unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 342 Capital Conference

Unscrupulous Veterinary Doctor Chapter 340 [-] Capital Conference

Beijing Conference

Ouyang Ping found his younger sister, the so-called Wang family had been uprooted, and all the descendants of the king had been executed, but Ouyang Ping hoped that Murong Feng could go to the capital for a kiss. I want to talk to Murong Feng next time.

Of course, Murong Feng readily agreed. After all, the establishment of the War Demon Sect requires the help of the state. The current War Demon Sect cannot be made public. It can only be passed on step by step. Waiting for time, it will be reproduced step by step. Before the eyes of the world, let the world slowly understand the lost history and myth.

Murong Feng took the three daughters, and directly followed Ouyang Ping on the special plane to the capital. The benefits of military planes were clearly reflected, that is, the speed was very fast, and it took only three hours to reach the sky above the capital. Sitting beside Murong, he said in a deep voice: "Brother, these so-called supernatural beings are the embodiment of the blood of the gods, and some of them should be the embodiment of acquired mutations. Among these people, three belong to The blood of the gods, the three acquired mutations, will you teach them the Five Elements Divine Arts!"

Murong Feng scanned the bloodlines of Ouyang Ping and the others carefully with his divine sense, and was surprised to find that Ouyang Ping actually had the bloodline of the Great God of Houtu, but he said in his heart that the other two bloodlines were very thin and did not belong to the Great God of the Five Elements , can be included in the Shaolin or Wudang series, and focus on training.

Thinking of this, Murong Feng looked at Ouyang Ping and said: "Ouyang Ping, your blood is not simple, you also have the blood of the ancient gods, do you want to join my War Demon Sect? There are also red and green hairs behind, although you have The blood of a god can be too thin, and it is difficult to achieve great achievements, but the starting point is much higher than that of ordinary people."

Ouyang Ping was overjoyed, and immediately decided to become a teacher. Murong Feng smiled slightly and said, "Don't be a teacher for now, your blood belongs to the Houtu of the Great God of the Five Elements. Let Xiaoyue teach you the Thick Earth Technique some other day. Disciple of the Five Elements Bloodline, Xiaoyue will naturally tell you about this matter."

Ouyang Ping couldn't be more excited, saying that doesn't mean he will have the chance to become a god in the future, the blood of a god!Earth God Queen of Earth ah!The five ancient gods who are as famous as the water god and the fire god!The combat power is only below the few supreme beings of the Protoss!


In the conference room in the capital, South China Sea, there are only No. [-] boss and No. [-] boss inside. Murong Feng and the third daughter are also sitting in it, and Ouyang Ping is guarding outside. The No. [-] boss is full of admiration. Said: "What a hero! Murong Feng dares to ask you what is the purpose of creating the War Demon Sect."

There was a bit of a sneer at the corner of Murong Feng's mouth, and he said: "Rebuild the god system of my ancient Chinese gods, the number one boss, you put your heart in your belly, although I, Murong Feng, have great power, but I never I don’t have the determination to overthrow Huaxia, so I’m too lazy to talk nonsense. Zhanmozong needs the support of your government, but you don’t want to use this to control our Zhanmozong. I can promise that Zhanmozong will do its best when the country needs it. If you help the country, for example, if foreign tribes invade the country, you can also help the country build a war demon army of [-] people to protect the peace of China forever. Soon I will leave China and go to another world, but on this premise, I need certain resources from the state, and in return, I will change China's energy shortage."

The No. [-] leader's eyes lit up, and he said with a smile: "We can agree to your request, but with an existence like yours, hot weapons are no longer useful to you, and even if we try our best, we can't help you." You are busy!"

Murong Feng didn't talk nonsense at the moment, he took out 200 yuan low-grade immortal stone, pushed it directly in front of the two big brothers, and said: "You two big brothers, this is the indispensable fairy stone for our cultivators, and it is almost impossible to find it on the earth now." Now, the energy contained in a fairy stone is enough to provide electricity for the capital city for 300 years without any pollution. It can also be said to be a crystal of energy. If you can develop it, it will greatly improve whether it is military, technology, or industry. Leading the world, even the future interstellar voyage is not a problem, I can provide you with such energy crystals for 10 yuan, or even 100 million yuan."

Leaders No. [-] and No. [-] were shocked immediately. The two old men stood up directly and said excitedly: "Murong Feng, we thank you on behalf of the country and the people. The earth is being destroyed day by day. Such energy is too precious. Now, if you have any request, just ask."

Murong Feng said quietly, "I need all the nuclear bombs in the country's stockpile, and I will soon sweep up the nuclear bombs of all countries. This is the only weapon on the earth that can cause harm to practitioners like us. To be remodeled."

Leader No. [-] looked at the white energy fairy stone, gritted his teeth, and said: "Okay, Huaxia's nuclear bombs have about [-] warheads, so you can take them all! Anyway, there will be no nuclear bombs in the world anymore. And our Huaxia has the protection of the War Demon Sect, so no one can step into the thunder pool."

Murong Feng stood up and said with a smile: "Both big brothers, thank you for your help. Here are all the 10 yuan of fairy stones. This is a storage bracelet with about four to five thousand cubic meters in it. I will hand it over to you." To Ouyang Yue, well, our talks are over, let's put all the nuclear bombs in this bracelet! I should go to other countries to see."

After saying that, Murong Feng turned around and left here with Qingqing and Xueyan, and went directly to sweep all over the world, obtaining a total of more than 2 nuclear bombs.

Above the boundless starry sky, Murong Feng looked up at the blue planet below, and said silently in his heart: "My hometown, I'm going to leave here, and I don't know when I will return. Maybe I will become the supreme supreme, or maybe I will be smashed to pieces. What should I do?" I've already done everything, as for what to do, everything depends on your own development, it's time to leave."

After saying that, Murong Feng muttered in his heart, preparing to summon the Gate of Starry Sky, but suddenly a powerful wave of divine power emanated from above the moon. Flying over the moon, Murong Feng said to the moon: "That supreme senior in Huaxia is retreating here. The junior is the descendant of the war demon emperor. Please come out and see."

The divine power was still radiating, but no one responded. Suddenly, a powerful force pulled Murong Feng directly towards the interior of the moon. Seeing that Murong Feng couldn't resist, he simply stopped resisting and dragged himself away .

Inside the moon, there was darkness without a trace of light, Murong Feng's divine sense was still greatly suppressed, and suddenly a powerful wave came from the void, directly pulling him over, and in front of him was A huge arm, the size of a thousand feet.

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