unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 351 You Explain It Clearly To My Mother

Unscrupulous Veterinary Doctor Chapter 350 You explain it clearly to my mother

You explain to my wife clearly

"Shouyuan Pill, is there really such a legendary pill? Little guy, let me wait for the old man to see it."

"Take it out quickly, the Shouyuan Pill is there."

"... "

The seventeen old monsters who had lived tens of thousands of years and who had defying means, did not have the demeanor of the so-called seniors at all, and directly surrounded Murong Feng to ask for the pill.

Murong Feng could only give them seventeen elixirs one by one, and these old immortals took them one by one excitedly, and swallowed them directly on the spot. 3000 years of life seems not much, but for these old people whose lives are coming to an end The monster is really a life-saving medicine. After swallowing the elixir, everyone's body exuded a strong breath of life, and their mummy-like bodies also recovered a bit.

The effect was very good, with immediate results. A group of immortals were very happy, and of course the demons were also very happy, but Murong Feng was unusually calm. After all, the elixir in the system store is a treasure, and any strong man will be tempted when he sees it.

"Boy, the elixir is very good. It is indeed the Shouyuan Pill. You are a son-in-law and we are old enough to recognize it. Little devil, if you don't want such a son-in-law, don't regret it!"

"Yes, we agree, Tianling girl is very lucky."

A group of old monsters chirped for a while. A lifespan of 3000 years is a great temptation for these people. Of course, it is Murong Feng who is trying his best to fawn on him. God knows if there is a better medicine in him.

Murong Feng smiled slightly, and said: "Seniors, I have a question for this junior. You have already reached such a realm, but why don't you ascend to the upper realm?"

A group of old monsters were speechless for a moment, as if they were very taboo about this question, and even the face of the Supreme Demon changed slightly, and one of the old monsters sighed: "Little guy, you should have heard of the four great fairylands! The battle of gods swept across the heavens, the prehistoric world was shattered, and hundreds of millions of souls fell. That period was the darkest time. It seemed that the immortals and gods were cut off, and none of the cultivators could ascend. Leaving the Little Fairyland, which is today's Four Great Wonderlands, the strong people inside are not immortals, but their combat power is comparable to ancient true immortals, but they have huge flaws, those who cannot break through, or die of old age, or become fossils , there is no third way to go, so whether we ascend or not, it has nothing to do with it, and there is a limit of life."

Murong Feng looked puzzled, and said: "Seniors, what is your combat strength? If there is an ancient true immortal, can you overcome it?"

The old monster grinned and showed his white teeth, "Little guy, your potential is limitless. If one day you reach our level, you can try us old bastards. Our only flaw is that we don't understand the rules. To the fairy gods who have formed their own laws, we have only one dead end."

Murong Feng couldn't help sighing, and said: "Eternal life is in vain. From now on, there will be no real immortals in the world. Immortals and demons will fall, and the prehistoric world will be shattered. The realm of true immortals is an unattainable state! Hey!"

The demon stood up, with a calm face on his resolute face, and said: "Murongfeng, what are you thinking, even if there is no heaven, so what, even if you can't reach the real fairyland, the important thing is to live forever. What are you doing, instead of worrying about your own life, you are so high-minded, you will achieve nothing in the end, think about it!"

Murong Feng hurriedly said respectfully: "Thank you, Father-in-law, for enlightening me. I understand that I fell into a death situation for a while, and almost had a demon in my heart."

Tianmo put his hands behind his back, his eyes showed a strong brilliance, and said: "Little guy, your marriage with Ling'er is temporarily settled, and when you finish what you should do and realize the ideal in your heart, it will be your wedding with Ling'er." when."

Murong Feng looked at Tianmo's eyes, and his heart trembled. Could it be that the future father-in-law knew something? Could it be that my uncle's background has been found out by him?It should be impossible!Thinking of this, Murong Feng nodded directly with a bit of panic all the time, but didn't speak.

"Okay, Ling girl, take Murong Feng out! This deity is going to retreat, I hope you don't disappoint this deity, go!" After the words fell, the figure of the Supreme Demon had disappeared, and Tian Ling took Murong Feng out Outside the Tianmo Temple, Xie Changtian and the big black dog had already waited impatiently.

Xie Changtian and the big black dog immediately showed treacherous smiles, and said, "Boss, boy, have you settled the marriage proposal, and has your future father-in-law agreed?"

Murong Feng just smiled, but didn't speak, instead, Tianling looked shy, and said in a deep voice: "Big hooligan, I know you are a restless master, you are eating from the bowl and still thinking about the pot." Li, tell me honestly today, how many women do you like, and who else is there besides Phoenix Heavenly Girl."

Murong Feng hadn't spoken yet, but the big black dog and Xie Changtian were counting with their fingers. Xie Changtian deliberately said loudly: "Senior Shigou, how many sisters-in-law do you think I will have in the future! Let me do the math first! Sister Tianling, Senior Zixin, Feng Ruolan, Qingqing, Xueyan, and Lanyan, these are the six we already know, and there are also Fairy Lanxin from Piaomiao Pavilion, Saintess from the Ice Clan... There must be seven or eight of them!"

The big black dog also showed a treacherous smile, and said: "Yes, yes, you don't know that this kid has been home for more than ten years this time, and it is unknown whether there is still one over there. I'm afraid I have children, so it should be like this!"

Tianling's face was livid, gloomy and frightening, with murderous aura all over his body, and Murong Feng's face was even more horrifying. He gritted his teeth and looked at Xie Changtian and the big black dog. His whole body was full of purple divine power, and a giant purple hand fell down. Seeing the opportunity, the dog dragged Xie Changtian away.

"Boy, you two, you can deal with it yourself! The Demon Sect has a lot of good things, and this emperor won't accompany you. You can talk slowly, and don't fight!" The voice of the big black dog was far away. spread far away.

Just as Murong Feng was about to take the opportunity to flee, Tianling's eerie, murderous voice came out, saying: "Murong Feng, tell me clearly today that I won't let you get out of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and let your bones die." Go feed the beasts in the back mountain."

Murong Feng was sweating profusely, he quickly laughed dryly, and said, "This... that... it's all a misunderstanding! It's all their nonsense, that dead dog is the same as the previous dead cat, don't listen to them Nonsense! Don't listen to it!"

Tianling's face became more and more terrifying and indifferent, and he said: "Damn rascal, I already knew that you are not a law-abiding master. You have been raped by so many women by my old lady. Where did you put me and me?" , I am also the little princess of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and my identity follows, my mother has never suffered so much grievance, everything is yours, today I will die with you."

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