Taoseguan Road

0074 Debt from the Past 11

Volume 0074 Manic Night Wolf 11 Debts from the Past [-]

Wang Dawang comforted himself in this way, maybe a little Ah Q, but doing something practical is better than Ah Q who just wants to fuck the little nun, right?

As he spoke, Wang Dawang followed Mo Xiaoyan and walked towards the second floor of Mo Xiaoqian's duplex suite.Walking up the exquisitely designed spiral staircase to the second floor, Wang Dawang was taken aback by the layout in front of him.He never thought that Mo Xiaoqian could decorate the room so beautifully.

The entire second floor is dominated by light green, which unfolds a forest field theme. Once you step on the steps of the second floor, you feel like you have entered a dreamlike green field.After careful identification, the green in front of you seems to have a layered sense of life-like separation of shades, distances, and distances.Walking forward along the corridor, Wang Dawang unconsciously fell into a hallucinatory confusion.White clouds and blue sky, green water and green mountains, small bridges and flowing water, overlapping green leaves and shadows of trees, and mountains that seem to exist in the distance...Wang Dawang walked obsessively, his fingers involuntarily stroking the plants and trees around him .It wasn't until his fingertips really touched those hazy greens that he realized that all of this was just a painting, a Alice in Wonderland carefully drawn by the original mistress.

Wang Dawang sighed silently, all this required Mo Xiaoqian's painstaking efforts, which shows how delicate this girl's heart is, and how much this girl attaches great importance to this family.What makes Wang Dawang sigh even more is how much money it takes to create such a dream. It can be seen that everything here is a dream piled up with money.

Although such a dreamy thing seems to have nothing to do with the smell of copper, these beautiful illusions are originally cast by the smell of copper.Just like Mo Xiaoqian's dreamlike love, it is all based on Wang Dawang's good promise and continuous supply of money.When one day Mo Xiaoqian realized that all the beautiful things were shattered with Wang Dawang's neglect of her, how could such a beautiful girl continue to exist in this world?

Standing in this green forest, Wang Dawang could vaguely feel certain factors of Mo Xiaoqian's suicide.For a hunter like Wang Dawang who wanders around the flowers all day long, Mo Xiaoqian may just be his favorite woman, but he will never be the only woman he likes.

Men's feelings are sincere, but every relationship of men has a shelf life.When a man's interest shifts, or when a new prey appears in front of a man and a new desire to conquer is rekindled, the man quickly forgets his commitment to the previous relationship.Either it is a physiological reason, or a man's natural desire to conquer, but every emotional deterioration can only be called a transfer of interest at best.Therefore, Wang Dawang did not abandon Mo Xiaoqian, but just shifted his interest.

Of course, if Mo Xiaoyan knew what Wang Dawang was thinking at this time, there is no doubt that Mo Xiaoyan would slap the culprit severely, at least for those who have been, are about to be, or are deeply in love with Wang Dawang. Women seek justice.

Mo Xiaoyan, who was leading the way ahead, had stopped beside Wang Dawang at some point, silently looking at the man in front of him who seemed to be entering this house for the first time with his big smart eyes.Judging from the unconcealable shocked expression on Wang Dawang's face, he should have never been in this room.But how does this explain that he is the man Mo Xiaoqian loved so much that he committed suicide for him?Mo Xiaoyan watched Wang Dawang's every move coldly, as if trying to find a trace of pretense or fabrication in his behavior.But to Mo Xiaoyan's disappointment, she couldn't find a flaw at all.If Wang Dawang deliberately concealed it, then the winner of the best performance award in the world should be Fei Wang Dawang, and the statuette of the Oscar gold award should be given to Wang Dawang.

"It's beautiful! I never imagined that Mo Xiaoqian could dress up an ordinary concrete forest so beautifully! It's... very shocking!" Realizing that he had lost his composure, Wang Dawang turned around and smiled apologetically at Mo Xiaoyan , quickly explained.

"Shocking? Have you never come up to Bureau Wang?" Mo Xiaoyan smiled coldly in her heart, as if waiting for Wang Dawang to come up with the most ridiculous excuse in the world.

"I... yes! This is the first time I've seen such a beautiful house. I never expected that Xiaoqian... really has an exquisite heart!" Wang Dawang seemed to be still intoxicated in this green dream, and casually mentioned Mo Xiaoqian also didn't seem to realize that the girl he called with a seven-aperture exquisite heart had already vanished into thin air.No, it should be, turned into a cold corpse, lying in a giant freezer, spending her last tangible existence on this earth.

"Wang Ju, I've heard Qian'er mention you and this house more than once. You don't want to tell me that you didn't give this house to Qian'er, do you?" Mo Xiaoyan stared coldly. Wang Dawang, who was bewildered, felt more doubts in his heart.

"I... gave Mo Xiaoqian a house? How is this possible? I don't even have the ability to live in such a house. How could I... Don't listen to those gossips outside!" blurted out The answer made Wang Dawang almost expose himself before he woke up.Realizing his mistake, Wang Dawang quickly made some remedies.

"Really? Wang Ju, please!" The corner of Mo Xiaoyan's mouth twitched silently, who had clearly captured every word Wang Dawang said, as if expressing the most kind contempt for Wang Dawang's lame lie.Pushing open a green wooden door, Mo Xiaoyan made a gesture of invitation to Wang Dawang.

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