Taoseguan Road

0026 The Return of the Dry Wolf 2

Volume 0026 Manic Night Wolf 2 Return of the Dry Wolf [-]

"Wang Dawang, you can't do this! I haven't found out who killed me? You can't take my body?" Jiang Zhixiong stretched out his arms to stop Wang Dawang who was about to move forward.

"Are you kidding me! Your body? This is clearly my body. Go as far as you can!" Wang Dawang, who is tall and big, opened his bear paw and pushed Jiang Zhixiong, who was obviously thinner than him, in front of him. Slowly approaching the big bed, his own body was ejected by an inexplicable force.

How is this going?The fact that Wang Dawang couldn't return to his body was too much of a blow to Deputy Director Wang Dawang, who was ambitious to avenge himself.

In the darkness, the two innocent souls looked at each other, really not understanding what was going on.

"Can't you go back?" Jiang Zhixiong, who suddenly understood, grinned, and the boulder in his heart was completely let go.

"What's going on? Why can't you get on me but I can't?" Jiang Zhixiong's laugh made Wang Dawang mad, and he punched Jiang Zhixiong with a huge fist.

"Hey, why are you like this? Why did you hit someone if you didn't speak well?" Jiang Zhixiong narrowly avoided a vicious punch from Wang Dawang who lost his self-control.Floating to the window sill, looking down at Wang Dawang with a look of despair.

"Then what should I do? How can I find out the truth if I can't go back? I... say! Jiang Zhixiong, how did you get on me?" Wang Dawang, who suddenly came to his senses, found Jiang Zhixiong's strangeness.Why is there such a big gap between two people who died on the same day?Why can Jiang Zhixiong get on him, but he can only wander around?

"Have you met Shangguan Sisi?" Jiang Zhixiong's expression darkened when he suddenly remembered the female soul with whom he had a relationship once.

"Shangguan Sisi? Who is Shangguan Sisi? Women? Beautiful women? I only know beautiful women." A strange smile appeared on Wang Dawang's transparent face, and Jiang Zhixiong once again felt that things were not as simple as he imagined.

Wang Dawang took a few steps closer to Jiang Zhixiong. Anyway, this body can't go back. Why don't we see if we can get some useful information from this wimpy man.Wang Dawang thought so.

"A female ghost! She told me how to get on you!" Jiang Zhixiong didn't want to go back to Wang Dawang's body so soon.Anyway, Wang Dawang couldn't take that body away, and he also wanted to take something out of Wang Dawang's mouth.It would be best if it had something to do with Shangguan Sisi.

"You mean that beautiful female ghost in my ward? Hehe, she was scared away by me!" Wang Dawang grinned, and there seemed to be an indescribable ambiguity in his hearty laughter, and there seemed to be another kind of inexplicable Emotions.

"You...you fucked her? Why did you fuck her for no reason? You crazy! I'll fight you!" I don't know why Jiang Zhixiong was particularly annoyed by Wang Dawang's ambiguous smile, holding his hand in a fit of anger. His fists rushed towards Wang Dawang who was leaning against the wall.

"Who is she to you? It's none of your business whether I mess with her or not? Also, so what if I fuck her?" Wang Dawang seems to have always adhered to the principle that whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak.He simply dismissed such a thin man like Jiang Zhixiong.To be honest, Jiang Zhixiong and Wang Dawang, who had been in the army, were not of the same heavyweight at all, so Wang Dawang didn't feel the need to be wary of Jiang Zhixiong's flamboyant fists and embroidered legs.

Sure enough, Jiang Zhixiong's fist, who flew over, was firmly pinched by Wang Dawang's two fingers.Seeing the sneer on Wang Dawang's face, Jiang Zhixiong couldn't help swallowing.

"I forgot to tell you, this is what I was in the army! The Sanda champion of the whole battalion, plus the No.1 shooting competition! How about it? Do you want to compete with me? Rookie! You are still young!" Wang Dawang said unceremoniously to himself Thumbs up.He reached out and patted Jiang Zhixiong's stunned face, and Wang Dawang smiled flamboyantly.

"Then why did you degenerate into this state? Did Chiguoguo die? Heh..." Jiang Zhixiong had no choice but to retreat to the corner of the wall, but stabbed Wang Dawang a little unwillingly.

"What do you know? That's not degeneration, that's conformity to the situation. Do you understand? You don't understand even if I tell you, just a wooden fish head!" Wang Dawang taught Jiang Zhixiong as an elder.

"Follow the situation? Do you have any lower-level sophistry?" Hearing this, Jiang Zhixiong was very disgusted.If depravity is called adapting to the situation, then what is there to believe in in this world?

But thinking of Ouyang Yue'er's graceful figure, Jiang Zhixiong felt that there was nothing wrong with what Wang Dawang said.After all, it's a matter of supply and demand.When the demand for Wang Dawang's identity exceeds the supply, it becomes a rare commodity.Of course, it is not Wang Dawang's people who can live in rare goods, but the power behind him.

"Sophistry? Jiang Zhixiong, why didn't you and Liao Shuqing think of falling from the bathroom fight to the sofa? By the way, she is still your Jiang Zhixiong's sister-in-law! When did I fall? When did I quibble?" Wang Dawang asked. Looking at Jiang Zhixiong who was about to say something with disdain, he felt very contemptuous of this man who dared to act.

"This... this... how do you know?" This time it was Jiang Zhixiong's turn to tremble.He thought that at most four people would know about it, but he didn't expect Wang Dawang to know so soon.

It is said that something that is known by a second person in this world is not a secret.Besides, Jiang Zhixiong with Wang Dawang's head on his head is in Paris Dream City 1 (8 Crazy Day Liao Shuqing is known to more than one person, at least Li Yizhi and Wu Deren are flirting at the door or next door!

"Haha! I'm watching!" Wang Dawang's brazen confession caused Jiang Zhixiong to collapse on the ground.His already almost transparent face seemed to be even darker, and a feeling of ashes emerged.

It is said that the only thing that can be kept secret in this world is the dead, but now it seems that the dead are not reliable anymore.A dead man with a big mouth like Wang Dawang might spread the word before he has enough time for afternoon tea.

"Wang Dawang, you..." Jiang Zhixiong choked for a moment, he didn't even have the ability to get angry.He lowered his head feebly, feeling extremely disturbed by his indulgence.

"However, what I want to tell you is that the beautiful female ghost you mentioned, Shangguan Sisi, missed the scene where you were brave and good at fighting!" Wang Dawang seemed to be worried that Jiang Zhixiong hadn't died enough. Die a few times is not too much.

"What did you say? Shangguan Sisi is here? I..." Jiang Zhixiong couldn't help but support his forehead when he heard these words, feeling very sorry for the sudden collapse of the image of a good citizen that he had managed to preserve all his life.

"Why are you talking about me? I don't have as many vulgar tastes as you!" A crisp female voice came in from the window, and Shangguan Sisi's transparent body, who had listened enough to the conversation between the two ghosts, was floating outside the window like that. Wu's eyes fell on Jiang Zhixiong's already ashen face.

"Shangguan Sisi, you haven't left yet? Haven't found a suitable upper body partner yet?" When Jiang Zhixiong saw Shangguan Sisi, Jiang Zhixiong was as affectionate as a baby who had been lost for many days seeing his own mother. Self-shaming and anger are also forgotten.

"How can it be that easy? Besides, it's not the night of the full moon, and it's useless to find it. I don't even know if I can wait another month." Shangguan Sisi floated in from the window generously, eyes sweeping Wang Dawang glanced at her body, but said nothing.

"Shangguan Sisi, what... can I help you?" Jiang Zhixiong didn't know what to say for a moment.He had never done anything bad in his previous life, but as soon as he got on Wang Dawang's body, he did something that was beyond heinous and unforgivable when he was sober.

"Jiang Zhixiong, thank you! I have also read the materials that the criminal investigation captain gave you. Thank you for helping me find these clues!" Every move seems to be clear.

"Sisi, you know everything? I..." Jiang Zhixiong just wanted to say something to show his merits, but when he thought that the absurd thing he had with Liao Shuqing at noon might be seen clearly by Shangguan Sisi, he completely Lost courage.

"Okay, okay! Don't you, me and me! We are here to find you! It's dawn in such a hurry, what kind of man do you look like?" Wang Dawang, who was so bored standing aside, moved to the big bed. Lying down, crossing Erlang's legs impatiently interrupted their reminiscence.

"Whether I look like a man or not is none of your business?" Jiang Zhixiong glared at Wang Dawang with some dissatisfaction, but was startled by the blackness on Wang Dawang's face who jumped up from the bed.

"What's none of my business? Jiang Zhixiong, did you make a mistake? You fucked my body, and fucked the woman I used to be. Do you think it's none of my business?" Pushing and shoving Jiang Zhixiong, who was a head smaller than him, his vicious look made Shangguan Sisi pucker his mouth.

"Wang Dawang, if you continue to make trouble for no reason, you and I don't need to investigate the case anymore." Shangguan Sisi, who really couldn't stand it anymore, growled at Wang Dawang who was taking advantage of the situation.

"Counting on him as a wimp? I'll have enough time to die a few more times." Although Wang Dawang was full of disdain, he still stopped his hands.Wang Dawang, who was out of his body for the first day, seemed to be a little afraid of this female ghost who was older than him.

"Then do you still want to check it? Or do you check it yourself?" Shangguan Sisi didn't seem to realize that her words were wrong.Or what she should have said is that you are a 'ghost' and look it up yourself.

"I..." Wang Dawang felt speechless for the first time.I don't know if it's because Shangguan Sisi is a beautiful female ghost, or if there is really something that can manipulate Wang Dawang, in short, Wang Dawang shut up as a weak person.

"Jiang Zhixiong, Wang Dawang and I want to ask you for help!" Shangguan Sisi expressed satisfaction that Wang Dawang was able to calm down in time, and turned to Jiang Zhixiong who was cornered by Wang Dawang.

"Sisi, I will help you if you don't say so. I promised you last night, but I don't know how to help. Oh, right! Who did you have dinner with on the night you died? "Jiang Zhixiong suddenly remembered a mysterious man who had not been found out from the materials Shi Jianming provided him, and asked Shangguan Sisi directly.Is there any more suitable candidate than asking the parties.

"It's... Guo Jingye!" After hesitating for a while, Shangguan Sisi felt that as a dead soul who died in vain, she really didn't need to worry about anything.

"Guo Jingye? Deputy Mayor Guo?" Wang Dawang and Jiang Zhixiong exclaimed at the same time, they couldn't help but looked at each other.

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