unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 537 The Ancient Secret

Unscrupulous Veterinarian Chapter 530 Seven Ancient Secrets

The sky thunder roared, and Hou Yi's blow shook the heavens and the earth. The violent power produced a huge thunder light in the void. The silver thunder light seemed to come from nine days away. It fell and turned into silver thunder that filled the sky, enveloping Murong Feng's body.

Murong Feng's body retreated quickly, and he swung the stone axe. The surrounding environment instantly became a world of primordial mist, as if it was before the world opened. The mighty power is spreading.

The Law of Thunder instantly shattered the world, and at the same time, the two of them retreated instantly, spitting out violent blood from their mouths at the same time. Hou Yi couldn't believe his eyes. Attacking the method, I didn't expect that Murong Feng had already completed the second attack.

"Houyi, take my move, the sky is clear and the earth is muddy."

The divine light of Murong Feng's battle ax flowed, and when he slashed down with the axe, two strong air streams were released. The world in front of him changed again. One piece of clear air rose, and one turbid air descended. The clear air turned into 33 layers of void, and the dirty air into 99 layers , Murong Feng stepped on the ground and grabbed the sky with one hand, the clear and turbid air in front of him suddenly pressed towards Hou Yi's body.

It is conceivable that when Pangu opened the sky, how powerful it was. It is rumored that the nine forms of the Zhanmo Emperor were completely evolved from Pangu's opening of the sky. It can be called the first attack method of the gods. Yi was also hard to resist, but Hou Yi was still able to escape.

The clear and turbid two qi completely oppressed Houyi's witch god's real body, and the two qi turned into heaven and earth. Houyi could only resist with his own strength, and had no time to shoot arrows. After all, Houyi was a witch god that existed in ancient times, and his combat power was comparable to Godly respect, Murong Feng is already proud enough to be forced to this level.

"Do you want to kill me with the clear sky and the muddy earth? Unless the Emperor Zhanmo is resurrected, I will be hard to resist. You are still far away. Let me break the sky and crack the earth." Hou Yi made a thunderous voice, a violent voice A huge tumbling thunder was formed, and a majestic force abruptly shattered the two qi of heaven and earth.

Murong Feng said with a hint of disdain at the corner of his mouth, "Houyi, if you die like this, you will be worthy of your title of Sunset God."

Hou Yi grabbed a stone arrow from his back and aimed it at Murong Feng's chest. When the arrow came out, nine colors of light appeared, and the void world had turned into a huge black hole. This arrow was a combination of the nine principles. The tenth arrow of strength, Hou Yi used this arrow only a few times in the endless years.

The arrow of the Nine-Color Law hit Murong Feng's chest firmly. Murong Feng's body was like a kite with a broken string. It was directly knocked out of the million miles, and the void was pulled out of the space crack of a million miles. , but finally exploded violently, and Hou Yi stood quietly in the void, with a dim light shining in his eyes.

"Murong boy, whether you can survive is up to you. I hope you can hide it from Qin Huang's eyes. I have no choice but to do this. Do you know how powerful Qin Huang is behind it? Not his opponent, you have [-]% luck protection, this arrow can't hurt you at all."

But Hou Yi broke through the air and went away...

Just when Hou Yi left, a figure appeared in the void, with a sinister smile on the corner of his mouth, and then he hid it...


A million miles away, Murong Feng had an arrow sticking out of his chest, his body was also glowing with nine-color light, and surrounded by countless undead creatures, but as long as he was within ten miles of Murong Feng, he would be completely covered by nine-color light. Beheaded by the law of light, although there were many undead creatures, none of them dared to approach. Obviously, Murong Feng's aura made these monsters tremble.

This place belongs to the depths of the blood-colored desert, and it is also the core of the undead race, but Murong Feng has already fallen into a coma completely, and the battle strength of Ban Zu is still not comparable to that of the ancient gods who existed in ancient times!No wonder Hou Yi has the fighting power of a god, and the world is shocked when ten arrows shoot out.

"Hey! This boy is really full of disasters and disasters! If you don't peck a jade, you won't be a weapon! The road to becoming an emperor is so simple, and it contains countless dangers. Hou Yi's painstaking efforts, boy, I hope you can understand in the future .”

A figure appeared in the darkness in the distance. The person's whole body was covered with black energy, and he couldn't see his face clearly, but the powerful aura revealed, it could be seen that he was a half-ancestor. He pulled out the arrow from Murong Feng's chest, and instantly released it from Murong Feng's ring. In the process, he took out the fountain of life and poured it into his chest.

Then, the figure wrapped in black air slowly disappeared into the darkness. Murong Feng's consciousness seemed to be deep in the distant chaos, and the surroundings were completely empty. Where is this place? Is this uncle dead?If Lao Tzu Houyi does not die, he will never let you go, I rely on him, the Great Emperor Zhanmo.Qinhuang has the inheritance of the great emperor, you old man only passed down a set of exercises, without the inheritance of your hometown, how will you fight the Qinhuang in the future!Even Hou Yi is not an opponent, I rely on him.

Suddenly, the picture in front of him changed, and a body with a size of billions of feet appeared in the void. It was naked and held a huge divine axe in its palm, shining with a breathtaking light. But the giant has his feet on the ground, and his hands are in the void. I don't know how many years have passed.

Until the void and the earth stand together completely, the giant's body falls down impressively, the huge body evolves into all things, each process is extremely detailed, the giant ax evolves into three spirit treasures and flies out of the void, and the first creature is born in the void, impressively It is the ancestor of Na Hongjun, who had to make the jade butterfly and become the supreme Taoist ancestor.

The giant's blood evolved into the creatures of the prehistoric world, which were the later three great saints and the twelve witch gods. Various powerful existences gradually appeared, but the protagonists of the prehistoric world were constantly changing. In the battle between the witch god and the great demon, the two races almost died.

There are no ancestors and witches. Nuwa, the ancestor of the human race, founded the supreme human race. His Majesty the Qing Emperor taught and transformed the human race, and achieved the supreme godly position. During this period, the human race became the strongest existence in the wild. The lineage of the witch gods suffered heavy casualties. Emperor Xuanyuan and Master Chi You fought in the prehistoric world. Master Chi You lost five parts of his body. Emperor Xuanyuan was seriously injured and disappeared. Nuwa and Emperor Qing fled into the endless void in a rage. Stay away from the prehistoric.

Since then, the Immortal Dao has flourished, and the Three Sages have controlled the prehistoric world, achieving an unworldly prestige. After endless years, the War Demon Emperor came from the depths of the remote void, and with hatred and anger in his heart, he beheaded countless immortal masters. One person fights against the Three Saints, Emperor Xuanyuan emerges, the two emperors fight, and the head of the Zhanmo Emperor is cut off, but the battle continues endlessly. Evolving several small worlds, a trace of remnants of the war demon emperor...

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