unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 400 The Scary Demon Lord

Unscrupulous Veterinary Doctor Chapter [-] Scary Demon Lord

horror lord

The big black dog showed its sharp white teeth, and a trembling murderous intent came out leisurely, "It's tolerable, uncle can't bear it, it's too cruel, such behavior is not tolerated by heaven, God and man are both angry, this emperor really I can't help it anymore, which monster is so cruel, if you don't kill it, it's not enough to calm the dog's anger!"

The big black dog wailed, revealing the killing intent soaring to the sky, and the divine power danced on the fat dog paws, turning into a kilometer-long energy rope and directly dragging the people in front back, and shouted: "You should kill, Void God! Wen, kill all things, the power of space, kill."

The big black dog roared wildly in the void, a pair of golden pupils pierced the void directly, the invisible space power danced, transformed into a sky-filled space slash, and directly attacked the black shadow on the opposite side of the blood pool. The majestic power of space directly ruptures the void, revealing a domineering energy turbulence, flying all over the sky.

"Hmph! Who are you? You dare to disturb the ancestor's practice. You are looking for death. When the ancestor appears, he will take off your dog's head and train you alive." The black shadow on the opposite side appeared. The arrogance soaring to the sky completely ignored the killing intent of the big black dog.

The black figure on the opposite side suddenly revealed its face. It was a monster covered with black scales and a beast head. Startled, he shouted: "Dead dog, behead him, he is the beast you killed, and there is an extremely powerful existence behind him, don't hold back, just behead him."

The big black dog naturally also saw the origin of this fierce beast, so naturally he didn't keep his hand. The space gods burst out in bursts, and the domineering fighting spirit shot out, and the invisible power of space directly killed the fierce beast on the opposite side. The beast's body was broken, and a blood-colored Nascent Soul was directly swallowed by the big black dog.

"Dead dog, arrange a killing formation, use the yin and yang mirror as the eye of the formation, and arrange this big killing formation for me. Ao Tian will send these [-] people back to the city, and the old rascal will arrange a sword formation. The stronger the better, I Go to the small world to thoroughly refine the Heaven-shattering Great Seal, this great weapon must become a divine treasure." Murong Feng immediately stated his plan, with a bit of fear in his eyes, he directly escaped into the small world , and began to practice the Heaven Shaking Great Seal.

In the depths of the small world, Murong Feng directly isolated a space, and took out the Heaven-shattering Great Seal. Although the gods don't cultivate divine treasures, it doesn't mean that Murongfeng doesn't practice. He is an anomaly in the first place. Clan, the blood of the three clans, after all, the Huaxia Protoss is extremely heterogeneous, and it would be a big loss if the spirit of cultivation does not cultivate a natal magic weapon.

The divine sense quickly entered the Heaven-shattering Great Seal, but immediately encountered a powerful counterattack, Murong Feng's eyes were filled with fierce killing intent, I don't believe that you can't be suppressed, you are just a broken fairy treasure That's all, why compete with the deity, you can surrender to the deity today, if you don't surrender to the deity, you can only be tempered.

With an incomparably domineering will, Murong Feng's divine sense quickly moved towards the inside of the Heaven-Shaking Great Seal. The inside of the Heaven-Shaking Great Seal is a self-contained space. As Murong Feng said, it is a dilapidated The fairy treasure, but the fairy has been scattered, but the instinct of the fairy treasure is running.

And Murong Feng's divine sense entered the interior, and immediately transformed into a stone axe, the divine mind controlled the stone axe, and directly chopped off the instinct of this fairy treasure, how sharp and domineering the magic weapon of the war demon emperor, it seemed like an ordinary blow , but the instinct of this fairy spirit has already been wiped out, and the Great Seal of Shaking Heaven has completely become a thing without an owner.

Murong Feng's spiritual thoughts immediately entered it, and turned into his own dantian, using the divine power of his dantian to transform the fairy spirits on it, completely turning it into a divine treasure, but it would take a long time, but Murong Feng was Don't worry, there will always be a day when you can use it. Even if you are driving the Heaven Shaking Great Seal, you can't use it a few times, and you can't use it as easily as the big stone axe.

After doing all this, Murong Feng quickly escaped from the small world. The battle outside has become extremely fierce. The big black dog finally revealed his own supernatural power, controlling the power of space. At this moment, Murong Feng finally understood, Why is this dead dog so overbearing with the power of space.

Zhang Sanfeng transformed himself into a godly body, a giant with a height of hundreds of feet, which also inspired his own blood belonging to the witch god, and practiced the powerful God-breaking Art. The black and white sword energy criss-crossed the void, against the eyes A murderous creature that is also a Baizhang demon body.

This monster is hundreds of feet tall, but it has a huge fish head. The black scales all over its body are the size of a palm. The person who chased and killed Murong Feng and the big black dog.

And this ferocious beast actually has the cultivation base of the Eight Tribulations Sanxian. Zhang Sanfeng and Da Heigou rely on the supreme killing formation and sword formation, but they can only fight the ferocious beast as much as you and me. Murong Feng immediately grabbed it. The stone axe's body soared suddenly, and the body of Jiuzhongfengfeng was a hundred feet, which was a huge leap.

Moreover, the whole body is covered with purple-gold dragon scales, and the two huge dragon horns on the head show Murong Feng's supreme and noble dragon blood. A pair of dragon claws are shining with purple-gold light. Murong Feng is holding a huge stone ax He shouted: "The fierce beast in the endless sea, this is the Chu country, and you are not a monster that can roam freely. You must save your life today."

"Hmph! Just because of you, you also want to hurt my ancestor. You hurt my grandson, but have you ever thought about how this old man feels? My ancestor, I have always been indifferent to the world, and it was all forced by you. Today, my ancestor must definitely I will kill you and avenge my grandson who died tragically." The demonic power is overwhelming, fierce and powerful, this fish monster let out a roar that shook the sky, directly shattering the space, and the sword energy of billions of swords broke open abruptly. Very domineering.

Murong Feng flashed forward, and directly fought with him in close combat. His brute force pierced through the void. One blow was enough to shake the heavens and earth. He was very overbearing. Under this brute force, the wind was directly knocked hundreds of meters away, and the blood in his chest was churning.

It can be seen how fierce the power of the old monster is. Murong Feng's strength is fully activated. The Wu Clan's battle body, the half-dragon incarnation body, and the magic weapon of the War Demon Emperor are comparable to the combat power of three or four robbery Sanxian, but against eight The demon leader of Jie is still a lot worse, and the difference in realm cannot be resisted by means.

"Little bastard, get out of the way. He won't be able to run today. In our killing formation and sword formation, it is enough to consume him to death. His demon body is strong. Don't fight with him. Set up a real martial arts formation and cooperate with him." Our actions cut off the vitality of the void, forming a forbidden space, and suppressed him alive. If I hadn't only had [-]% of my combat power, I would have wiped out even one finger of this mere demon." Zhang Sanfeng's eyes revealed The color of memory seems to be recalling the brilliance of his one person and one sword, which shocked the heavens and the world, and swept hundreds of millions of stars.

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