unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 397 Tai Chi Veteran Zhang Sanfeng

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 390: Tai Chi Veteran Zhang Sanfeng

Tai Chi Taoist Zhang Sanfeng

"Don't be so troublesome, aren't you strong? I don't know if you can stop the magic weapon of the war demon emperor. Second brother, third brother, after walking for so long, you should be tired. Pay attention to lighting the fire, this is an authentic black weapon." Dog meat! Quack! Wouldn’t it be a big loss if you don’t eat it.” There was a devilish smile on Murongfeng’s brows, and a sharp purple awn wrapped around the stone axe.

"Okay, boy, you are cruel, this emperor will go now, and when this emperor's divine power recovers, we will settle the accounts together, you bastard brat, why did the Emperor Zhanmo let you be his heir, his old man has been wise all his life Unrivaled, but met this cunning little fox." The big black dog seemed to have been wronged, and walked towards the mysterious blocking power unbearably.

A pair of dog's eyes erupted with golden light that soared to the sky, piercing through the mysterious power of blockade abruptly. The dog frowned deeply, then sighed, and said: "Using the space to block the outside, there is actually a shadow of the Void God Rune. It's a good magic weapon, and the emperor is a little curious about the person who arranged it, but it's not difficult for the emperor."

A pair of dog paws of the big black dog pierced through the mysterious power directly, and the black magic power was hidden in it, and shouted: "Give it to me, use the power of space, this emperor is the ancestor, boy, it's done, let's go in quickly."

After the big black dog finished speaking, he stood up straight and got in first. Murong Feng, King Xiaopeng, and Ao Tian walked in one by one, and then the space inside healed up, but the moment they entered, they were greeted by... Hundreds of millions of black and white sword qi, seventy-seven and 49 black and white giant swords in the void crossed the void, interweaving into a huge sword array.

The sword formation actually came to attack according to the yin and yang lines of Taiji. Murong Feng knew whose masterpiece it was without looking at it. Except for the sword formation of the old hooligan, no one else could do such a domineering attack. Naturally, Murong Feng couldn't fight the old hooligan. If he couldn't resist, the big black dog bared its teeth and was surrounded by the sword array. The black hair all over its body was shaved off by the sword energy, turning into a big black dog with a shiny face.

"Boy, hurry up and help me. This sword formation is so domineering. Why does it have the same aura as yours? Is it possible that your sword formation is learned from here?" The big black dog kept dodging, but faced thousands of people. There was no way to dodge Wan Dao's berserk sword energy, and there was a clear white mark on his body.

"Sigou, enjoy the taste of this sword array! You don't invite yourself in. Is it right for the master here to greet you? Second brother, third brother, do you think so?"

"Of course, for this kind of dog thief, you should be taught a good lesson."

"If you fight well, you should take good care of this hairless dog."

King Xiaopeng and Ao Tian were afraid that the world would not be chaotic, so they quickly shouted. The big black dog bared its teeth and looked like it wanted to eat people.

Murong Feng saw that it was almost time, and hurriedly shouted: "Old rascal, old man, my uncle is here, why don't you come out to greet me quickly, do you want me to swallow this place? Zhang Sanfeng, you old rascal , you can't get out."

"That old friend is looking for him, Zhang Sanfeng is far away, and I hope to forgive him." A fat figure, five feet tall, with snow-white beard and hair, was passing by in the distance. Like a huge meat ball.

This is the image of Zhang Sanfeng, it hurts Murong Feng's heart too much, at least he is a fairy, he looks like a master, how can he be so sloppy, he is just a beggar, think about the rumors about Zhang Sanfeng in the previous life, Murong Feng felt relieved, "Old rascal, I haven't seen you for decades, I didn't expect that you have recovered your physical body, and you still know me, sir."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Murong Feng carefully, and couldn't help but let out a voice of surprise: "It's you, little bastard, who has reached the peak of the Nine Levels of God Breaking Art, and the peak of the Chaos Body, how long has it taken? Is there any hope? Little bastard, this real person has recovered [-]% of his strength, and it is enough to deal with the three Taoist sects. This time you come back, why are you here?"

There was a trace of sternness in Murong Feng's eyes, and he said: "Not for others, please come out of the mountain and save people with me, you don't have to worry about the group of scumbags from the Taoist sect, within ten years, I will definitely be able to Uproot it, and I will tell you the details slowly. Let that dog go first! He is the strongman of the Jiuli Zhan Clan in the hands of my Chinese protoss, Chi You, how you deal with it today , you must prevent the dog from biting you in the future!"

"Great Master Chi You, the Jiuli Zhanzu, hasn't the Great Master already fallen? What happened in the middle, please tell me quickly, and this is a forbidden area, how did the two little guys of the Yaozu come back?" something." Zhang Sanfeng couldn't wait to ask Murong Feng.

And Murong Feng told Zhang Sanfeng everything after leaving Tianmang Secret Realm, even including his own return to Earth. Zhang Sanfeng was shocked at first, then joyful, and finally burst into tears, and said: "Okay, okay , Okay, little bastard, I didn't misread you at the beginning, so I knew you were not someone to wait for, and it took only a few decades to complete our old grudge for many years!"

After saying that, he released the big black dog from the sword array, and said in a deep voice: "Grand Master Chi You sat down, when did you get a big black dog? The next four great battles will be thrown into the endless void, could it be that you are one of them, who are you?"

The black divine power on the big black dog danced, and the thick black hair grew out again. The dog had a look of arrogance in its eyes, and said: "Little guy, it is impossible to know the identity of this emperor, you little Taoist priest, Don't try to guess the identity of this emperor, when that day comes, this emperor will naturally let you know."

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly showed a maniacal smile, the long sword in his hand danced, and the Tai Chi sword intent was displayed. The black and white Yin Yang fish quickly transformed into 1000 two hundred and eighty sword intents, traversed the void, formed a Tai Chi sword formation, and shouted: "You I probably forgot that the old Taoist has a name, if you are the strong man sitting down by Chi You, you should have seen the old Taoist sword array!"

"Tai...Taiji Taoist...It really is you, an old fox, who is so stupid, you actually changed your name to Zhang Sanfeng, reincarnated in Huaxia, and passed down your own martial arts again, old thing! Old thing! Do you still guess the identity of this seat? Won't it come out? The Void God Rune shocks all things, reverses time and space..." The big black dog's eyes were filled with incomparable excitement, and two tears of dogs hung from the corners of his eyes! !

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