unscrupulous veterinarian

Chapter 88 Yuqing Yunxiang

Chapter 88 Yuqing Yunxiang

Yuqing Yunxiang

Yun Xiang, in the late stage of leaving his body, is a direct disciple of the three sects of Taoism, Yuqing Daozong. He is a generation of top geniuses, comparable to the existence of Ye Yun. The method of imperial weapon.

This message popped out of Murong Feng's consciousness. After 40 years of cultivation, he has reached such a state. He is really comparable to Ye Yun, and he is also a genius disciple of the third sect of Taoism. Zong's death battle went on, since he is a disciple of the three Taoist sects, there is nothing to say, fight.

"This beast is not for sale, pick up your fairy stone and get out." Murong Feng gave the original words without hesitation, but the aura in his whole body was restrained to a certain level, ready to fight at any time.

"It's your blessing that my young master has taken a fancy to your spirit beast. Don't be shameless. Be careful that I will slap you to death." One of the attendants said harsh words, and the true energy in his body had already condensed. He got up, as if he wanted to kill Murong Feng with a wave of his hand.

Daoist dog p genius, when my chaotic body reaches the second heaven, I will surely suck you up to repay today's insult. Is it really easy to bully me?Okay, today you are strong, I will bear it.Murong Feng's expression was very calm, without any change, and he comforted the little shadow in his arms who was about to erupt.

Turning around and about to leave, the calm young man finally said, "Shall I let you go? Keep the spirit beast, take the immortal stone, or save your life."

It is tolerable, familiarity is unbearable, there is no need to bear it, as a martial artist who is insulted twice, if he does not explode, he is not a martial artist, even if he is a clay bodhisattva, he still has a third of his anger? "Taisheng bullying, do you really think I am easy to bully you? You want my life, see if you have the ability."

"Oh! It's interesting. I want to see how you can be so rampant in front of me. I'll wait for you outside the city." Yun Xiang jumped out of the window and went out of the city.

"You don't know how to live or die, offend our young master, hum!" Several attendants rushed away through the air, disappearing one after another.

Murong Feng was also heading out of the north gate in a blink of an eye, Tian Ling was very anxious at the moment, she had vaguely guessed Yun Xiang's identity, and instead issued a few messenger spells, the whole person followed Murong Feng's figure. , Flying through the air, the flesh body straddled the void, almost a few ups and downs, has reached the outside of the city.

From a distance, I saw Yun Xiang standing in the void, watching Murong Feng's arrival, he showed a mocking look and said: "I don't know how to live or die, I really dare to come, leave your spirit beast, I can let you live .”

Murong Feng suppressed the anger in his heart, and said: "Yun Xiang, don't talk nonsense to me, how could I, Murong Feng, be afraid of you, hmph! It is a great hatred in my life that I didn't kill Ye Yun, but it happened to be here Meeting you, a genius disciple of the three sects of Taoism, killing you must be a great loss to the three sects of Taoism!"

"Oh! You are that Murong Feng. Originally, I felt a little guilty towards you, but now you hurt my senior sister and insult my Taoist sect. I can't keep you. Brothers, pay attention to this person running away, I want to catch him Soul, paying homage to my spirit weapon is also a sigh of relief for senior sister." Yun Xiang's voice was neither sad nor happy, it was unusually calm, as if he had already settled down.

Suddenly, dozens of magic weapons shone with cyan light, and they smashed towards his body overwhelmingly, showing their powerful power. The quality of each magic weapon was uniform, and one of them even reached the top grade. In this situation, a powerful and unparalleled light quickly appeared and enveloped Murong Feng.

Relying on the mystery of his body skills, Murong Feng evaded the attack of the spirit weapon in time. In a small space, he moved and jumped, and his speed was extremely fast and flexible. Every magic weapon always flashed by every inch of his body. Murong Feng He didn't dare to pick up these spiritual weapons. Now his body can only compete with high-grade treasures, and the power of one punch can break high-grade treasures.

What's more, there are a few masters in the avatar stage who are eyeing around him. In this battle, Murong Feng feels an unprecedented crisis. It is obvious that this incident is aimed at him. It is obvious that he hurt Ye Yun. The three sects of Taoism still pay attention to it. With its existence, the current situation is that there is no escape, and there is nowhere to escape.

Tiangang Eight Steps and Seven Star Steps are used alternately, and the movements spread out in a mysterious state, but in Yun Xiang's eyes, Murong Feng's movements are nothing more than just playing tricks, but what makes people angry is that the spirit weapon is He couldn't hit him, which made him very annoyed, he quickly squeezed the magic weapon, and dozens of spiritual weapons suddenly scattered.

The blue light of each spiritual weapon suddenly changed, and it transformed into various forms in the sky. The forms of some animals, such as heroes, tigers, and black bears, were several times more powerful than before, and quickly rushed towards Murong Feng's body. .

"Junior brother is truly a genius! With the help of spiritual weapon transformation, with just this one hand, I'm afraid that even we can't guarantee to get out of the body! This kid is dead."

"Yes! My young master has been waiting for him here for dozens of days, and even Ye Yun was injured. This matter is not big or small. No wonder there is no movement from the three Taoist sects. It turns out to be such a waste ah!"

"That's right, that's right, let's just watch a good show."

Tian Ling is anxious here, a little bit worried, what's wrong, how can I worry about this big hooligan, I wish he died?How could it be possible to worry about him.Cut, this big gangster has a lot of tricks, and it's good to make him suffer, but in the end it must be the other party who is unlucky.

Needless to say, the ligers and tigers formed by these spirit weapons are the souls of some spirit beasts. The reason why spirit weapons are called spirit weapons is to capture spirit beasts and kill them, and use special means to obliterate their spiritual intelligence, and then kill their souls. Enclosed in a magic weapon and turned into a spiritual weapon, its attack state is also first-class, and once transformed, its strength can be [-]% of its predecessor.

Murong Feng was thinking about the countermeasures. When the Chinese martial arts practitioners in the past could not resist the magic weapon physically, what methods did they use to fight against the cultivators? Is it really like the old rascal said, to practice the law and use combat skills to assist it?No, absolutely not, warriors are definitely not the only ones who are number one.

With a "boom", when Murong Feng lost his mind, Yun Xiang seized this opportunity, and a dozen spiritual weapons instantly hit Murong Feng's body, and the huge force sent Murong Feng's body flying out. Hundreds of meters away, Murong Feng suffered serious mental trauma during this blow.

It can be said that he no longer has the power to fight, but Murong Feng suddenly flashed a blue light, the light of life quickly recovered his injuries, and his strength returned to the previous state. A cultivator has no magic weapon to help, and his body is just paper Yes, close combat is the kingly way of warriors.Murong Feng suddenly remembered what the old hooligan said in his consciousness, yes!Close combat is the kingly battle of warriors!As soon as he got close, all the supernatural powers were floating clouds. Murong Feng had fallen into a dead end just now, but now he has come to his senses.

Abandoning the method, although the short-term combat power may not be restored, but in the long run, it is definitely a good deal. The broken sword was drawn from the ring, but Murong Feng felt that the broken sword seemed too light, broken sword!Po Jian, although you are very mysterious, I feel that you are still too light. It would be nice if you were heavier.

But when Murong Feng said this, a purple light flashed from the broken sword in his hand, and the broken sword in his hand actually became much heavier, weighing tens of thousands of catties, just suitable for Murong Feng's use at this stage.

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