Taoseguan Road

0046 meeting 2

Vol 0046 Manic Night Wolves 2 Session [-]

Dong City is located in the coastal area, and extending from the inland sea of ​​Dong City to the outside is the Pacific Ocean.This continent is vast and abundant, not only reflected in the high mountains and rich products and minerals and other land resources, but also in the vast sea area.The geographical location of Dong City is extremely superior, surrounded by mountains and the sea, rich in tourism resources, with green mountains and clear waters, blue sea and white sandy beaches.

It is extremely convenient to travel from Dongshi to South Asian countries, and Hong Kong and Macau can be easily passed by.Even the big island on the opposite side that has been appearing on the map of this continent is only a few steps away.

Of course, this pace depends on the ability of the individual.Those who have the ability can only lift their feet. Those who have no ability will not be able to walk even if they do high leg lifts at home all day long.

This ability varies in size, and the pace also depends on the length of the individual's legs and feet.

In other words, there are a lot of people who make a lot of money in Dongshi, and the degree of wealth is comparable to that of Li Ka-shing in Hong Kong.More wealthy people in Dongshi are not as well-known as Li Ka-shing, and most of them belong to the 'invisible rich' type.It's not that the people of Dong City are too low-key, but that some 'hidden rich' really dare not expose their wealth to the sun.The sun's rays here are too fierce, not only may the wealth of these 'hidden rich' have shrunk significantly, but it is more likely to dry them on the cross of the law.

Today, the heads of these bureaus who are meeting on the ninth floor of the city hall are set up for certain industries run by some 'invisible rich'.

Dong City's municipal income is quite rich.There are three main sources of this lucrative fiscal revenue. One is the taxation of large state-owned joint ventures and foreign-funded enterprises in Dongshi Industrial Park; All are available; one is the gray industry in Dongshi.

If the gray industrial chain in Dong City is fully exposed to the sun, you will have to give a thumbs up to the wisdom of the working people in Dong City and express your admiration.Dong City has a well-connected transportation, big birds flying in the sky, long insects running on the track, and four wheels speeding on the ground.The most important thing is the boundless water transportation, which has also contributed to the development of the underground industry in Dongshi.

Dongshi people are smart.Three or five heads put together can convert several simple chemicals into ice/drug ecstasy/pills or even extremely pure heroin.These products of Dongshi have been highly recognized in Southeast Asia, and even Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, India and other old-fashioned drug production and sales leaders all order products from Dongshi.

If there are products, green channels for transportation must be developed.

Dong City responded to the call of this continent, and had already achieved roads to every village long before the above-mentioned documents were issued.Even in the most marginal rural areas, there are straight concrete roads leading to the door of the house. This was originally a transportation channel developed for rural agricultural products, but it has become another landscape for smuggling and transporting goods in Dongshi.Even some law enforcement departments in Dong City are still complaining in private that the roads were built too smoothly back then, which caused inconvenience to their law enforcement activities such as arresting criminals.

The equipment of Dong City's law enforcement department is not as developed as those members of the underground industry chain.For example, the public security department in Dong City drove a Jeep, while the suspect drove a Land Rover.Another example is that the law enforcement department used small gadgets like .007, but what they took out was a [-]-level machine gun.You said that under such circumstances, can you complain that the public security officers cannot catch criminals?The car can't run as well as others, and the equipment is not as good as others.Unless everyone is flying man Liu Xiang, then it will only count when everyone is running a fair foot race!

In view of this phenomenon, the heads of the Dongshi municipal government also have a headache.Let's hit hard!There are really many things that need to be taken into account. It is just that the big bosses behind the five-star hotels in Dong City have to pull down a lot, not to mention the intricate network of people in Dong City.Let's hit hard!This increasingly chaotic social order makes the butts sitting in these positions always remind the heads above of the sense of crisis that exists in these phenomena.Even if these senses of crisis are relatively hidden and can be regarded as non-existent, ordinary people in Dong City also express their dissatisfaction with the declining social security.

Therefore, Dong City carried out large-scale rectification activities every now and then, sweeping pornography and arresting smuggling.The bigger the scale, the louder the movement, but the bigger the scale, the harder it is to catch the thief.Even those caught were small fish and shrimp, and the big fish slipped away early in the morning.This can be regarded as worthy of the taxes paid by the people of Dong City.

The main spirit of today's meeting is to rectify water transportation. To put it bluntly, it is to combat smuggling by water.Dong City has well-developed waterways, and the pockets of the sea surveillance department and fishery administration department are also bulging.A role like Tianma Bureau is a coveted department in Dongshi.

Jiang Zhixiong, who knew the market situation of Dong City well, sat there with Wang Dawang's head on his head, his mind was spinning rapidly, but his face was still paralyzed.All eyes were on him, but at this moment Wang Dawang had no choice but to act stupid.He had to think from the position where Cai Weiguo, the number one leader in Dong City, was sitting. When the leaders of many bureaus were crying and asking for the biggest piece of cake, if Wang Dawang followed the documents prepared for him by the office, he would also ask Cai Weiguo for benefits. It is estimated that not only Cai Weiguo's greater disgust was provoked.

Therefore, what Wang Dawang planned in his heart was to win some benefits for Tianma Bureau without offending Cai Weiguo, at least not to give up his share of the cake, and let the whole Tianma Bureau point at his spine and scold him.In order not to offend Cai Weiguo, one must understand the thoughts of Caitou sitting on the rostrum. Wang Dawang's mind was racing with lightning, but his mouth kept saying "uh, uh, uh" for a long time.It was only when a look of impatience appeared on Cai Weiguo's face that Wang Dawang cleared his mind, and suddenly became articulate.

"All the leaders here have already expressed their views. Now it's our Tianma Bureau's turn. I really don't know how to speak. Everyone here has helped me explain the difficulties for Tianma Bureau. But today I We are not here to reach out to the municipal party committee and city leaders. Our Tianma Bureau wants to share some difficulties for the government between the sea surveillance department and the fishery administration... Especially in terms of optimizing equipment and coastal defense construction, Tianma Bureau still has some capabilities to share. For work. In terms of coastal defense construction, the Tianma Bureau can..." Jiang Zhixiong's smooth thinking and uncharacteristically taking the initiative to take on the task with Wang Dawang's head on his head not only stunned the leaders of all bureaus present, but also together with Wang Dawang Yao Wayao, who was working, also looked at the documents in his hand and looked suspiciously at Wang Dawang, who was expressing his suggestions and opinions.What Wang Dawang promised in these words is that Tianma Bureau will not only be the ultimate undertaker of all the thankless tasks of this meeting, but it will not necessarily be affirmed even if it contributes people, money and effort.

After Wang Dawang's monologue was finished, the whole conference room was still quiet. It had been a long time since Cai Weiguo, who was sitting in the chief seat, spoke.The atmosphere of the meeting that had already formed a tacit understanding had nothing to do with Wang Dawang's intrusion, which made other bureau chiefs who only complained but were unwilling to work.

Wang Dawang's expression is not about how brilliant it is, but about its honesty.It is a danger to express the sincerity in one's heart on such an occasion, especially when everyone is perfunctory and evading each other. Wang Dawang's move undoubtedly put himself on the fire.

Jiang Zhixiong, who was not very familiar with the internal business of the Tianma Bureau, was able to express his meaning so clearly, thanks to his ability to listen to and hear a lot about the opportunities bubbling back and forth between the two buildings of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government during his lifetime.But Yao Wayao, who was in the meeting with Wang Dawang, didn't think so. She anxiously touched Wang Dawang, who was lowering his head in thought after speaking, and signaled him to make some necessary corrections to what he just said.From Yao Wayao's point of view, Wang Dawang's move undoubtedly handed over the interests of the Tianma Bureau and made people take away a lot of shit.

But I don't know whether Wang Dawang put all his attention on Cai Weiguo and Cheng Lingjian who fell silent for a while, or he didn't want to talk to Yao Wayao at all, until Cai Weiguo coughed lightly and spoke again, Wang Dawang didn't say anything, but let Yao Wayao use her desk The high heels underneath trampled on his uppers intentionally.

Cai Weiguo did not speak immediately, but fixedly looked at Wang Dawang's head with no white hair in his deep eyes, and then scanned the other people present at the meeting.Wherever Cai Weiguo looked, the top leaders of all bureaus shook their heads in unison, not daring to make eye contact with Cai Weiguo.

Most of the comrades in the city with black hats are still afraid of this top leader of Dong City who was directly sent from the Organization Department of the Provincial Party Committee.According to folklore, this 'caitou' is a direct relative of a Standing Committee member in the province.But legends are legends, and it is not seen that Cai Weiguo had any particularly intimate contact with this legendary member of the Standing Committee.So one year after Cai Weiguo arrived in Dongshi, some people began to move around, wanting to test the bottom line of this airborne leader.Among these people, Cheng Lingjian, the second in command of Dong City, is the most obvious move.

Originally, the position under Cai Weiguo's butt was in Cheng Lingjian's pocket, but Cheng Lingjian's [-]-point grasp was suddenly destroyed by Cai Weiguo's airborne.Can this make Cheng Lingjian feel comfortable?The uncomfortable Cheng Lingjian didn't want to continue being a grandson after he had been lurking for more than half a year.Those who don't let him feel comfortable don't want to feel comfortable in Dongshi.Cheng Lingjian, who didn't want Cai Weiguo to be comfortable, began to instruct his disciples to get active.

Originally, Cheng Lingjian's foundation, which had been nested in Dong City for decades, was so strong that it was unfathomable.When Cheng Lingjian, a centipede, started to squirm, Cai Weiguo, who only brought a secretary to take up the post, already felt a huge resistance.For example, today's meeting, according to Cai Weiguo's wishes, was a meeting to assign tasks and clarify relationships, but he did not expect that it would turn into a symposium where various bureaus played Tai Chi with each other and even complained to the municipal party committee.Moreover, such meetings have become more and more intense.

Until Wang Dawang finished speaking and expressed his attitude, Cai Weiguo still did not cast his trusting eyes on Wang Dawang.After all, Wang Dawang, Wang Wangwang, deputy chief, has a reputation far and wide, and he is really not the type that Cai Weiguo admires.

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