Taoseguan Road

0084 Died 2

Tao Seguan Lu 0084 Died 2

In other words, Jiang Zhixiong, who used to be timid, has become more courageous since he got on Wang Dawang's body, and his articulation has become much more articulate, and he can even speak in a set way.In just a few words, Yao Yide's back was sweating coldly because of what he said just now. He had hoped to dismiss this patient just like the other patients when Wang Dawang's mind was muddy.Unexpectedly, his abacus is good, Wang Dawang's abacus is much better than his.

Yao Yide didn't even have to think about it, could this Wang Dawang be a brain-dead person who could sit peacefully on the fat job of Tianma Bureau for so many years?

Even if Wang Dawang's body was hollowed out by wine and sex, it was only his body that was hollowed out, and the pimple on his neck was a big flexible pimple.Even if he can't figure out women like Dai Shishi and Zhang Yuanyuan, it is more than enough compared to Yao Yide.

"Director Wang, this matter... You see, it's not what you and I want to see. Or, let's do it this way! Since this matter is my responsibility from afar, what do you think should be done with your attending doctor?" Yao Yide As expected of an old official who has been rolling in officialdom for many years, he still picked himself up when he opened his mouth.The words are really good, no matter how big this matter is, it has nothing to do with Yao Yide.Even if a hole was poked out in the sky, that was Xu Damo's business.It seems that Yao Yide temporarily lost his memory at this time, forgetting that he is the president of Donggui City People's Hospital, and even more forgetting that he is the legal representative who signed the contract with the Donggui City Health Bureau, and forgetting that the position under his buttocks brought him a lot of benefits. Right to benefit.

"President Yao, this... this..." Xu Damo was dumbfounded now, he never thought that Yao Yide would abandon him so completely at this juncture.

"This... this... what is this? Doctor Xu, your mistake today is not a general mistake. Even if I want to protect you, I can't protect you. It's better for you to take the initiative to take responsibility, so as not to drag down the entire hospital. Send down hundreds of people. Otherwise, you should resign voluntarily!" Yao Yide suddenly changed his face, and the low-pitched pleading with Wang Dawang just now has become a righteous and awe-inspiring righteousness.Yao Yide used this trick very cleverly, even if Wang Dawang wanted to pursue it, he would have no choice, because the person involved had already taken the blame and resigned, so it has nothing to do with his big hospital.This is as easy to solve as the temporary workers in the unit who make mistakes!

Take the blame and resign, what an imposing word!This is a crab unloading its feet, and a gecko docking its tail!Of course, the crab's tail removal is for self-protection, and the gecko's severed tail can heal itself.This is not so easy to take the blame and resign.

"Resign automatically? How is this possible? Dean Yao, you have to help me! I really did it according to the procedures, and there was really no mistake at all. I swear to God, I really did nothing wrong " Xu Damo was in a hurry now, he took Yao Yide's arm and kept confessing his confession, almost kowtow to his master.For Xu Damo to resign automatically, it would be better to ask him to hang himself. He is a man who has to support a "secondary" man.In addition to the monthly payment for buildings and cars, he also has to consider the child's milk powder.Of course, with Xu Damo's age, qualifications, appearance and position, there are some women who are willing to work with him for nothing, and there are even some women who don't mind him taking the initiative to serve, for example, the female nurse who was breathing with him in the nurse's lounge just now .Such a sudden sudden resignation of Xu Damo's own accord, isn't this...isn't it killing him?

"Resign automatically? Dean Yao, what you said is really easy!" Wang Dawang was stunned for a moment. Whether he had been Deputy Director Wang for a few days in his previous life or this life, he never seemed to want to make people angry with this matter. Losing his job is such a serious result.But when Yao Yide heard what he originally wanted to calm down, he relentlessly pursued the responsibility of the hospital.

Wang Dawang's phrase, "You're so easy to say," was originally a way of attacking Yao Yide for his irresponsible handling of Xu Damo.Xu Damo neglected his duties during working hours, which led to some hasty judgments.But, after all, Wang Dawang was indeed out of breath at that time.Therefore, in Wang Dawang's mind, Yao Yide's handling was a more sloppy way of self-protection than Xu Damo's.Yao Yide's solution seems to be easy, but Xu Damo is dead.At this time, Wang Dawang didn't want people to lose their jobs after all, even though Xu Damo's actions were enough to lose their jobs.However, after all, it is not so easy to train an experienced doctor, even though some carelessly neglect their duties.Wang Dawang's heart is still at the stage of kindness, he just wants to teach these two people who he doesn't like well, he doesn't want to really hurt the killer.

"Could it be Director Wang... are you still not satisfied? Actually, this matter has nothing to do with me at all, it has nothing to do with wool. Really, Director Wang, you see... can this matter be settled?" For my sake, just tell him to take the blame and resign! You have also expressed your anger, and Xu Damo has also been taught a lesson. You see... this is the head office! Of course, in terms of mental loss, our hospital You can also..." Yao Yide secretly wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and his heart began to beat.If Wang Dawang really wanted to pursue the matter, he might not be the dean for long.Not to mention that the discipline inspector was chasing after him like a debt collector, Wang Dawang's order alone was enough to constitute a medical malpractice, and it was a very typical one.It's really t***, it's not enough to succeed but more to fail!Yao Yide greeted all eighteen generations of Xu Damo's ancestors several times in his heart angrily.

"Satisfied? Is there anything I'm not satisfied with...you can figure it out!" Yao Yide's words have covered this point, so what else can Wang Dawang say.If he continues to be picky, it will appear that Wang Dawang is even more unreasonable.However, Wang Dawang's promise was also suspected of extortion.After all, the time he agreed was after Yao Yide mentioned things like mental damage fees.

"No! Dean Yao, this... I can't resign! I have an old mother to support, and a son who is less than half a year old! Dean Yao, you can't make such a decision!" Xu Damo His face suddenly turned paler than Shangguan Sisi's, and he held Yao Yide's sleeve tightly, begging bitterly with tears and snot in his nose.But Yao Yide didn't dare to provoke him anymore, just kept giving him winks, signaling him to beg Wang Dawang.

"Uh..." Xu Damo's pleading reminded Wang Dawang of the lines in a movie starring Zhou Xingxing. Uh, he really couldn't remember the movie step.There is an 80-year-old mother with a child waiting to be fed, and now she has joined the army of unemployment.What a pity!Thinking of this, Wang Dawang's heart began to soften a little.He hesitated whether to give Xu Damo, this man who had sex with his subordinates in the lounge during working hours, a chance, um, let's take it as a chance to reform himself!

"Director Wang, your lord has a large number of prime ministers who can pull a boat! Just hold your hand high and let me go this time! Please let me go this time! I really can't lose this job, please! "Xu Damo, who met Yao Yide's wink, rushed towards Wang Dawang who was standing aside, with a more serious expression on his face.

"Don't let him go!" Just as Xu Damo begged bitterly, a woman's mournful voice sounded outside the dean's office.

"This...you are..." Wang Dawang's heart seemed to be touched. When he was hesitating whether to let it go, he suddenly saw a strange figure floating towards them from the door.Yes, it floated over.Wang Dawang looked at the woman floating towards him in amazement, she seemed to be a pregnant woman with a big belly.

"Can you see me? You are..." The dark gray face of the pregnant woman who was being questioned seemed surprised. She looked up at Wang Dawang who was staring at her, and murmured to herself.

"I..." Wang Dawang really didn't know how to explain it now.He suddenly hated his yin and yang eyes, the pregnant woman floating towards him must not be a normal person.Otherwise, I wouldn't use the action of floating.

"His yin and yang eyes can see us." Standing in the corner, Shangguan Sisi saw that the situation was not good, and hurriedly helped Wang Dawang, who was speechless, to make things right.

"Are you... the same as me, killed by this hospital?" The pregnant woman who had just appeared only then realized that there were two, no, two, ghosts like her in this spacious office.She naturally attributed the two ghosts in the house to the same origin as herself.

"Kill death? What do you want to do?" Wang Dawang wanted to ask the ins and outs of this, but Xu Damo, who was very close to him when he was so dazed, rushed at the death notice he was holding in his hand. rushed over.

"Dean Yao, hurry up! Help me, I can't lose this job. As long as I tear up that notice, he will have no evidence. He can't threaten the hospital either..." Xu Damo is not as tall as Wang Dawang, He grabbed Wang Dawang's right hand, jumped a few times, and when he realized that he was only a little away from the death notice, he hurriedly greeted his allies.

"This... isn't very good, is it? Director Wang, look at this... Doctor Xu, you can't do this, let it go!" Yao Yide surrounded Wang Dawang as if he had just woken up from a dream.Shouting in embarrassment for Xu Damo to let go, Yao Yide rushed towards a very clear target with great agility.Of course, Yao Yide's very clear goal was not to persuade a fight at all, let alone to pull away Xu Damo, but to rush at the death notice in Wang Dawang's hand.

"..." Wang Dawang looked at the two big men flying towards him very speechlessly.He quickly moved his steps backwards, very nimbly avoiding the two idiots who were attacking him left and right.

"You... how could you do this?" Dai Shishi, who was sitting next to Wang Dawang, hadn't recovered from the shock just now, until he saw three big men who were about to wrestle together chasing a floating picture. It was only when the paper was punched and kicked in mid-air that he came back to his senses.

Shishi Dai screamed, the high-decibel sound hurt the eardrums of everyone in the room.But Yao Yide and Xu Damo, who were bent on destroying the evidence, didn't pay attention to Dai Shishi who had been silent all this time, and rushed towards the death notice so recklessly.

Wang Dawang simply sat down in his original seat, watching Yao Yide and Xu Damo rush towards the seemingly spiritual death notice controlled by the original owner of his body like hungry dogs grabbing shit.Even Dai Shishi, who stopped screaming for a while, found the piece of paper floating in mid-air very strange, but the hotheaded two didn't realize that the floating position of the piece of paper was a bit mysterious.

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