unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 376 Ye Yun's Domain

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 370: Ye Yun's Domain

Ye Yun's Domain

"It's the Xuantian Sword Formation again, sir, I'll play with you in the sword formation, the True Martial Sword Formation, kill." Seven purple giant swords appeared, and under Murong Feng's control, they surrounded the surroundings directly, and the sword formation trembled like the wind , like a phantom, like catkins, boundless, quickly decomposed into seven or 49 small sword formations, completely isolating Ye Yun's Xuantian sword formation.

The confrontation between the sword array and the sword array is completely out of the control of the master, and the confrontation is carried out instinctively. Ye Yun, who is holding the Qingping sword in his hand, has a flash of light and directly splits the space. The sword seems to surpass the limit of space. It hit Murong Feng's head directly, fast, extremely fast, so fast that it was almost impossible for Murong Feng to dodge.

Murong Feng stepped on the sky for eight steps, and finally dodged the sword dangerously, but the fierce sword edge still took away a large piece of Murong Feng's flesh and blood, and while Murong Feng dodged, suddenly in the void Gathered a large cloud layer of cyan, the cyan thunder flashed, and the violent thunder shook the sky.

"Shangqing Shenlei, destroy everything, break."

A thunderbolt with a diameter of [-] meters crashed down, and nine lightning bolts in a row bombarded Murongfeng's body. Although Murongfeng's movement skills were exquisite, but in a small space, he resolutely suffered the lightning strike, and at the same time Murongfeng also He didn't hold back his hands, a purple Taiji diagram was placed on his head, but the phantom of the Big Dipper appeared under his feet.

Ye Yun can be said to use all means, using the supreme swordsmanship in close quarters, using the supernatural thunder in long-distance combat, and also wearing a soul-fixing bell. Although it can't freeze Murong Feng's soul, it is good to make him dizzy for a while. Enough is enough, the gap with Murong Feng has been completely made up, and Murong Feng was directly pressed and beaten, and could only dodge non-stop.

But he didn't suffer any damage, but the wound of the sword made Murong Feng furious in his heart. Ye Yun's fairy treasure, plus enough combat power, came up with the Xuantian sword array, and he was stunned. B, sir, I was fooled, Ye Yun, you really are insidious, use the sword array to isolate your breath, and prevent Tianlei from finding you?No wonder you didn't take it into account, you cut off all your abilities.

Murong Feng figured this out, and transformed into a purple energy sword, purple divine power swallowed, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, the huge sword crossed the sky, the sharp sword glow shot up into the sky, and the real martial arts sword array also shot up into the sky, Countless bursts of sharp sword energy burst out, directly impacting the Xuantian Sword Formation above.

A violent giant energy collided, and a huge light erupted in the sky, like fireworks scattered all over the sky, revealing an extremely beautiful murderous intent. Murong Feng was like a god of war, sacred and inviolable, and shouted: "Ye Yun, let's see how you die today. Even though you are a fairy treasure with a whole body, you are destined to fall, and under the catastrophe, you will be reduced to ashes."

Seeing that her intention was destroyed by Murong Feng, Ye Yun sneered and said, "Hmph! Murong Feng, do you really think that you are destined to kill me? The Dragon Secret Realm hasn't been opened yet, so it can only be checked by others."

There was a killing intent in Murong Feng's eyes, Ye Yun must not stay, this person is a lifelong enemy, an absolute evildoer, an incomparable evildoer, if today is missed, there is no chance to kill this person.

Simply, don't do it, don't stop, cut her and said, thinking of this, the energy giant sword in Murong Feng's hand quickly shrank to about one meter, and the thirteen swords of Shenmen quickly came out, impacting Ye Yun's Shenmen At the acupoint, the thirteen swords of Shenmen are faster than one sword, carrying one after another energy vortex, going away with an incomparably mysterious momentum, it seems that the sky is full of these thirteen sword shadows.

Ye Yun's beautiful eyes showed a shocking color, the gossip purple ribbon directly burst into purple light, and the thirteen sharp sword intents were completely blocked, completely annihilated in the purple gossip in front of him, and Murong Feng's purpose is to bully Ye Yun.

Instantly melted the long sword in the palm, the purple divine power was swiftly swallowed, and the fierce and domineering Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms burst out, each palm exhausted all the strength and divine power of the whole body, the eighteen palms flew up and down, and directly melted out Eighteen purple dragons danced all over the sky, the sound of dragon chant shocked the world, and the eighteen dragons directly hit Ye Yun's body.

Each palm has the power of millions of catties and a whole body of domineering divine power. Poshen Jue is known as the number one attack method of the gods. The qi and blood in the body were in pain, and the eighteen dragons smashed the fairy light in the gossip purple ribbon clothes, and dissipated resolutely.

The corner of Ye Yun's mouth was covered with traces of bright red blood, slowly dripping down...

"Oh! The fairy treasure is indeed a fairy treasure! Ye Yun, with such a level of attack, you only received such a slight injury, which is really surprising to me! It can be seen that you are not so lucky, you are doomed If I want to die, of course I will die after I destroy the three Taoist sects." Murong Feng was arrogant and domineering, and he didn't take Ye Yun seriously at all.

"Murongfeng, you're courting death. The profound energy of the upper purity, the profound energy of the great purity, the profound energy of the jade purity, the combination of the three cleans into one, one energy into the three cleans, the realm of the three cleans, now." Ye Yun finally used her last resort, with the three heads above her head. Duoqing Qi is now emerging, these are the three profound qi cultivated by Ye Yun, and now they are out of the body.

The three profound energies suddenly merged into one, and then a boundless power came out. Within a thousand miles, all living things were completely isolated, a vast, majestic, ancient, desolate, and long-lasting breath came out, forming a small world in front of you. A pair of phantoms seemed to appear, a roc with a body of [-] li and wings of [-] li, a phoenix god with seven colors and a full body of thousands of li, and a true dragon with a huge body of [-] li...

The Sanqing Realm directly envelops Murong Feng's body, those phantoms of the primordial prehistoric times, those desolate beasts that are comparable to the ancient gods of the Golden Immortal...the completion is intertwined into a huge picture scroll, and it is to form an attack on the mind. Huge spiritual energy, if Murong Feng's consciousness hadn't been protected by Wenzu's divine scriptures, he would have become an empty body long ago.

"In the domain, I am the king of gods, I am the master, and I am the king of this world. Even if Murong Feng is domineering in body, so what if his combat power is unparalleled. The fairy can still grind you to death, and turn your blood essence and vitality into a part of the domain." Ye Yun came slowly, showing boundless pride.

Murong Feng had indeed suffered a strong mental shock, but he recovered in the blink of an eye, but he pretended to be incomparably hollow, waiting to give Ye Yun that fatal blow. Suffered endless damage.

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