unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 339 Xueyan's Emotions

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 330: Xueyan's emotions

push down snow smoke

Xueyan was seriously injured, and after being frozen for so long, she seemed extremely weak for a while, and her pupils became extremely lax. Seeing that Murongfeng didn't care about her own life, a bitter smile appeared on the corner of her mouth, "It seems that I, Xueyan, is here Is it always a tool in your heart, is it a tool from the beginning to the end? You have never looked at me directly. I, Xueyan, almost died in order to protect your woman. Could it be that even for you to look at me? Can't you? If that's the case, what's the point of me being alive, everything in the world doesn't have anything I care about."

Thinking of this, Xueyan spat out a mouthful of blood, and flew directly to the outside, but her internal body was injured, so it was difficult to hold on for long. Seeing this, Murongfeng said strangely: "Qingqing, what is going on with Xueyan?" Come on, go into my little world by yourself! I'll go and have a look."

Ouyang Yue is a discerning person, so she couldn't help it anymore, and directly shook her head and sighed: "Master, you are a deadhead, don't you realize that sister Xueyan's feelings for you? Master! Master! You old man You are wise and unparalleled, with domineering fighting power. You only care about the safety of sister Qingqing, but have you ever thought about how sister Xueyan feels? Such a proud person, I said, master, what are you still doing here, why don't you follow me to have a look."

Murong Feng scratched the back of his head, showing a look of sudden realization, and said: "Xueyan, why hasn't this girl's temper changed yet! My God! I hope what you girl said is not true, otherwise how would you make me face it?" Myself!"

After the words fell, Murong Feng swept his mind away, and walked out directly, chasing after Xue Yan's figure...

Ouyang was also puzzled and said: "Sister Qingqing, master, what's wrong with the old man, it looks like his butt was burned by fire!"

Qingqing couldn't help chuckling, and said: "Your master is not an idle existence! Let me calculate for you how many teachers and wives you will have in the future! Tianling, the little princess of the Tianmo sect, Feng Ruolan, the goddess of the Phoenix clan, Fairy Zixin from the Beast Sect, Lan Yan, the disciple of the Emperor of Chu, counting me now, if you add Xueyan, you already have six mistresses, haha! You look good, little girl, I am afraid of the future..."

Although Ouyang Yue has a carefree personality, she couldn't help but widen her eyes, and said, "Sister Qingqing...what are you talking about, I already have six teachers and wives! Master, this is a crime of bigamy, and you are really a sentimental woman." Master, it seems that my teachers and wives are all very powerful! Either a princess or a saint, handsome master, you are finished, and you will be annoyed in the future, haha!"

After the words fell, Qingqing took Ouyang Yue into the air...


On the top of the Himalayas, Xueyan's body finally couldn't hold on, and fell heavily towards the top of the mountain. Murongfeng directly straddled the distance of hundreds of miles, and rushed to Xueyan's body, hugging her in his arms, Murong Feng couldn't help shaking his head, and said: "Xueyan, why are you bothering? I already have someone I love, and my heart can't be divided anymore."

After the words fell, the light of life directly covered Xueyan's body, and the injuries in Xueyan's body recovered [-]% to [-]% in an instant under the recovery of the sky-defying skills. Eyes, painfully said: "Why do you want to save me, you bastard, scoundrel, rogue who kills thousands of knives, why don't you let me die, I can forget the existence after I die, forget your existence, I will not It would be so painful, why did you save me."

As the words fell, Xueyan broke away from Murongfeng's embrace, and there was endless hatred in her eyes. The so-called deep love and deep hatred probably meant this. A gust of breeze blew by, and Xueyan left behind crystal clear tears...

Murong Feng looked up at the endless void and sighed: "Xueyan, everything is my fault, I ignored your existence, but you have been in the sky for decades, don't you know about me, Murong Feng, I already have a digital Hongyan, it's really hard to melt into others in my heart, since you are in such pain, I, Murongfeng, can only help you get rid of all this, I will pull out your evil spirit, and erase all your memories about me, how about it."

Xueyan looked extremely painful, showing a hysterical growl, and said: "No, Murongfeng, you are a devil, why do you treat me like this, is it that I, Xueyan, will always be just a tool in your heart? One of your achievements The tool of the supreme hegemony, who is the most respected in the heavens and myriad worlds, who is the lord of the billions of stars, but my Chinese gods? Murongfeng, you want to erase my memory, don’t even think about it, even if I, Xueyan, die, I won’t Let your plan succeed."

Murong Feng's expression became painful, unusually painful, and a deep sadness appeared in his heart, and he said: "Xueyan, what exactly do you want me to do to calm the resentment in your heart, if my death can Turn it into the anger in your heart, you just go ahead and shoot!"

Hey!Anyway, uncle's body is strong, it's useless if you want to be sad, unless you can break through my defense, Murong Feng's eyes showed a sense of futility, but in fact, he was extremely worried, grandpa's, twins of fate!The power of one blow is extremely domineering!Pain is unavoidable.

Xueyan's expression was fierce, obviously it was the evil spirit that took the lead now, the good soul was greatly impacted, and was directly occupied by the evil spirit, and said: "Murongfeng, since I can't get your heart , then we shall die together! I know that you are the descendant of the Great Emperor of the Primordial God Clan, but if I blew myself up in Xueyan, I am afraid that even you will die and disappear!"

Seeing Xueyan's painful appearance, Murongfeng rushed over immediately, and directly involved her in the small world. Murongfeng embraced Xueyan and kissed Xueyan's red lips heavily. The tongue is like a small snake slipping through Xueyan's mouth, frantically asking, endlessly asking...

A pair of wolf claws climbed onto Xueyan's slender waist, frantically taking advantage of it, Xueyan glared at each other angrily, but his cultivation had already been imprisoned by Murong Feng, but his body was just like a mortal's body, once he struggled, he catered to him Responding to Murong Feng's request, Murong Feng waved his hand to directly isolate the space.

The clothes of the two are all over the floor, they are completely opposite to each other, Murong Feng's huge poisonous dragon is facing the plump and rosy part of Xue Yan's body...

With a sound of exhortation, the green grass is full of red things from virgins...

Xueyan's face was as red as the morning sun, and she lowered her head and muttered, "You rascal, rascal, I'm going to sue you for rape... I, there is a bastard like you, who actually..."

Murong Feng showed a wretched smile, and said: "Girl Xue, I don't want to die with you. In that case, why don't you make a cooked meal with Mr. Rice, and can you cultivate your relationship slowly? As for you want to sue me, Who can control me!"

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