Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 380

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The secret of the true dragon has attracted the world's experts to compete for it, and even the golden immortals above are also coveted. Since ancient times, immortals have left endless legends, making the Sky Continent struggling to pursue the existence of immortals. This time, the secret of the true dragon can be regarded as the sky The strong from the mainland have emerged, and the most elite forces from all major forces have all come.

The 10,000+ people are probably the hidden power of the major forces, but among them, the three Daoist sects, the Tianmo sect, the Phoenix family, the Yaozu, the Lieshan family, and the Xuanyuan family are the most dazzling, and the rest are small forces. The alliance, but gathered together, is not a weak force.

The worst ones who came this time were also those who possessed the Mahayana stage, so it can be seen that the temptation of the secret of the real dragon, but Murong Feng and the people of the real dragon house did not know all this...


Poor mountains and rivers, extremely dangerous, full of savage beasts and ferocious birds over a thousand feet in length, in this barbaric world, bloody and killings are staged everywhere, corpses lying thousands of miles away, white bones are not just legends, but real appearances in front of you , along Murong Feng's journey, snow-white bones and freshly dead bodies can be seen almost everywhere.

"Damn, it's really dangerous. Where is this place? The secret of the real dragon. The real dragon commands all spirits. After death, there are still so many fierce beasts guarding it? Although the real dragon is dead, its power is still the same. He is the real king!" Sitting on a high mountain, Murong Feng couldn't help but let out a sound of admiration.

"Yeah! Brother, maybe you will be more powerful than this real dragon in the future. At that time, we will be the same as in the secular world, acting like a prince. We don't want to do it if we have less territory, haha!" King Xiaopeng couldn't help it. out loud.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

An earthquake-like sound came out, and the earth cracked terrifying gaps. There seemed to be thousands of golden lights shining in the void. A figure stood proudly in the sky, holding a golden long sword, and was facing a three-thousand-foot-long body. With flaxen feathers, it is a big bird similar to a goshawk. The big bird flaps its wings, and every time it carries a strong wind.

"Monster, how can I keep you, I'm going to smash you to death today." After saying that, a square ancient seal appeared in the palm of that figure, and when it was thrown into the void, the ancient seal instantly turned into a large brick with a radius of thousands of feet. , with the control of the figure in the void, the ancient seal fell instantly, the surrounding void collapsed abruptly, and a breath of suppressing everything passed down. Murong Feng still felt the supreme power of the ancient seal after hundreds of miles away. breath.

The strange bird with a body of three thousand feet was forcibly hit by the ancient seal, and rushed into the ground with a violent sound, but the strange bird turned into a pile of flesh and blood, and suddenly it smelled fishy, ​​terrifying, really very Horror, the power of this magic weapon is abnormally overbearing, but Murong Feng's eyes showed surprise, and he said: "Authentic product, it's a bang, it is definitely genuine product, Yuqing Daozong, you are finally willing to take it out! "

This big slab of brick is the immortal treasure that became famous all over the world in the Battle of the Conferred Gods!The Heaven-shattering Great Seal, whoever is smashed to death will die, even if it is an ordinary protoss encounter, it can only be hated. Can half of the things trained by Buzhou Mountain be ordinary?

"Brother, what kind of magic weapon is this? It's so terrifying that even a vicious bird can be crushed to death." There was a hint of terror in King Xiaopeng's eyes.

"Yes, what exactly is this, big brother, you seem to know a little bit from your appearance." Ao Tian couldn't hide his curiosity, and asked Murong Feng aloud.

"The origin of this fairy treasure is obvious. The heaven-shaking great seal possesses supreme power. Unless it is the supreme emperor of the gods who can resist the bombardment of this magic treasure, otherwise ordinary true immortals and true gods will only die if they encounter it." Points, without any discussion, you will die if you meet him, have you seen this ferocious bird? It is the best end, this treasure must be brought here, I really like big brother, follow him, and find a chance to shoot him to death." There was a murderous intent in Murong Feng's eyes, and he did not show the big seal looking at the sky at all.

King Xiaopeng and Ao Tian also showed killing intent, are they from the three schools of Taoism?No discussion, looking for an opportunity to kill them directly, the three of them nodded, waiting for the figure to go away, and then the three of them followed. Along the way, you can see beasts and birds that were smashed to death everywhere, and they chased the three of them from a distance. Thousands of miles away, but disappeared.

But the three of Murong Feng found a precipitous cliff, surrounded by hundreds of people, seeming to be arguing about something, the three of Murong Feng sneaked into it without saying a word, hiding their breath, and quietly listening to the hundreds of people. debate.

"Huh! This precipice stone carving was first seen by our Hundred Clan Alliance. You Yuqing Daozong people are too deceptive. If you want to expel anything, don't even think about it. You can either study together or fight to the death. It's up to you to choose."

"A group of alien races also want to learn this supreme divine technique. Are you worthy? Don't give up on you. If you don't leave now, you will be afraid of leaving your life behind."

"Shangqing Daozong's bull-nosed miscellaneous hair, what are you, relying on your ancestors, brothers from hundreds of clans, the three Taoist sects deceive people too much, kill them. There is nothing to discuss."

It turns out that the people from the Hundred Clans of the Northern Territory and the people from the Taoist Sect of the Qing Dynasty, since this is the case, it can be seen that there is nothing to discuss, there is no such race as the Sanmu Clan, and there is no such race as the Celestial Human Clan, so let the uncle add fire to you, Murong Feng A sword glow was clearly drawn, piercing directly through the head of a disciple of the Dao Sect of the Shangqing Dynasty.

It was already a tense situation, and now people are dead, and the crowd is even more angry. Almost all of them here are weak. If someone is dead in the Taoist sect of the Shangqing, naturally they will not let them go easily.

"Brothers, the foreign race hurts people first, so naturally the previous agreement is to cancel, kill, and leave nothing behind." A master of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing roared angrily.

In an instant, all kinds of powerful and overbearing spells and supernatural powers danced in the sky, colorful magic weapons and sword glows intertwined, the supernatural powers of foreign races and the fairy arts of Daoist sects duel, the power is hard to comment on, from time to time some people fell down, and from time to time some people fell down. The heads of the people were separated, blood was sprayed everywhere, corpses could be seen everywhere, and the mountains with a radius of hundreds of miles were flattened abruptly.

The two sides were evenly matched, but Shangqing Daozong still had the upper hand. Most of the dead were masters of foreign races, but the masters of Shangqing Daozong also suffered a lot of casualties, almost half of them. However, the aliens are ruthless and will not defend themselves to death, and they will give Shangqing Daozong a terrifying attack when they are dying.

"Wonderful! It's really wonderful. I'm here to give you something special." Murongfeng's mouth was slightly smirking, and the whole person directly performed the bone shrinking skill, turning into the appearance of a foreign race, soaring into the sky, and entered the melee of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty. Among the crowd, they stepped on the sky for eight steps, ignored any supernatural powers and spells, and came when they found an opportunity. With that tyrannical power alone, the masters of the Taoist sect would be seriously injured even if they did not die.

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