. You really think that this deity wants to What are you trying to do? It’s just a big joke, if it’s not in the same line, your life and death have nothing to do with me, even if you are killed by the Taoist sect, I don’t care about my business, it’s my own business, Yimu, Qingfeng, seeing off guests.” Murong Feng's face was cold, and there was a hint of sarcasm at the corner of his mouth.

Yimu and Qingfeng sent everyone out of the house without saying a word. As a monk, the great monk Yimu couldn't help but scolded: "You ignorant little bastards, do you think that we two Did the patriarch send you something? You are the patriarch, which affects your status! Ignorance, you are simply an ignorant bastard. With the identity and strength of the patriarch, what you want is not easy to get, not for Huaxia, but for the billions. Wan's clansmen, is the patriarch guilty of talking nonsense with you? Isn't it just to arrest you and chop you up?"

Qingfeng drew out the long sword directly on his body in an old-fashioned way, wishing to kill more than a dozen people, "Hmph! If the Huaxia clan is destroyed, you will be the sinners of the whole clan, take your people and go! Patriarch is very Unhappy, the consequences are serious. You are the sinners of the entire Huaxia clan. If it hadn’t been for us Shaolin and Wudang to resist the Kunlun faction’s attacks again and again these years, the Huaxia clan would have been regarded as the rule of Kunlun and become slaves of the Kunlun faction. , can still have today's prosperity, it's simply a delusion, before we two old guys don't get angry, hurry up and get out."

The old guys Yimu and Qingfeng cursed a lot, and they were so dizzy by the scolding, they turned around and entered the meditation room, closing the door heavily.

The No. [-] boss gradually calmed down, and said: "It's really as serious as they said. Now is the age of technology, so what kind of gods and monsters are there? They only have some power. Aren't those supernatural beings very powerful? Can't let They affect the long-term stability of our China, let our special operations team come and kill them."

The No. [-] boss shook his head helplessly and said: "The special operations team, just dozens of them, is it enough for that kid to have one finger? Those who can stay in the outer sky and break open the cracks in the space will be the weak. Don’t be naive, old guy, haven’t you seen pigs running without eating pork? They didn’t ask us to do anything at all, but it’s a good thing for the whole people to practice martial arts, and there’s nothing wrong with worshiping ancestors, people can’t forget their ancestors!”

The No. [-] boss said with some uncertainty: "Could it be that I was the one who was wrong, and I didn't say anything! They are indeed suspected of rebellion! Besides, they are here once, and they are talking about another world. Another world is there, and they haven’t produced any solid evidence? Can’t current technology discover the existence of aliens?”

The No. [-] boss seemed a little impatient and said: "Whatever you want, anyway, you have such a bad temper, you are the leader of the country, how to decide is your business, besides, people are tired of us now, let's go back for now ! After this period of time has passed, find a chance to come here!"

The No. [-] boss looked at Murong Feng's Zen room with deep meaning, and then pulled the No. [-] boss and ten military and political officials to leave directly...

"Brother, without the help of the country, martial arts will be difficult to pass on. What are your plans now." Qing Qing reminded Murong Feng from the side.

Murong Feng smiled slightly and said, "What else can we do? Just wait! During this time, let's go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers. We've spent too much time in the Sky Continent. It's time to be a mortal again and experience the modern life. By the way See if you have a chance to meet the blood of some ancient gods.

Qingqing suddenly realized, and said with a sweet smile: "Brother has already made plans! I have been here for so long, and you still haven't taken me to have fun in the city? Brother, I can't wait to ask Look at the amazingness of this civilization!"

The old Taoist Qingfeng said with a bitter face: "Master Patriarch, you haven't pointed out our exercises yet? Let the old Taoist follow Master Patriarch!"

The great monk Yimu grabbed Qingfeng's clothes and said: "Old Niubi, the patriarch accompanied the patriarch and his mother to go out to play, why are you following me to join in the fun, and secretly sent an order to let us, the secular disciples, carefully respond, don't let some Things that don't have long eyes disturb the elegance of the patriarch and the patriarch. If the patriarch is happy, we will benefit greatly. Are you afraid that the patriarch will not teach us to practice? It's okay to be stupid. You have lived for so many years, and you can still live On to the dog! Idiot."

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