unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 42 Bitterwood Master

Chapter 42 Bitterwood Master

Bitterwood Master

"Okay, okay, okay, I haven't been born for thousands of years, you juniors are really good at it! I, Kuangfengren, fought hard to get the reputation of bullying the small, and I will destroy you today. When I go to the Taoist sect of the Qing Dynasty Where, the little girl from the Beast Sect and the boys from the Heavenly Demon Sect, let this old man die! Nine Heavens Falling Thunder."

With the control of Fa Jue, a group of purple-black clouds suddenly appeared in the void, exuding an extremely depressing atmosphere, which made people feel like they were under a catastrophe. It is to imitate the shape of Tianjie to attack others, especially in the hands of Sanxian, it is extremely tyrannical, and it has the momentum of Tianjie.

The purple-black clouds are still brewing, but the powerful momentum has completely oppressed all the people in the arena. The spirit beasts in the arena are completely lying in the void, their bodies are trembling, and there is a look of fear in their eyes, which shows its power It is extremely powerful.

Xiaoying, who was invisible a few miles away, sighed helplessly and said, "Oh shit, I'm playing big this time, shit, these old bastards from Shangqing Daozong can really do anything, you can't let Zixin The girl is injured! Otherwise, the boss will pick my skin, eh! I have to stop it properly."

After the words fell, a burst of black light erupted from Xiaoying's upper hand, and directly transformed into an energy hand about [-] meters away, quickly grasping the purple-black clouds in the void, with a loud "bang", the purple-black In the shocking eyes of everyone, the big black hands pinched and exploded the clouds.

Then, Xiaoying's voice seemed to come from nine days away: "Shangqing Daozong, you have really lived to the end! A majestic Sanxian of the Seven Tribulations actually attacked a group of juniors. I think you have cultivated to dogs for so many years. If you have any problems, solve them quickly, if you dare to disturb my old man's sleep, I will turn you all into ashes."

After the words fell, Xiaoying immediately appeared, mixed with a group of casual cultivators and pretended to watch the fun, with a weed in the corner of his mouth, which can be described as incomparably...

Sure enough, just after the purple-black clouds were crushed, Master Kuangfeng's face was completely ashen, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes, and he was able to crush the Nine Heavens Falling Thunder Jue with his full strength blow, which shows that this person His strength is so powerful, it is simply not something he can compete with.

At that moment, Venerable Kuangfeng directly called the old Taoist Taiqing and said, "I'll leave the matter of Taiqingzi to you, and give me the details of this man named Murongfeng. Let's go back. We don't care about this matter. Thinking that there is actually a super expert hidden near our Shangqing Mountain, hey!"

The words fell, and the dozen or so scattered immortals behind him disappeared in an instant. At this time, the situation can be described as a major reversal. Fairy Zixin bowed to the void with incomparable respect: "Thank you for your help, senior. I am grateful, senior. Please show up." one sight."

Of course, Xiaoying will not appear, until the Blood Demon True Monarch recovered, with a bloody light in his eyes, he said: "Taiqing Niubi, whether or not you Shangqing Daozong will let you go, the disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect obey orders!" , kill me in, I don’t believe it, how long can you go up to Qing Daozong.”

The [-] disciples of the Heavenly Demon Sect released their magic weapons in an instant. Tens of thousands of magic weapons floated above everyone's heads, and the disciples of the Beast Master Sect were also ready. There is a trend of being ready for battle, and the war is about to break out...

There was anger in Taoist Taiqing's eyes, and he said: "I said, our Shangqing Daozong did not catch the so-called Murong Feng, since you don't believe it, then we can only use war to protect my Shangqing Daozong's reputation. The disciples of Qing Daozong obey the order, and those who act presumptuously will be killed."

Similarly, tens of thousands of escaping lights flew out from the inside one after another, with the cultivation base of a great master of the distraction stage, and at the same time, there were thousands of masters of the combined body master level. The bloody battle is about to start, but the two sides are on the same fuse...

"Ami's hair, the poor monk came a step late, fellow Taoists, please listen to the poor monk's words, so as to avoid unnecessary battles, can't fellow Taoists sit down and settle this matter properly? War will only make both sides How about letting the poor monk be a peacemaker, and let everyone stop for a while." With the appearance of the voice, a golden light came from the void, and in front of him was an old monk with a kind face. This person is from the Buddhist sect The Kumu master of the Pure Land Sect has entered the late stage of fusion, and he is about to cross the catastrophe.

True Lord Blood Demon didn't have such a good temper, and then a blood-colored demonic energy turned into a thick skeleton, smashing towards Kumu's body, and Kumu clasped his hands together, saying: "Ami's hair, blood demon benefactor It's still so hot! Today, the old monk didn't come to fight with you, but to resolve grievances, and he also came for my Buddhist disciple, Murong Feng."

True Monarch Bone then sneered and said, "Bill donkey, you really don't know shame. When did I, Brother Yun, become a disciple of your Buddhist sect? Don't act like you're going to transform the world all day long. I, Bone, can't see through you the most. If you have such a face, get out of here quickly, lest I go on a killing spree."

Master Kumu didn't show the slightest anger, on the contrary he smiled and said: "Fellow Bone Daoist, don't be bored, Fellow Daoist Taiqing, do you know why the three sects are so inspiring? The source of this matter It’s still on your Shangqing Daozong! What Murong Feng and your outer sect elder Yichenzi did, if you don’t believe the old monk’s words, you can call out fellow Taoist Yichen, and you can find out by asking.”

Taiqing people are under extremely heavy pressure at this time!This bitter tree doesn't come sooner or later, but at this time, it's obviously not to smooth things over, it must have been planned long ago, and now even this Buddhist sect is coming, how will we live in the future!It's good that Shangqing Daozong is the number one sect, but it can't stand the attack of several major forces together!Now even Grandmaster Kuangfeng didn't care.

Thinking of this, I feel extremely depressed, and I feel so angry in my heart!Directly facing a disciple next to him, he said: "Please invite Elder Yichenzi here, I'm going to ask him face-to-face what happened to him, this bastard has caused such a disaster, hmph! Let's see how I deal with him."

The disciple next to him drove the flying sword directly into the sect, while the people outside were quietly waiting for the result, but patience is limited...

Half an hour later, that disciple hurried back, and said to Daoist Taiqing: "Uncle, Elder Yichenzi took advantage of the chaos and left just now, and he also severely injured several senior brothers..."

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