Taoseguan Road

0104 Hero Saves Britain and America 4

Peachy Official Road 0104 Hero Saves Yingmei 4

"Really? My good brother, let my sister comfort you." As soon as the words were finished, Shangguan Shuai raised his knife and dropped it.Before Wang Dawang could stop it, a bright red liquid gushed out from between Guo Shengguo's legs.

"Ah..." A shrill scream announced the end of Guo Shengguo's life as a man.Representatives of the new generation of eunuchs will replace the glory of Li Lianying and his ilk, and create a peak moment when the life of a new generation of men and women enters madness.

"Shuaishai, don't do this! Shuaishuai, you can't..." By the time Wang Dawang realized it, he wanted to grab Shangguan Shuaishuai's arm, it was too late.Taking a last look at his little guy, Guo Shengguo rolled his eyes towards the ceiling after a tragic howl and almost passed out.

Wang Dawang's loud stop eventually turned into a mutter.

It's too late.Guo Shengguo's little guy was severely cut with a deep gash from the root.The cutting technique performed by Shangguan Shuaishuai's trembling fingers was not particularly precise.That cut didn't cut the little guy in half, but became a golden section line between thirty and seven.Bright red blood overflowed from the deep opening, and quickly stained the board under Guo Shengguo's buttocks red.Guo Shengguo, who was still valiant just now, shook his body and fell headfirst into the pool of blood beneath him.

Staring blankly at everything in front of him, Wang Dawang had mixed feelings in his heart.Not knowing what to say or what to say, he racked his brains but didn't know what had to be said and what had to be done.

"Hehehehe...Brother, my good brother, you are the one who is not benevolent, don't blame me! Guo Jingye, just watch yourself cut off your children and grandchildren! Hahaha..." The sharp knife in his hand fell to the ground with a clang, and he squatted on the ground Shangguan Shuaishuai smiled sadly.Shangguan Shuaishuai, who was struggling to get up from the ground, felt numb in his feet, and fell heavily to the ground.

"Handsome..." Wang Dawang, who recovered from the shock, hugged the wounded woman, but he couldn't talk about the bewilderment and sadness in his heart.

There is a saying in the Buddha's words: If you sow the cause, you will reap the fruit. Everything is created by the mind.Holding the bruised handsome in his arms, Wang Dawang smiled bitterly silently.This is really what kind of cause is planted, what kind of fruit will be obtained, and everything has a karmic retribution.It's a pity that Guo Jingye's twin daughters have to bear the fruit of the cause planted by that old bastard.

"Handsome..." My sister's sad laughter made Shangguan Sisi, who was standing aside and didn't know what else to do, burst into tears, but unfortunately she couldn't cry out from her blood-red eyes.As a ray of ghost, she can do too little, too little.She couldn't even make her lonely sister feel her embrace.Shangguan Sisi subconsciously reached out to his sister, but found that his palm could not touch her body at all.Wang Dawang who was one step ahead had already rushed out of the room with Shangguan Shuaishuai in his arms.

"Sisi, where is your room?" Wang Dawang asked Shangguan Sisi who was following behind while rushing outside with the girl with empty eyes in his arms.

"This way, this way!" Shangguan Sisi pointed to Wang Dawang the room next to Shuai Shuai.Wang Dawang walked into the room with Shuai Shuai in his arms, and turned his head to signal that he wanted to close the door tightly.

"Shuaishai, don't be afraid! It's me, Wang Dawang, your sister's friend. We had dinner, remember?" Putting the bruised and purple Shangguan Shuaishuai on the bed carefully, Wang Dawang comforted the empty eyes Godless girl.

"Sister! Sister! Where did my sister go? Why didn't she come back to save me? Sisi, Sisi, why did you leave me alone so cruelly?" Two lines of tears silently rolled down the corners of the eyes , Shangguan Shuaishuai muttered to himself in a hoarse voice.The empty and helpless eyes made Shangguan Sisi, who was floating beside her, couldn't help crying, but it was a pity that Shuai Shuai could no longer hear her voice.

"Shuai Shuai, don't do this, don't do this! If your sister knows that she will be sad, don't do this!" Wang Dawang, who could see the sadness of the two sisters separated by Yin and Yang, had a sore nose, and stretched out his palm weakly Patting the arm of the girl on the bed.Unexpectedly, as soon as his fingers touched Shangguan Shuaishuai's body, she ruthlessly swept them away.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me! Take your dirty hands away, don't touch me! Don't touch me...don't touch me..." I don't know if it was because of Wang Dawang's unintentional touch, but Shangguan Shuaishuai on the bed suddenly became manic Waving his hands vigorously, his feet kicked hard on the bed.At this moment, Wang Dawang, who was standing by the bed, realized that Shangguan Shuaishuai's smooth heels had already been stained with blood.

"Shuai Shuai, Shuai Shuai, don't do this! Calm down, I won't touch you. Look, my hand is here, I didn't touch you. Shuai Shuai, I'm Wang Dawang. Do you remember me?" Two eyes The furious Wang Dawang had no choice but to suppress the anger in his heart and comfort the girl on the bed.

"Don't touch me! Don't touch me!" Shangguan's handsome voice gradually became low.She hugged her knees tightly and curled up on the bed, as if in this way she could resist the encroachment of those tigers and wolves.

"You stay here and watch her, I'll go out for a while." Shangguan Sisi stared at Wang Dawang who was standing by the bed in a daze with her big blood red eyes, and was about to rush out after leaving a word.

"Sisi, calm down. This is your and Shuai Shuai's home. If someone dies, it won't be Shuai Shuai who suffers. Calm down, okay?" Knowing Shangguan Sisi's anger that could not be vented, Wang Dawang hurriedly grabbed her arm, which was about to hold her, but unexpectedly, he caught nothing in the air.He looked at his hands in amazement, and hadn't reacted from such a change.

"I... I'm taking advantage of these bastards." Shangguan Sisi, who was awakened by Wang Dawang's words, stopped her figure and reluctantly stopped at the door.

"It won't be cheap for them. Don't worry, I will definitely make them pay back ten times." Wang Dawang raised his thick eyebrows and said lightly.

"Let me just listen!" Shangguan Sisi responded to Wang Dawang's promise indifferently, and floated to Shangguan Shuaishuai's side again.Stretching out her fibrous hand to lovingly caress her trembling younger sister, Shangguan Sisi's eye circles were bloodshot again.The furthest distance in the world is that I am right in front of you, but you don't know that I am touching your face.Perhaps this sentence is the most real pain in the heart of Shangguan Sisi, who has been a female ghost for many days.

"Sisi, if you have no objection, I want to deal with those people outside first." Wang Dawang looked at Shangguan Sisi who looked lonely, walked to her side and said softly.

"Deal with it? Didn't you say you can't touch them?" A strong sarcasm appeared on Shangguan Sisi's ashen face.Filled with anger and having nowhere to vent, she could only vent to the only living person in front of her who could communicate with her.

"I mean you can't touch them now, I didn't say you can't in the future. That bastard Guo Shengguo will probably be a eunuch in his life, but we can't let him die here. Let's call the police!" Wang Dawang thought for a while and said something. A suggestion that made Shangguan Sisi feel unbelievable.

"Call the police? Can this matter be called the police? Do you want to be handsome and live in the shadow of an attempted rape? Besides, can the injuries on that bastard Guo Shengguo be mentioned in front of the police?" Wang Dawang was slow to come, and she pointed out the inappropriateness of such handling.

"But...if you don't call the police, what will you do? Let them go?" Wang Dawang felt very ashamed for his passionate recklessness.In other words, he eats more salt than Shangguan Sisi eats rice.Why did he suddenly lose the chain at a critical moment?

"Is it okay if you don't let them go? You can't kill them, and you can't let them die in this home. Haha, home? Even if Guo Jingye was killed, he would never have thought that his own son was planning to buy it for his two daughters." Let's kill his own daughter in the house!" After saying this tongue twister, Shangguan Sisi grinned a very exaggerated smile.

"Sisi, don't think too much about it. The most urgent thing is to settle down to be handsome. This house can continue to live, so you should think about how to arrange it better. I'll go out and deal with those beasts." Wang Dawang He sighed silently, trying to comfort Shangguan Sisi in front of him, but found that he was very stupid when he was usually able to speak.

"Well! I'm looking at Shuai Shuai here, so be careful yourself. Where is that bastard Wang Dawang?" Shangguan Sisi, who gradually stabilized his mood, looked around and found that the ghost who had been following her didn't know Where did you go.

"Look at her carefully, and don't let her hurt you again." Looking at the girl curled up on the bed and the blood on her body, Wang Dawang shook his head, opened the door and walked out quickly.

Wang Dawang, who came out of the room, did not immediately walk towards the living room where the gangsters were tied up, but turned around and walked to the kitchen on the first floor.He found the largest kitchen knife in the tidy kitchen, tried it with his fingertips and found that the sharpness was just right, Wang Dawang returned to the second floor with satisfaction.

When he walked into the living room with a large kitchen knife, the eight beasts in clothes trapped like rice dumplings had already screamed in fright.Fortunately, everyone's mouths have been stuffed with cloth strips, otherwise Wang Dawang's ears must be filled with howls of ghosts and wolves again.

"Now it's your turn! Tell me! Which one will come first? It's you!" With the reflection of the street lights outside the window, the kitchen knife in Wang Dawang's hand reflected the cold light.Step by step, Wang Dawang approached a man shaking like an epileptic seizure.The kitchen knife in his hand was accurately placed across his crotch, and Wang Dawang had a very strange smile on his face.

"How? Was that hand that touched the girl just now? Tell me!" Wang Dawang tore off the cloth strip from the man's mouth, and inadvertently stroked the tattooed arm with the kitchen knife in his hand. Blood slowly oozes from that shallow scratch.

"Uncle, spare your life, spare your life!" The tattooed man whose arm was bleeding was howled immediately.Regardless of the inconvenience of his body with his hands tied behind his back, he desperately rubbed towards Wang Dawang who was half squatting on the ground.His head kept hitting the floor like a chicken pecking at rice, and soon a red and swollen lump appeared on his forehead.

"Forgive me? When you were torturing that girl, did you ever think about sparing her life? You not only beat her, scolded her and raped her, but also gang/raped her. Are you worthy of pleading with me? What did she offend you? She Did you kill your parents? Or did you commit some capital crime?" Wang Dawang's anger seemed to have finally found an outlet, and the kitchen knife in his hand slid back and forth on the tattooed man's arm uncontrollably.Soon a bloody arm appeared in front of the other seven hooligans.

Just when Wang Dawang was very happy to execute the punishment on the tattooed man, a figure in the corner did not keep shrinking into the corner like other captives, but moved towards Wang Dawang's side.

"Yo ho, it turns out that there is another person here who is not afraid of death. Since you have the courage to come up, I will play with you!" Wang Dawang stretched out his big hand and grabbed the man who came to the door on his own initiative.Taking a closer look, the arm holding the kitchen knife slowly dropped down.

"It's you? Why are you here?" Looking at the familiar face in front of him, Wang Dawang's extremely shocked voice suddenly raised several decibels.

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