unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 349 The Change of Heavenly Spirit

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 340: Changes in the Heavenly Spirit

change of spirit

"Where do you go? Of course, where do you come from and where are you going? If you have anything to say, senior, let's say it clearly! This junior is here to see Tianling girl, and to take Changtian away." Murong Feng's mouth With a sense of helplessness, it seemed that the curtain was over.

The previous blood demon looked at Murong Feng appreciatively, and said, "Little guy, we didn't misjudge you. You really are a character. The power you worked so hard to destroy is not discouraged at all. I'm afraid you already have plans in your heart." Now! I won't ask you any more, I'll take you to meet Tianling girl! You can explain it to him yourself!"

The blood demon of the previous generation directly broke into the void, and instantly arrived at the location of the Heavenly Demon Sect. This is a huge mountain range, shrouded in demonic energy. The mountains are mostly precipitous places, and countless fierce beasts haunt them. This place is usually a disciple of the Heavenly Demon Sect. The place of experience, among the misty high mountains and misty clouds, is the palace of the Heavenly Demon Sect.

The Heavenly Demon Sect is divided into four lines, the blood demon line which attacks the strongest, the ghost line which is good at all kinds of strange soul supernatural powers, the body is the magic weapon, the bone line which only repairs the bones and the body, and the other line is the mastery of the ancient palms of the Heavenly Demon Sect. The Heavenly Demon Department, the supreme teaching, has about 80 disciples, governs lands with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles, and occupies three kingdoms of mortals.

However, there are two people in the Tianmo sect who practice Tianmojue, namely Duan Wuya and Xie Changtian. With the support of Cheng's disciples, Xie Changtian has an incomparable advantage, that is, his boss Murongfeng has friendship with almost all generations of demon kings of the Tianmo sect. Show great love.

However, Tian Ling has been in seclusion, that is, only appeared in the last year. When he learned that Murong Feng was missing and his army was destroyed, he was extremely worried. He became less lively and active. Instead, he has been in a daze in the Tianmo sect, often sitting for several days.

On the cloud-shrouded cliff, Tian Ling's figure seemed a little lonely, sitting there alone in a daze, with sighs from time to time.

The blood demon of the previous generation brought Murong Feng here, saw Tian Ling's figure, and sighed helplessly: "Boy, look at how this girl looks now! She is lifeless, go! Let her return to her original appearance." !"

Murong Feng nodded, and slowly walked towards Tianling's figure. When he was about ten meters behind Tianling, Tianling made a slightly sad voice, "Elder brother, I said let me I'll be alone, let's go! I know what you think about me, but unfortunately my heart has already been taken by that hooligan. would make me hate you."

Murong Feng still didn't stop, but took out a cigarette, lit it directly, took a deep puff, and said: "Girl, I'm sorry, I made a mistake, my uncle has exceeded the promised time."

Hearing Murong Feng's voice, Tian Ling's body visibly trembled, then stood up, turned around, there was no surprise in his eyes, on the contrary, there was only deep resentment, and as he pinched the spell with his hands, a jet-black thunder light descended from the sky , hit Murong Feng's body directly, and Murong Feng resisted the blow.

All Tianling had was the anger that filled his heart, and the black magic thunders slammed down, falling on Murong Feng's body like raindrops. It was scorched black, exuding a smell of paste, and the clothes were also tattered.

"Girl, have you vented enough? If it's not enough, let's continue to use it! I, Murong Feng, will continue. I know that I have forgotten my promise. It is really difficult for me to do so!" Also a piece of pain.

"Why do you come back, you bastard, you incompetent guy, my man is not as cowardly as you, not a bastard who can only escape, you were not afraid that day, you were not afraid of the earth, you dared to challenge the three sects of Daoism!" Where is the momentum? For millions of years, no one in the mainland dared to challenge the Taoist sect. You dared to destroy their teleportation array, but you actually abandoned your subordinates, and still fulfilled my promise? You are a ruthless My Tianling's man is destined to be a world-renowned hero, not an incompetent coward like you." Tianling's eyes were filled with tears, and his chest was trembling with anger.

Covered in purple divine power, Murong Feng immediately restored his appearance, and shouted: "Girl, did your head get kicked by a donkey? Who said that I abandoned my subordinates, who said that I am incompetent, who said that I am afraid of the three sects of Taoism , do you know where uncle came from, do you know where uncle went, uncle, I went to the other side of the starry sky, uncle, I went home."

When the words fell, Murong Feng didn't care what Tianling was thinking, but grabbed Tianling's body, hugged him fiercely, and kissed his red lips heavily, Tianling tried his best Resisting, but Murong Feng's strength and hegemony, a numb feeling gradually passed through his whole body...

After a long time, Tian Ling broke away from Murong Feng directly, with a beautiful shame on his face, "Bastard, rascal, you are still such a domineering, playful big hooligan, I, Tian Ling, don't want to waste time with you so vaguely, I want you to propose marriage to my father, otherwise, you will never come to see me again."

Murong Feng shook his head, with a calm expression on his face, and said: "Girl, I'm afraid that our affairs will have to be delayed for a while, my 200 million legionnaires can't die in vain like this, sir, I want to give three sects to the Taoist sect." , a devastating blow to the Lieshan family, but we still have to mention the pro, we can't get married now, can we get engaged first?"

Tian Ling's face changed first, and then he heard Murong Feng's words, and said: "What is engagement first, isn't it just to propose marriage as long as my father agrees? Why do you want to get engaged!"

Murong Feng hugged Tianling, looked up at the sky, and said: "This is a custom in my hometown. Engagement is a mutual agreement. The man gives the woman some dowry, and then the two parties set a date for the marriage contract. There is a buffer period during this period. Are you ready to get married? How can my Murong Feng's marriage be such a trifling matter, at least I will have to wait until I become the overlord of the heavens and myriad worlds before we can get married."

Tian Ling looked at Murong Feng in shock, and said: "Since you have such ambitions and want to become the overlord of the heavens and worlds, you should unify the Sky Continent first! Unify the Sky Continent, no, big rogue, what is your intention? If you want to be the king of the sky, then how should you deal with me, the Demonic Sect."

Murong Feng smiled slightly, and said, "Tianmozong is my father-in-law, what do you think will happen to me, sir?"

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