Chapter 51 The Secret of the Mang

51 The Mystery of Mang

Murong Feng glanced at Taoist Xuanji full of hatred, turned around and ran to Xie Changtian's side. At this time, Xie Changtian had fully recovered from his injuries. Murong Feng's Light of Life is indeed one of the heaven-defying skills, and it is extremely powerful. Xie Changtian exercised his skills, and said with a pleasant surprise: "Brother is really powerful, and all my injuries have recovered."

Murong Feng casually inserted the broken sword into the ground, took out a shoulder-resistant bazooka from the ring, and said with a bit of hatred at the corner of his mouth: "Brother, let's see how big brother avenges you. Let's see how powerful weapons are from the age of civilization." A piece of medium-grade fire fairy stone was quickly stuffed into the rocket launcher, and it automatically aimed, and with a "boom", a group of fiery red Yuanli the size of a fist appeared, which could be clearly seen. The surrounding air is twisting.

Taoist Xuanji instinctively felt a danger, but it was too late to stop him. With a single blow from the bazooka, all the power of the middle-grade immortal stone exploded, and the fiery red light as thick as a fist pierced directly through Taoist Xuanji's chest, and then his The body was completely volatilized in an instant.

The Nascent Soul the size of a watermelon ran out, with a terrified look on his face, bursts of mental fluctuations, begging and kneeling to Murong Feng, Murong Feng took back the bazooka, and said with endless mockery in his eyes : "You fucking know begging for mercy now, wasn't it very annoying just now? Didn't it feel good to beat me?"

"I was wrong, I dare not do right with you now, my body is broken, now I can only switch to Sanxian, please forgive me!" Taoist Xuanji let out bursts of spirit fluctuation.

Murong Feng rolled his eyes a few times, and said: "It's not impossible to forgive you, what secrets are hidden in the Tianmang Grassland, and how many offerings are there from the royal family of Chu State to you? If you tell me, I can forgive you." One life, if you don't tell me, I will kill your consciousness and make you my energy."

"I am the only one in the royal family of Chu, but their royal family in Chu is not simple, and I don't know what secrets they hide. As for the secret of Tianmang Grassland, it is a secret known to all cultivators in the world. Only cultivators below the Nascent Soul Stage can pass, and those above the Nascent Soul Stage will be killed by a mysterious force, but the Tianmang Grassland will be opened every thousand years, and no strong people are restricted from entering, and inside But there are countless treasures, all kinds of precious elixir, etc., every time it is opened, countless masters will be achieved, but at the same time, countless strong people will be lost." Taoist Xuanji felt the pressure of the Tai Chi sword formation, and he finished speaking tremblingly .

Murong Feng said with an evil smile at the corner of his mouth: "My god, your mother really doesn't cry when she sees the coffin! Did I tell you to talk nonsense? I want you to focus on why the emperor of Chu State wanted to kill Xie's family." People, what role are they playing here, are you not telling the truth! Yin-Yang Sword Qi, cut."

Dozens of incomparably sharp purple sword qi slashed across the past, each sword qi crossed his Nascent Soul, Taoist Xuanji became a bit dimmed, and at the same time there was a soaring wail from the mental fluctuations, "Please, don't Now that I’m using my sword energy, I’ll say it all, I’ll say it all, because the Xie family has a map to enter the secret realm.”

Hearing this, Murong Feng scolded loudly: "The royal family of Chu State is really not simple! Day, I will not let you die so easily. I heard that refining the Zhenying Pill requires the assistance of Yuanying. Good ingredients for refining medicine!" After saying that, Murong Feng took out a snow-white jade bottle from the ring, and the purple true essence transformed into a giant hand holding Taoist Xuanji's Nascent Soul, and stuffed it into the bottle. There is a purple true essence seal on the mouth of the bottle.

Turning around and looking at Xie Changtian next to him, he said, "Brother, it seems that your family ancestors are not simple! But you have held half of your hatred for the time being, and the royal family of Chu State is below, but what we need for the time being is forbearance, depending on the situation." The secret in the book is about to be revealed, and there will definitely be countless powerful people coming at that time, it is not suitable for our actions, there must be something to enhance our strength in the secret realm, we are going to fish in troubled waters, we will be in Panlong City during this time Stay here and take your chances."

Xie Changtian had a grateful look on his face, and said, "As long as he can avenge his parents, it doesn't matter what Changtian does, everything is under the arrangement of elder brother."

Murong Feng smiled lightly and said: "As you wish, I have seen your progress during this period of time, but everything now is just the foundation. If you really want to reach the peak of the road, you must restrain yourself. State of mind, my cultivation method does not focus on aptitude, but only on perseverance and xinxing, and in the end it is aptitude, do you understand?"

Xie Changtian seemed to be taught, and was just about to say something when Murongfeng looked at the city not far away and said, "I know what you want to say, it's not yet time, I will explain everything to you when I have the chance, we let's go!"

Xie Changtian nodded, stood aside cautiously, not talking, Murongfeng got off his horse and walked towards the Panlong City in front of him. It took a few minutes to walk slowly for a distance of [-] meters. When they reached the gate, the soldiers in front of the gate were preparing to After closing the door, one of the soldiers in full armor and holding a spear looked at the two of them and said, "What are you doing?"

Murong Feng was the first to apologize and smiled: "You two military masters, we are passing by. It's getting late, we want to go to the city to rest for a night, and we are on our way tomorrow, please make it easier for you two military masters."

After speaking, he took out two gold coins from his body and stuffed them into the soldier's hands. The soldier immediately smiled and said, "That's it, you go in! Go live in the city, it's not peaceful recently! I heard that the fugitive from the imperial capital is in Panlong Near the city, the whole city is under martial law at night, don’t come out if you have nothing to do, lest you be caught as fugitives.”

Murong Feng quickly thanked him, and then walked in with Xie Changtian, only to hear the two soldiers behind him laughing and saying: "Tonight we can go to the drunken red building and have a good time, haha!"

It is 78 o'clock on the earth at this moment, and it is also the time when the city is the busiest. It is the same in ancient cities. Although the city is not big, there are only tens of thousands of people, but it is very prosperous inside. It is close to Tianmang Grassland. Countless businessmen and explorers will stay here, hoping to hunt for treasure in the Tianmang Grassland, hoping to get rich overnight.

But the people who went in have never been alive, so there are still many people who enjoy it...

Murong Feng wandered around the city casually for a few times, and took Xie Changtian to find an inn called "Yunlai Inn", which is a combination of a restaurant and a restaurant. The decoration inside is so light and elegant, it can be seen that the owner is also an elegant person .

As soon as Murong Feng and the others arrived at the door, they saw a young man dressed as a shop waiter stepping up to hold the horse and said politely: "Both of you are objective, please come inside, this little Ma will sign for you and go to the back."

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