Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 330 Six Western Regions Esoteric Buddhism

Western Tantric

Murong transformed himself into a purple shadow and headed towards the place where the space fluctuated, but the extremely weak power of space made it difficult for Murong Feng's divine sense to move at all, and he couldn't distinguish the direction at all. His spatial supernatural powers and innate abilities should look pure. There are still such masters in space in this age of lack of vitality on earth.

As the space fluctuates, Murong Feng continues to follow up. This person can actually use teleportation like a Taoist master, but the teleportation distance is very short, only a mere few hundred miles. Continue to move forward until it reaches three thousand miles. The border of the Western Regions outside the mile, the Western Regions have been a land of barbarians since ancient times, and there have been many strong barbarians. The strong went to Middle-earth to find trouble again.

The Western Regions also belong to the lineage of Buddhist cultivation, but they are practitioners of Tantric Buddhism, and are even known as the Yellow Sect and the Red Sect. Murong Feng followed the power of space all the way to the vicinity of Daxue Mountain in the Western Regions. This is the territory of the Tantric Red Sect trumpets. Practitioners can't help but have sex with women, and most of their practice is evil skills such as Joy Zen.

Thinking of this, Murong Feng even has the urge to want to die. If a girl encounters such a situation a few times, Murong Feng will not be able to atone for her sin even if she dies. Don't worry about it!Otherwise, the deity will let the three thousand miles of the Western Regions be barren, blood will flow like rivers, and the foundation of the Tantric lineage will be broken.

Spiritual thoughts surged towards the outside like a tide, and nothing on the ground with a radius of three thousand miles could escape Murong Feng's spiritual thoughts. In the Potala Palace in the Western Regions, there also appeared a wave of divine thoughts not weaker than Murong Feng's. The two sides had a short confrontation in the air, Murong Feng's divine sense was so overbearing, the spiritual purple ax mercilessly cut off a trace of the opponent's divine sense, causing the opponent to flee in terror.

Sure enough, it was you guys who played with the horns. If you dare to touch my woman, I will let you die. Thinking of this, Murong Feng's body is like thunder, surrounded by lightning, and the sky thunder step directly spans thousands of miles, like a short distance. The teleportation directly reached the sky above the Potala Palace.

The majestic Potala Palace turned into an evil place in the eyes of Murong Feng, and a thunderous voice exploded in the sky, shouting: "The trumpet of the Western Regions, Wuxiu and you in my family have always been well watered." Don't violate the river, you group of horny horns, you actually fished across the border, dare to touch my uncle's woman, hand over the three of them, if there is one hair missing, I will turn this place into flat ground."

"Ah Mi Tofu, this is my Holy Land of Esoteric Buddhism in the Western Regions. How could you be a junior to behave wildly? Who is your master? You actually handed over such an arrogant apprentice like you. Today, I will take your master to have a good time." I will teach you a lesson." Dozens of trumpets suddenly appeared around them, all of them clasped their palms together, and a skinny old trumpet in red clothes walked out of the white steps in the middle, his eyes were extremely cloudy, and he was so majestic that people dare not look at them directly. See.

"The trumpet of the Red Sect, such a strong spiritual cultivation, the physical body is close to the verge of decay, take off the stinky skin, and get the idea of ​​eternal life? Big trumpet, you Red Sect only cultivate the spirit, without a trace of carnal desire, in order to achieve spiritual success. Wujing, it seems that the few friends of my uncle are not the work of your Red Sect, but even so, they have nothing to do with your Red Sect." Murong Feng is a master who can't be reasonable, the three sects of Taoism are so huge, Also afraid that a Red Sect is just a trumpet with spiritual cultivation.

"Ah, Mi Tofu, you are being aggressive. I, the Tantric School of the Western Regions, am not as easy-talking as your Zen School in the Middle Earth. The Nine-Character Mantra, come here."

Old Trumpet's muddy eyes flashed brightly, the aura on his body gradually became stronger, his hands formed a seal, and a golden lotus flower unexpectedly formed on the top of his head. The golden lotus was extremely sacred, and opened twelve petals, each of which seemed to have The supreme power directly hit Murong Feng's eyebrows.

A vast and majestic spiritual power is rippling in the void, Murong Feng's body seems to be greatly imprisoned, the void is restricted, such a strong spiritual cultivation, Murong Feng snorted coldly, punching hard, mixed with violent and pure With one punch, the void collapsed, and the imprisoned spiritual power was immediately shaken away.

Murong Feng's eyes were extremely majestic, and he said in a deep voice: "Old trumpet, you are playing with fire. I think you are not easy to cultivate, and I wanted to let you go. Are you the Red Sect of the Western Regions bullying me that there is no one in China? You are looking for death, you are really looking for death, if you don’t hand over my woman, this deity will make this place bleed for thousands of miles.”

The blue flashes flashed, and the body exploded about ten feet in an instant. The purple divine power covered the body, as if a god of war descended, sacred and inviolable. The spirit of the old trumpet could no longer be suppressed. It is overbearing, and it is the skill of the Supreme God of the Protoss, the War Demon Emperor, how can it be compared by mere barbarians.

"No, the ancient secret method, the strong man who became a god in the flesh, who is this person, all the disciples retreat." The old trumpet finally saw the horror of Murong Feng. It was really terrifying. How could this strong man seek The Red Sect of the Upper Western Regions, and the Red Sect of the Western Regions has always been aloof from the world, and this strong man has repeatedly emphasized that his friend was arrested.

"Wait, respected descendant of the ancient strongman, I think there is a misunderstanding between us. Someone deliberately blamed my Red Sect, and my Red Sect has always been indifferent to the world. For thousands of years, I have never arbitrarily Stepping into the range of Middle Earth, why have you ever arrested your friends." The voice of the old trumpet contained a bit of peace.

Murong Feng didn't want to slaughter for no reason, but he still yelled loudly, saying: "Old monk, don't argue with this deity. This deity has been chasing a wave of space from the Middle Earth, and disappeared near your Potala Palace. It wasn't your Red Sect's actions, and it has nothing to do with your Red Sect, either hand over to someone today, or what will happen to the Red Sect, you can choose for yourself!"

"Heirs of the strong in ancient times, please listen to what the old monk said. My Red Sect has always only cultivated the spirit and paid attention to getting rid of the stinky skin and reaching the realm of eternal life. But now someone is deliberately blaming the Red Sect. Of course, the Red Sect can't sit idly by. I want to deliberately use the hands of the strong to eradicate our Red Sect, and at the same time reap the benefits of fishermen. As far as I know, there is more than one master who can cultivate space magic in this Western Region. Old monk, I am willing to lead the strong to prove the innocence of the Red Sect. Check them out one by one." For the sake of the Red Sect's survival, the old Trumpeter had to make compromises, and he really offended someone who they couldn't offend in any branch of the Western Regions.

Murong Feng immediately returned to his normal height, and said in a deep voice: "Stop talking nonsense, take me to find someone quickly, you practitioners from the Western Regions are really brave enough to step into my territory in Middle-earth without authorization, hum! Find me Friends, let it be all right, if one hair is missing, this deity will make this three thousand li flat land."

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