Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 360 The fifth successful provocation

provocation success

Xue Wu came out of the world to be holy, sitting quietly on the top of the sword mountain, feeling the endless oppression brought by the Taiqing sword intent, and resisting the power of resentment gathered in her body for thousands of generations. Before all generations, Xue Wu was the supreme and noble fairy, The reputation spreads far and wide, shocking the powerful in the heavens and all worlds, just because one person knocked down the altar from the nine layers of void, the reincarnation of all ages, the misery of all ages, just to re-enter the nine layers of void, greet the heartless person, "Back then Why blame me."

Xue Wu's hatred shakes the heavens and the earth, and shakes the world, but a true immortal who gives up his career will suffer the pain of reincarnation. The true spirit is immortal, and he will be tortured by that pain for generations. This is a punishment from heaven. As soon as the criminal law comes, he will regain the immortal position, wash away the resentment in his heart with the supreme sword intent, and regain the power that belonged to everything before the eternity.

"Princess Xuewu, your guard was forced to interrogate by the deputy head teacher, and he has already blew himself up, dead and soul disappeared." Xuanyu's voice echoed in Xuewu's ear.

Fairy Xuewu, who was resisting the sword intent, opened her pupils suddenly, her eyes revealed a sense of terror, a boundless power of resentment radiated from her whole body, the supreme sword intent was instantly forced back, her shadow was like a shadow, and it disappeared in a flash .

Where Xue Wu passed by, the void was filled with chill, crystal snowflakes fell on the ground, the vegetation was cut off, the ground was completely white, within a radius of a hundred miles, not a single blade of grass grew, and there was no life.

"Reverend Qingxuan, why did you kill my guard? You must give me an explanation today, otherwise, don't blame this fairy for being cruel." Xue Wu's voice was cold and ruthless, with boundless killing intent.

Although he hasn't regained his status as a true immortal yet, immortals are not allowed to be profane and offended. The majesty and arrogance that belonged to immortals in the previous life are still there. There is a saying in the heavens and the world, "When Xue Wu is angry, her life will be cut off."

Although it is not as terrifying as described at this time, the facts are already here. Murong Feng's provocation has succeeded, and Xue Wu's power of resentment has been fluctuated. Resentment demons, either from immortals to gods, become supreme gods.

"Tell me, Princess Xuewu, you have to figure out your identity. Although your identity is special, after all, you were a true immortal of the Nine Layers of Void in your previous life. Now you are nothing more than a mortal who has mastered instincts. You still think that you Is it a true immortal who is high above and masters the power of the supreme law?" Daoist Qingxuan didn't buy Xue Wu's stink at all, he knew that Xue Wu was about to succeed, but now it was a mortal with no use at all.

"Oh! Really? You look down on me so much. You three sects of Daoism are really good. Back then, your patriarchs didn't dare to neglect me like this. You are a group of juniors who despise my existence so much. Cut me off!" Is it necessary for you to be subjected to boundless anger, and the strength to bully this fairy has not recovered? It is enough to kill you group of stinky fish."

Fairy Xuewu was really angry. Although it was just a bit of immortality, the boundless power of resentment alone was enough for them to drink a pot.

"The elders of the Qing generation joined me to form a sword formation to kill immortals. Today, I want to slay demons and demons, and kill this evildoer for the world." The old Taoist Qingxuan was anxious in his heart. The majesty of the real immortal, this is not courting death, I hope the sword array left by the ancestor master can kill him.

There are tens of thousands of elders in the Qing generation, and all of them are great masters in the fusion period. Following the shouts of Qingxuan old Taoist, violent sword lights intertwined in the void, and thousands of purple sword shadows gathered, and finally Synthesize four giant swords with a length of one thousand meters, forming the world-shaking Zhuxian Sword Formation.

"Zhuxian Sword Formation, I didn't expect that these three bull-nosed people would even retain their natal stunts. Forget it, I just want to see how much of his cultivation you have learned from him." Princess Xuewu smiled, and the snowflakes all over the sky Fei Wu, Xue Wu smiled, adding a bit of invisible killing intent...


Murong Feng changed his original appearance, escaped from the small world, and mixed with a group of disciples who were thousands of miles away. At this time, there were no expert guards here, and there were only some cultivation bases in the distraction period. Murong Feng took the opportunity to fish in troubled waters. The so-called top ten genius disciples have been figured out.

After a cursory glance, there are about tens of thousands of disciples here, including the top ten geniuses, who directly opened up the small world, and a strong suction force swallowed all the tens of thousands of disciples, directly escaping into the small world, The law of space was used, and these shocking disciples were forcibly suppressed to death. Everything they carried with them became the vitality of the small world. With the nourishment of tens of thousands of disciples, the small world expanded by five hundred miles almost instantly.

Sure enough, it is the fastest to kill people!Disciples of the three sects of Taoism, get ready to accept my wrath, sir!Tens of thousands of talents have expanded so much, it is not as good as a dozen masters who have cultivated in the Mahayana stage, let's fight!let's hit!Your Highness Princess Xuewu, it is best for both sides to suffer, and let the uncle and I take advantage of the murloc/

The battle in the field has reached a fever pitch. The Zhuxian Sword Formation composed of tens of thousands of people actually has [-]% of the power of the Taiqing Patriarch, but this [-]% of the power is enough. It is enough to slaughter ordinary true immortals, but It can only draw with Xue Wu, Xue Wu is only relying on the powerful power of resentment to display the benefits of the law.

In the void, sword shadows fluttered, and cracks in space abounded. With the flying snowflakes, even the cracks in space were forcibly frozen, but under the supreme sword intent, they turned into fly ash one after another, and neither side could do anything to the other. The strength of Xue Wu's combat power is terrifying.

Murong Feng escaped again, watching all this from a distance, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, he shouted: "You fellows of Taiqing Daozong, haven't you always wanted to catch me? Here, what’s the matter, come here if you have the guts! You have more energy than you want! Let me give you some good things!”

In an instant, Murong Feng released the big black dog, and the big black dog spat out, dozens of nuclear bombs were smashed into the sword formation, and the sword formation automatically released sword energy, "Boom..." Dozens of loud explosions sounded , shocked the sky, even Murong Feng was dizzy, and a large mushroom cloud rose above the void.

The Zhuxian Sword Formation turned into flying ash all over the sky, revealing a space black hole with a size of a hundred miles in the void, indeed it was a space black hole, devouring everything in front of it crazily, hundreds of people were sucked into the black hole at the same time, Princess Xuewu was also helpless in the face of the black hole in space, but was dragged over by Murong Feng.

The old Taoist Qingxuan roared frantically, "Little bastard, don't run away if you have the guts. I, Qingxuan, swear that even if I chase you to the ends of the earth, I will kill you. The revenge of destroying the clan will not be treated together. You just wait for me."

Murong Feng didn't have time to chatter with him, because he had already felt a boundless killing intent, and quickly said: "Silly dog, is the Void God Formation ready?"

The big black dog showed its fat paws, and said with a sinister smile: "With the help of this emperor, everything will be settled. The miscellaneous hairs of the Taiqing Daozong, this is the interest received by the emperor. The next step is the Yuqing Daozong, ready to accept it." The anger of the emperor and the lord! Wang!"

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