Chapter 47 The long day of art teaching

47 Long day of teaching art

It seems that no matter in that world or in that space, as long as there is a feudal dynasty, there is no emperor who does not want to live forever and obtain the supreme right, but wants to never die. What you gain is what you lose.

Looking at what Xie Changtian said, Murongfeng still had a little doubt in his heart, that is, the emperor wanted to live forever, and it was already in his bones, but in such a big state of Chu, wouldn't there be no practitioners?In the entire state of Chu, there are big and small cultivation sects, or cultivation families, there are eight thousand if not ten thousand. The royal family and nobles in the entire Chu state are inextricably linked with the cultivation sects, and there are even many royal families in various sects. practice.

Thinking about this, Murong Feng looked at Xie Changtian calmly and said, "Isn't there any fairy in the legend in your entire Chu country?"

Xie Changtian gradually calmed down, and pressed the soft sword against his waist with his backhand and said sharply: "I don't know if immortals exist or not, but I only know that my father traveled across all the mysterious places in the entire Great Chen Dynasty in order to find traces of immortals. I narrowly escaped death, but in the end my family was ruined. If I had the strength, I would definitely kill the emperor of the Great Chen Dynasty."

Murong Feng patted his shoulder, and said slightly: "Do you have any plans for the future?"

Then you know that Xie Changtian knelt down in front of Murong Feng and said, "Ben Gong, I just want to avenge my Xie family from now on. My life was saved by En Gong, and my life of Xie Changtian belongs to En Gong." , Changtian knows that Engong is not an ordinary person, please Engong teach me the power of revenge."

Murong Feng quickly pulled him up, looked at him quietly and said: "Okay, okay, don't call me benefactor, and don't kneel down to me in the future, I, Murongfeng, are actually A few years older than you, call me big brother in the future! Since there are no immortals in your Dachen Dynasty, then you will follow me from now on! I will give you a chance to meet the emperor face to face. If you want revenge, you only have this One chance. Got it?"

An excited expression flashed on Xie Changtian's cold face and he said: "Thank you, big brother, as long as I can see that dog emperor, I am sure to take his life in one move, as long as I can get my revenge, big brother will be able to kill him in one move." He sent me, I thank Chang Tian Wan Shi for not saying goodbye."

Murong Feng nodded, a joking smile flashed across his mouth and said: "Your strength is too bad, and it is not enough to assassinate the emperor. From now on, we will walk all the way to the imperial capital. During this time, I will Find a way to improve your strength, I hope you can bear it, hehe!"

Before Xie Changtian had time to thank him, a ray of purple light penetrated into his body, the domineering Yuan force quickly destroyed his body, widened his meridians, strengthened his bones, and instantly Murong Feng's divine thoughts penetrated into him Between his brows, he imprinted the first six levels of the basic cultivation technique in his mind, that is, the technique that can be cultivated to the Yuanying period.

After doing all this, Murong Feng felt exhausted all over his body, he was even more tired than a fight, while Xie Changtian was sweating profusely, his consciousness gradually reached a state of coma, his pale face twisted up and down, and his originally handsome face became distorted. It's ugly.

At the moment when his consciousness gradually fainted, Murong Feng roared fiercely with three successes, and with a loud "roar", the nearby weeds, dead leaves, and dust were blown away dozens of meters away. The wild wolf not far away was so frightened that it crawled on the ground and did not dare to move.

And Xie Changtian's gradually comatose consciousness was shaken by this powerful voice like a slap in the face. He woke up instantly, endured the pain all over his body, and suddenly found that there were a few more spells in his consciousness, and Murongfeng's voice appeared in his ears. Bian said: "Hold the essence and keep the one, with five hearts facing the sky, calmly comprehend the law, and let the consciousness drive the rotation of the true energy in the body."

When Xie Changtian heard this, he knew that Murongfeng did everything, so he slowly buried this gratitude in the deepest part of his heart, and didn't dare to think too much, his consciousness was quiet in his mind...

There was nothing to say all night, and in the blink of an eye, it was already the next morning. When the golden morning light shone on the vast grassland, goshawks circled over the grassland, and the sound of singing continued for a long time.

Murong Feng gently opened his eyes, stretched a comfortable lazy waist, and felt that his skill had become a little more refined. A breakthrough was only a matter of time, but now Murong Feng was in no hurry to enter the second floor so early. He is trying his best to compress his skill, so that his energy can't be condensed.

This little skill made him get huge benefits in the future.

Soon Xie Changtian also woke up. The moment he opened his eyes, he found that the whole world had changed, his vision became very broad, and he even saw many things that he had never seen before. In a short time, his eyesight returned to normal.

But Xie Changtian knew that he had completely entered the innate realm of a warrior. He could only feel that his whole body was filled with zhenqi, and the vitality of heaven and earth entered his body all the time. I feel that my body has also strengthened a lot.

Thinking of this, Xie Changtian knew that everything was due to Murong Feng, so he quickly bowed to Murong Feng and said, "Thank you for your kindness, big brother. Changtian is very grateful."

Murong Feng smiled slightly and said, "That's right, that's right, you've already entered the mid-innate realm, that is, the mid-stage of reincarnation in the Jue I taught you, and in time you will officially step into the ranks of cultivators. They are the immortals you mentioned. In our mouth, they have a unified title, that is, the cultivator. Do you understand? Immortality is only the lowest requirement for the cultivator. What they seek is the ethereal way of heaven. I don’t understand what I’m telling you now, so I’ll tell you later!”

Xie Changtian's face was like stagnant water in a lake, without the slightest ripple, he looked at Murong Feng with calm eyes and said, "Brother, although I don't quite understand what you said, but I know longevity is just a sign of a cultivator, right? The longevity that our emperor strives for is just the lowest goal of others, it is really ridiculous and sad! Father, your death is too worthless."

Murong Feng looked at him quietly and said: "In the future, you need to restrain your emotions more. This kind of cultivation is not good for your mood. In fact, my plan is to pretend to present the cultivation method to your emperor, and you will pretend to be the one next to you. My apprentice, as long as you see the emperor, you will have a chance to take revenge, but you must remember to restrain yourself and don't show any strange emotions, otherwise something will inevitably happen, you know?"

Xie Changtian nodded, and said: "Brother, I understand, I will definitely try my best to restrain my state of mind, but after killing the emperor, how should we escape."

Murong Feng smiled mysteriously and said: "Don't worry about this, I have my own way, but now my special training for you is about to start, I hope you can endure the ordeal, I will seal your skill, hehe! "

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