unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 60 The Ultimate Killing Formation 1

Chapter 60 Ultimate Kill 1

60 The ultimate killing array 1

Xie Changtian revealed a wry smile on his face and said: "Brother, don't be angry, my realm has also returned to the innate realm, I'm afraid it's not just us, even if others come here, their strength will naturally retreat to the innate realm, let's go to the front Let's see!"

Murong Feng scolded for a while, feeling a little more at ease in his heart, and said: "Grandma is a hero, let's go for a long time. It's not a bad thing for us to suppress our martial arts until we meet those pure cultivators. Unleash a huge combat power, hehe!"

The two looked at each other, with treacherous smiles on the corners of their mouths at the same time...

"Welcome to the Ultimate Killing Formation, those who pass the level. You can get rich rewards if you pass three levels. The losers will be killed directly. The Ultimate Killing Formation will start the first test in 10 minutes. Kill the giants of the mountains on the first level and capture them. With ten hearts, you can kill other passers-by and get the items on them. The time limit is one hour, and now it's time to count."

Dog blood, is it really his dog blood, what kind of secret realm is there, is it just a dungeon?I'm dizzy!The skill is still limited to the innate realm, if I meet other cultivators, ****, am I courting death? Y's is really unfair!Murong Feng roared in his heart.

"Boy, don't complain. Everyone here is suppressed at the same level. I'm telling you a little secret. Even if the immortal comes, he will still be at the mercy of Lao Tzu. In addition, every time you pass a level, your skill will recover one layer, haha ! The last level is a super master, boy, I am very optimistic about you! Don't let me down! Quack!" Just when Murongfeng was very upset, a mysterious voice appeared in Murongfeng's consciousness .

Murong Feng was startled, but immediately yelled: "Who are you fucking! F*ck, come out to me, and watch me fuck you all over the place, how dare you tease me."

"Boy, don't you don't know what's good and what's wrong, I kindly remind you, you don't appreciate it, you want to know who I am! You can live to see the last level and say it! Damn! Your enemy is coming soon, I will go. "The mysterious voice faded away with a hint of displeasure.

Xie Changtian twitched his eyebrows, looked at Murongfeng suspiciously and asked, "Brother, who are you talking to?"

Murong Feng's expression showed slight displeasure, and he said angrily: "It's just an old man, ****."

After Murong Feng finished speaking, the ground suddenly shook violently, as if a magnitude 12 earthquake had occurred, and then countless towering ancient trees fell to the ground in the mountains and forests, making a dull sound, and suddenly dozens of large and wide roads appeared on the ground. The cracks, the sound of "coaxing" continued.

Then countless stones the size of a millstone shot up into the sky, Murong Feng and Xie Changtian tried their best to avoid the stones, but they moved and shone, and tried their best to smash them to pieces if they couldn't avoid it.

The powerful shock came and went quickly, just when everything returned to calm.


Suddenly there was a thundering roar from the crack, and countless black figures jumped out of it. "Bang, bang, bang" the ground shook like thunder again. A few minutes later, in the forest of Nuoda, standing There are hundreds of giants in the size of three feet, whose whole body is completely made of stone, and holds a stone stick.

The giant's body seemed to be made of stones, and there were obvious gaps in the middle. Murong Feng pulled Xie Changtian up and quickly fled away. According to his previous game experience, facing so many monsters, only the lead One of them passed by and died slowly, otherwise, once it was besieged by stone giants, the only thing left would be death, and this is not a game, but a real scene, it will disappear completely when it dies.

The rapid movement of Murong Feng and Xie Changtian attracted the attention of the stone giants, and the stone giants who were close to Murong Feng raised their big feet and stepped on them.With his exquisite control, Murong Feng always avoids it at the most critical moment, which arouses the anger of the stone giant, and he just lifts the stone stick.

"Bang" there was a heavy impact on the ground, sand and soil shot out in all directions, dust and smoke floated up, and a large pit with a radius of several meters appeared on the ground.

Ten minutes later, Murong Feng ran at full speed and finally escaped from the stone giant's encirclement temporarily, but the heavy footsteps behind him clearly knew that the stone giant was chasing him crazily.

Murong Feng stopped and frowned slightly: "This is not a solution! If this goes on, our brother's more than 200 catties can be regarded as an account here, and now we can only turn against customers. You wait here, I will go back and test the stone giant's strength." Strength, don't talk nonsense, I am the big brother and I have the final say."

As soon as the words fell, Chang Tian couldn't help opening his mouth, and his body moved rapidly. The long sword, a middle-grade treasure, was immediately summoned by Murong Feng, holding the sword with one hand, Murong Feng jumped onto a big tree, covering his body through the lush branches and leaves. However, wherever the stone giant passed, there were wolves everywhere.

A stone giant suddenly turned a corner and rushed towards the depths of the forest. Murongfeng knew the opportunity was coming, so he quickly followed, jumping a distance of 40 meters, following the footsteps of the stone giant, the stone giant suddenly stopped ten meters away from Murongfeng , and then turned around, the stones all over his body suddenly opened two fist-sized holes, emitting a faint blue light, and the light was filled with the emotion that you are a sb.

Damn, it's inconceivable that this rock is still intelligent. Thinking of Murong Feng's use of [-]% of his skill here, he burst out a two-foot-long purple sword aura and slashed at the stone giant. When the sword qi hit him, a strange thing happened, the all-conquering sword qi did not leave a trace on his body.

"Damn! Immune to magic, it's impossible!" Murong Feng couldn't help but swear, his eyes were full of disbelief, he simply withdrew his long sword, looked at the stone giant with disdain and said inwardly: "***, just I don't believe you are immune to physical attacks." The body moved quickly.

The distance of ten meters has been reached in the blink of an eye, a heavy fist containing all the physical strength of the whole body hit the stone giant's left leg, the stone giant remained motionless, it seemed that this punch didn't even have the strength to shake him, looking at Murong Feng's body , the stone stick in his hand was a sweep across his body.

The strong wind blew Murong Feng's body ached, and hurriedly dodged, a big tree next to him was broken immediately, and fell to the ground in an instant, bringing up a large cloud of dust.

Taking advantage of this moment, Murong Feng's body retreated a hundred meters away, thinking about the countermeasures, there is really no way to fight, the monster with double immunity is the hardest to kill, recalling the experience of playing games before, when encountering For this kind of monster, there will always be a warlock around him who can weaken his attributes, and then slowly grind him to death.

"I don't believe that a majestic warrior like me will have nothing to do with a monster like you." Murong Feng felt ruthless in his heart.

Looking at the body of the stone giant, the only weakness seems to be the eyes, but how can they attack his eyes?At this moment, I can't help but miss the archer in the game period. By the way, as long as the archer can shoot through his eyes, I believe the stone giant's defense will be broken, but there is only one chance. If he fails, the stone giant will close his eyes. The big sticks in the eyes are enough to drink a pot by yourself.

Thinking of this, a slight smile flashed across Murong Feng's mouth, and he started to rotate the Zhenwu Seven-section Formation, and the seven three-foot vitality swords emitting purple light gathered in front of Murong Feng's body, exuding a compelling aura, following the movement of the jewelry , The three-zhang purple sword quickly trapped the stone giant.

And Murong Feng's real martial arts seven-section formation once used at this time has already exhausted his whole body's skill. At this time, he has no time to meditate slowly. Moving closer to Murong Feng, within a few minutes, Murong Feng returned to a full state.

Seeing the stone giant moving around inside and roaring, Murong Feng couldn't help but exclaimed triumphantly: "Aren't you very arrogant? You pretend to be deep with me, right! Today, I will let you know why Hua'er is like this red."

The stone giant seemed to understand what he meant, and immediately roared into the sky. At this moment, Murong Feng's eyes shone sharply, and his left and right gradually transformed into purple vitality bows, and his right hand quickly transformed into a vitality arrow. It's just that the vitality arrow was extremely compressed by Murong Feng and turned into a deep purple, emitting a strong light.

Putting up the bow, drawing the arrow, and with a "whoosh", the Yuan Qi sword quickly turned into a purple light. The whole movement was synthesized in one go, without any excess, and the extremely friction of the air was shot away by the arrow, and there were bursts of piercing sounds. A vacuum is formed where the arrow passes.

The stone giant seemed to know the danger, but he wanted to avoid it with all his strength. Unfortunately, in the narrow space of the Zhenwu Seven-section Formation, hundreds of thousands of sword qi would appear with a random movement. Although it could not cause any harm to him, it would interfere His sight is enough.

With a loud "bang", the stone giant instantly turned into rubble all over the sky, and the arrow of vitality pierced through his eyes, coaxing him into pieces, leaving only two blue, fist-sized crystals on the ground. Murong Feng walked over curiously and found that it turned out to be two top-quality primordial stones, but dozens of mysterious formations were engraved on them in detail, Murong Feng didn't take a look at them, and then threw them in the space.

A black heart-like thing was found at the place where the stone giant died, and Murong Feng knew that this was the heart of the stone giant.

Putting it in the space on his body, he quickly ran towards the direction of Changtian, sighing in his heart while running, the first level was so difficult, and he didn't know what would happen later?Fortunately, there is already a way to deal with them, as long as you are careful, you will be fine.

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