unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 39 The Power of the Rocket Launcher

Chapter 39 The Power of the Bazooka

39 The power of the rocket launcher

"Presumptuous, do you really think that I am the Taoist of the Shangqing sect in your back garden? Today you will show you that you really treat me as a soft persimmon. Do you pinch it if you want? The disciples of the Taoist sect of the Shangqing Dynasty follow orders and come to commit crimes." If there is any change in the person, kill him immediately." Taiqing Daoist did not fall in front of others, his expression was full of calm, but his words were full of arrogance without anger.

The people from the three directions were about to rush forward, but there were more than a dozen white-clothed old men outside the big formation, each of them looked very calm, but they showed a compelling aura, Sanxian, this word flashed in everyone's mind Well, a dozen loose immortals are enough to shock the audience. In the cultivation world, loose immortals are equal to invincible, and these loose immortals are definitely masters of more than three calamities.

Now things are getting serious, just a dozen or so loose immortals are enough to wipe them all out, but the troops from the three parties have stopped, and no one dares to make any changes...

In the cave, Murong Feng recovered his true essence, and began to continue throwing Tianchen Jinjing, and the proficiency of the elementary weapon training technique was extremely long. In just a few days, the proficiency has already exceeded a thousand, and it is impossible After extracting nearly twenty catties of Tianchen Gold Essence, releasing it would definitely shock the world.

That pile of materials, Tianchen Jinshi, has already been used up. After the Tianchen Jin was used up, Murongfeng felt that the true energy in his body had increased slightly. Sure enough, there are more people. Practicing alchemy and weapons can improve strength. Now it seems that it is true. But this time, as Xiaoying's dead cat said, if the three sects go to Shangqing Daozong to be an important person, then their favor is really owed.

Thinking of this, Murong Feng shook his head and said, "Old man Ge, if the Shangqing Taoist sect can release people so easily, my name will be written on the name of my mother's uncle, if the number one sect is suppressed by these people , then he is not the number one faction, right? Let’s not talk about anything else, just a few of these loose immortals are enough for them to drink a pot. Zixin must be safe! Otherwise, this uncle will definitely be flat. This is the Taoist sect of the Qing Dynasty."

Suddenly, there was a slight laughing voice in his consciousness: "With your current weak strength, you still want to level up the Taoist sect of the Qing Dynasty. I really don't know your self-confidence. I don't know why if you are careful to be wiped out." Damn, kid, do you know about keeping a low profile? Yes, you are the only idiot who knows what everyone on Earth knows."

Murong Feng was taken aback, he quickly stood up and stood up on guard and said, "Fuck you, you dare to scare me, get out, come out."

The voice in the consciousness said with the slightest disdain: "I said you really don't know how to be grateful! If it weren't for my old man, you think that you can get so many big influences with your half-tone, and you will be afraid of others. I slapped you to death earlier, if my old man could go out, I would have killed you long ago, lest you lose the face of the people of the earth."

Murong Feng calmed down at this moment and said: "What the hell are you, that you actually know about my origin, get out! Don't hide in my consciousness, I don't care if you are a human or a ghost, I will If you don’t follow your example, you still want me to be grateful, you old rascal, come out.”

The voice in the consciousness was screaming and shouting: "Boy, my old man will not care about you for the time being, if I really can't stand it anymore, do you think I can see it with your weak strength? Yes, let me tell you honestly, it’s definitely not accidental that you appeared here, but I don’t know the details. Anyway, there is a black hand behind all of this. As for the existence of this system in your consciousness, in your words, it’s really a ****, okay. Use it! The Sky Continent is not as simple as you think. The ten sects are nothing more than superficial forces. The four great fairylands, the top of the East China Sea, the depths of the wild, the bitter cold land in the extreme north, and the desert land, how many super powers are hidden in these places? Character, no one knows, be honest with me, Be honest with me before Poshenjue reaches Jiuchongtian, and you, kid, develop your veterinary skills well, you will definitely have a bright future, remember not to lose The face of our earthlings, the old man fell asleep, calling me for something."

Murong Fengfeng yelled loudly, and said: "My god, what the hell are you, tell me clearly! Fuck you, when I am stronger, I will definitely take care of you."

In this way, Murong Feng completely understood that he really did not come here by accident, the mysterious voice in his consciousness, the mysterious system, and the mysterious little shadow, what did the black hand behind him want him to do? I will know, let's get the bazooka out first!

The information projection in front of him appeared again, and the appearance of Murongfeng's bazooka was copied onto the information projection with his spiritual thoughts. In an instant, a bazooka about one meter long appeared clearly on it, and without further ado, Murongfeng picked up the A few pieces of ore were thrown in directly, and as a burst of purple light dissipated, the rocket launcher clearly appeared in front of his eyes.

Murong Feng grabbed it, and found that the appearance was not bad, and the purchase price was very heavy. A low-grade immortal stone was inlaid on top of it, and it was resisted on the shoulder. Murong Feng decided to try the power of this thing. Going in, guiding the power of the fairy stone, the purple true essence passed through the tube inside, and quickly condensed. In less than a second, Murong Feng felt a powerful force seemed to rush out.

With a sound of "Boom", the rocket launcher exploded with a white beam of light, directly hit the cave, and rushed towards the inside. With the huge recoil, Murong Feng couldn't help but retreat, but after the cave shook hugely, , Murong Feng saw a hole in the wall the size of a watermelon, and it was bottomless, showing the power of the bazooka.

"Haha, sir, I succeeded, right? Unfortunately, the movement was too loud. It would be great if I could reduce the impact. Moreover, it is a straight-line attack. Fighting with cultivators can only be used as a sneak attack. If you can lock it, you can Well, then there is no need to be afraid that the cultivator will escape, what is the problem with this thing?" Murong Feng fell into deep thought.

But what Murong Feng didn't know was that the beam of light just pierced through the entire cave, ran to the place where the monsters were working, and turned several of them into fly ash. The leader of the monsters had a look of anger The intention, of course, was sent to the half-human race. I saw that he was bare-chested, showing his strong muscles, shining with light of the same color as the old one, and his red hair shot up into the sky like flames. His resolute face was full of anger. The color, this person is the leader of the monster clan, the wild lion, a thousand-year-old lion spirit, and also the realm of the Yuanying stage.

But the monster clan and the spirit beast are different. The monster clan is also divided into four realms, and they can transform into the Nascent Soul stage, but their strength is weakened, while the spirit beast is just the opposite.

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