Chapter 99 Doors of Madness

Taoist madness

In an instant, thousands of spatial fluctuations came, and it was all the loose immortals of the three sects of the Taoist sect. These are old monsters who have lived for thousands of years, and some have even existed in the mainland for thousands of miles. For example, Master Kuangfeng, a super old monster, although he is not amazingly talented, he has cultivated for 3000 years to overcome the tribulation. Although he failed, his state of mind is abnormally stable. Among the scattered immortals of the Tianmo sect, only the blood demon patriarch of the Tianmo sect can contend with it.

This is also the position where the Heavenly Demon Sect has been able to compete with the three Taoist sects for millions of years, and has always been the number one sect of the Demon Sect. For a sect, if there is a Sanxian guard who is above six calamities, at least it can compete with the sects ranked [-]th or higher in the mainland.

"Brother Kuangfeng, whoever destroyed the ancient teleportation array of the three sects of my Taoism, no matter who it is, I will be the first one in Kuangzhan not to let him go, even if I chase him to the ends of the earth, I will kill him." The number two person fought madly against the Master, like a mad lion, the anger in his heart can be imagined.

"Junior Brothers, please help me, turn back time, trace back to the origin, and find out." The white hair of the Kuangfeng Master danced, the clothes on his body were torn, and he shot hundreds of immortal moves in an instant, the power of the snow-white fairy danced, The space in front of him was distorting, time flowed slowly, the space finally formed a vortex, and Murong Feng appeared in an instant.

But in less than a minute, Master Kuangfeng's expression became extremely gloomy, and the power of the fairy spirit in his whole body was exhausted. If there were not thousands of loose immortals to help support him, he would have become pure under the power of time and space. Energy up.

"Murongfeng, it's this ant again, who has repeatedly opposed the three sects of my Taoism, hurt my disciples, insulted the reputation of my Taoism, and destroyed my teleportation array. This time I see who else can protect him, mad battle, Tianxin , Crazy blood, broken sky, pass on my order, ordering the disciples above the distraction stage of the three sects of the Taoist sect to kill Murong Feng at all costs, I will pull out his tendons and skin, and his soul will be suppressed under the sea of ​​darkness forever, kill him." Kuang Feng Lao Dao's eyes were red, and endless killing intent emerged in Dao's heart, scaring all the Sanxians in the field so much that they didn't dare to take a breath.

"Yes." The four figures teleported away immediately...

"The rest of the juniors will follow me to repair the teleportation formation..." Master Kuangfeng restrained his killing intent, sat cross-legged and practiced the teleportation formation with a helpless expression on his face...

East China Sea, Northern Territory, Southern Desolation, West Desert, Zhongzhou, all loose immortals and strong demons at the level of loose demons felt the news of the destruction of the Taoist teleportation array. After all, the immortal energy was chaotic, and this was not a trivial matter.

On the island in the East China Sea headed by the Heavenly Demon Sect, in a dark and blood-red space, only a strange laugh was heard, "Quack! The teleportation array of the Taoist sect has been destroyed. I heard the best news, pass on the order of my ancestors, and give me the plan to disrupt the three sects of the Taoist sect. Guarantee the safety of those who destroy the teleportation array, Quack! Kuangfeng is an old man, if my patriarch hadn’t been approaching the catastrophe period, I really want to see how you look! Haha!”

"Yes! Follow the order of the ancestor." Several figures teleported away...

The Southern Wilderness, the Northern Territory, and the Western Desert, all major sects have sent out elite disciples, and a storm is brewing across the major sects. The royal family of Chu State is even ready to move, and all the targets are directed at Murong Feng, who is the first to do this. surger.

Fifty thousand miles away from the Southern Wilderness Teleportation Array, in an unusually dense primeval forest, Murong Feng was lying comfortably on a big tree and eating a roasted hare. He didn't know what a terrible storm was brewing, the so-called You don't have to worry about debts, anyway, you are already in an endless situation with the three Taoist sects.

The messenger talisman in the ring jumped, and Murong Feng picked it up to take a look, and there was an anxious message from Lao Niu, "The teleportation array is destroyed, and the Taoist disciples are trying their best to track down the boss. There are Taoist disciples in charge, boss, pay attention, I will go ahead and wait for you ten thousand miles away in the southern wilderness, be careful."

Murong Feng had already anticipated the outcome of this trip, but he didn't expect it to arrive so soon. He dropped the rabbit in his hand and quickly entered with his divine sense, "Old cow, I already know the situation. You should also pay attention to safety. A group of bull noses can't catch me, haha!" He waved his hand and threw the talisman out.

With a purple broken sword on his back, he turned into a phantom and ran wildly in the mountains and forests. The divine thoughts appeared inadvertently. From time to time, the light in the sky shuttled back and forth, and the terrifying spiritual thoughts swept across Zhongzhou. The trend of turning Zhongzhou over is really too domineering.

Sneaking in one day, Murong Feng only traveled three thousand miles and did not dare to use the Qiankun Talisman, because Murong Feng knew that this incident must be led by a Taoist Sanxian, who is extremely sensitive to space fluctuations, would not be afraid to wave his hand You can kill yourself, the future is dark!

Changing his appearance, Murong Feng simply soared into the sky and walked towards the teleportation array of Nanhuang. The air was faintly filled with oppression. Murong Feng knew that the road of [-] miles would be a dangerous road. At the same time, it is also a road of blood. If you pass through it, it will be a road leading to heaven, and if you fail to pass it, it will be a dead end.

It's not a game anymore, if you die here, you will really hang up, there will never be a chance of resurrection, people are forced out by him, the three sects of Taoism, how much pressure do you put on this uncle, this uncle There is as much motivation as there is, unlimited pressure and unlimited motivation.

Unlimited pressure leads to unlimited motivation. This is a common problem of Chinese people. Only when the pressure comes, Chinese people will squeeze out every bit of potential in their hearts. At the critical moment of life and death, Murong Feng's martial arts path begins.

Thunder flashes in the sky, dark clouds make up, and the wind roars. Within a thousand miles, there is a picture scroll of violent storms and thunder rushing, heavy and depressing, making Murong Feng's heart breathless. It is already the third day of progress He has only traveled five thousand miles, and there are disciples of the three sects of Taoism everywhere. If it weren't for the bone shrinking skill that can change a person's appearance and breath, he would have been beheaded already.

After passing through this violent storm, Murong Feng once again met the team of the three Taoist sects. This team is actually only ten people, but everyone has cultivation bases above the middle stage of distraction. They use magic weapons to directly block In the space with a radius of three thousand miles, people in front of them stopped from time to time to be inspected, and only the disciples of the Taoist sect opened the cut off space.

Reining in his own aura, the true essence in his body automatically simulated the aura of the Nascent Soul stage, and the purple long sword on his body also became dull, just like before, without a trace of brilliant color.

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