Taoseguan Road

0132 Game 11

Peachy Official Road 0132 Game 11

It doesn't matter if you talk too much, what matters is that every word Wang Dawang said is poking into Jiang Zhixiong's heart.That's what hurts.Jiang Zhixiong really didn't want to hear so much chatter, so he quickened his pace and rushed out.But what made him even more annoyed was that no matter how big his steps were, Wang Dawang could always float by his ears unhurriedly, continuing a series of ghostly words that could be heard by him alone.

The main reason why Fantasy Island is called Fantasy Island is that the design and style of this hotel are very distinctive.Just like the large bathhouse on the 24th floor that can accommodate three to four hundred people, the curling smoke rises, creating a dreamlike haze.There are several different small pools separated around the big bath, and each small pool is separated by a different screen, and there seems to be a lot of people in the shadows.But in such a shadowy twilight, it is impossible to see who is inside the screen.

Of course, there are many independent single rooms in Neverland.Each private room is called with a different beautiful name, and it seems that there is a fixed masseuse serving in every private room with an elegant name.However, the consumption of such a single room is really not ordinary expensive. Of course, the masseurs inside are not ordinary beautiful, the skills of the beautiful masseuses are not ordinary good, and the service of the beautiful masseurs with good skills is not ordinary first-class.The services of the beautiful masseuses also include some special services, of course, this must be based on the different needs of the guests and the amount that the guests can afford.

However, no matter how expensive Neverland is, there will never be a shortage of guests here.Moreover, there has never been any unpleasant incidents such as arrears of consumption in the consumption of guests here.This has to be attributed to the high quality of the citizens of Donggui City and the militarization of Neverland management.It is said that not long after Neverland opened for business, there were one or two gangs who couldn't see such a bustling and lively scene of people coming and going, and deliberately made a little bit of trouble.However, these one or two gangs who made a little bit of trouble seem to have seldom come out to hang out in the rivers and lakes since then.Invisibly, Neverland has played a certain role in cleaning up the surrounding gangsters.And this is what made Wang Liding, the boss of Neverland, famous.However, this big boss who owns several cruise ships on the high seas rarely appears in Neverland, of course, except for entertaining some necessary characters.

When Wang Dawang led Jiang Zhixiong to the private room next to the small pool behind the big bath with a screen, Jiang Zhixiong, who was occupying Wang Dawang's body, was suddenly stunned.He is awesome!If Dai Xiaoli appeared in this kind of private room tonight, it would cost him how many months' salary of Dai Xiaoli's little secretary!After such a time of contemplation, Jiang Zhixiong stopped on the corridor at the door of the small single room.

"Where should we go now? Didn't you say you saw him? Where's the person?" Jiang Zhixiong complained angrily to the ghosts floating around him.

"I saw him when I went in to call you just now, why did he disappear all of a sudden? He was still in the small pool next to the big pool just now, and he should have come along this corridor." Wang Dawang asked silently. Raising his basically invisible eyebrows, he looked around and found that there were waiters silently approaching them in the direction of the originally empty corridor.Wang Dawang can assure you that if Jiang Zhixiong, who occupied his body, hadn't been stripped naked with only a big scarf to hide his shame, the security guards who were closely watching every move in these corners would have already rushed over to chase him away.But even if Wang Dawang only has a big scarf left on his body, it doesn't mean that he can appear in these strictly divided areas at will.

"What should I do now? Someone is coming, I should go out. Why don't you take a stroll here by yourself! If something happens, let's breathe again." After all, Jiang Zhixiong, who faced his face, was not so confident.Always timid, he quickly found a reason to back out along the way he came, so as not to cause unnecessary panic and disputes.

Sure enough, the waiter walking towards this side stopped when he saw that Wang Dawang had retreated to the small pond.After looking around for a while, he found that Wang Dawang had no other outrageous actions, so the waiter retreated to his original position.

Jiang Zhixiong, who wandered around the small pond, didn't notice the Dai Xiaoli that Wang Dawang mentioned, so he sat down on the edge of the big pond near the small pond.Slipping into the warm pool water, Jiang Zhixiong realized that the water here is not generally comfortable.If the price wasn't too scary, he really wanted to lie in such a pool every night and take a dip.According to Jiang Zhixiong's feeling, this fantasy island is really worthy of the name and has moved the hot springs in the deep mountains and old forests to the middle of the downtown area.Lying in the middle of the warm spring water, Jiang Zhixiong was drowsily enjoying the gentle massage of water splashes from countless small holes around him, and at the same time, the conversation between Wei Zijun and Guo Jingye was involuntarily reproduced in his mind.

If what Wei Zijun said is true, then it is obvious that Jiang Zhixiong had hindered some people's interest chain before his death.And this chain of interests also includes Guo Jingye, who is the executive deputy mayor.So which link offended Guo Jingye?Or you can put it this way, which project did Jiang Zhixiong stop Guo Jingye from making money?This question really made Jiang Zhixiong scratch his head, but he still didn't think it through.

Could it be the best task he received during his lifetime?Jiang Zhixiong couldn't help thinking of the replacement of multimedia classroom equipment in universities, middle schools and primary schools in Donggui City not long ago.Or, it should be regarded as the largest project in the education field since the establishment of Tonggui City.Jiang Zhixiong, who had just received this project, couldn't help but feel sincerely happy for the schools in Donggui City.But his heartfelt joy did not last long.Jiang Zhixiong couldn't accept the countless problems that came up in the process of formulating the plan.Jiang Zhixiong, who couldn't accept these questions, couldn't help but followed up with his head.Of course, these bidding matters were still not settled until Jiang Zhixiong's car accident.With Jiang Zhixiong's death, it is estimated that the formulation of this plan will take on a new look.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhixiong couldn't help but let out a long sigh.As Cai Weiguo said, it is not so easy to really do something in Donggui City.No matter which side's power it is, he, a small director of the purchasing office, can control him during the game. No matter what leadership title he is, the boss and businessman can point fingers in front of him at will, until Jiang Zhixiong, who has never The cowardly men who were all doing their own jobs with trepidation also got angry.

The consequence of Jiang Zhixiong's anger was that he rejected all the lines' greetings and made a plan according to the normal procedures.At that time, Lin Daier, a small clerk working together with Jiang Zhixiong in the Procurement Office, even laughed at Jiang Zhixiong in front of his face, saying that the formulation of the plan this time really strictly implemented the three principles of "fairness, openness, and justice" of the provincial party committee and the provincial government. .

It's a pity that this plan, which Jiang Zhixiong has never spent so much energy on, has not been released yet, and he has already taken the lead in hanging up, and without warning, he was directly hung upside down under the wheels of a large truck.

Thinking of this, Jiang Zhixiong silently smiled wryly.It's not easy to do something in Donggui City, but a peachy director like Wang Dawang can easily solve the problems he wants to solve, and easily get what he wants, including many beauties .Although most of Wang Dawang's handling methods could not be approved by Jiang Zhixiong, Jiang Zhixiong had to admit Wang Dawang's efficiency.Perhaps, a man like Jiang Zhixiong really couldn't survive in a world like Donggui City.

For the first time, Jiang Zhixiong felt a little sad for his previous life.Being the director of the Procurement Office, an important position in the eyes of others, has not been able to seek any benefits for his relatives, or even his dearest lover. On the contrary, it has brought them endless pain.

Using the gold card of Wang Dawang, a dead person who has been dead for many days, soaking in the hot spring that Wang Dawang's body should have enjoyed, Jiang Zhixiong examined his life in the world for the first time.In the hot spring pool of the huge sauna and massage room on the 24th floor of Neverland, Jiang Zhixiong's thoughts changed for the first time.

Or, a life like Wang Dawang's is also very good, at least there are beauties like Ouyang Yue'er who love him, a "dog man" with countless huntings, without complaint or regret.Thinking of Ouyang Yue'er's soft body, Jiang Zhixiong, who was lying in the hot spring, clearly felt that the body he had occupied became excited again.It's really stupid, he can come up with a morning erection just by thinking about it, he must be exhausted to death!Jiang Zhixiong couldn't help cursing his body viciously in his heart.

Although Donggui City has never lacked beauties, places like Neverland are the places where beauties are concentrated.It is said that there are beauties in Donggui, but it is rare to see young beauties in the streets and alleys.This point is very puzzling to foreign tourists, but the common people in Donggui City have long been used to it.In other words, in Donggui City, anyone who has a certain beauty can be called a beautiful woman, how can she have time to wander in the streets and alleys in broad daylight?During the daytime, all the beauties are sleeping at home, or driving around in small cars. How can there be any chance for foreign tourists to appreciate the beauties of Donggui City?

This is the market situation of Donggui City, and it is also the unique style of Donggui City where there are many hotels.Of course, quite a few of these beauties who appear in star-rated hotels like Neverland are engaged in legitimate occupations.However, beauties who are engaged in those 'convenient' industries with quick money also account for a considerable part.Of course, most of the beauties who are engaged in the convenience business are exchanged from various cities and provinces.After all, it is still a bit embarrassing to make such quick money in front of your fellow villagers.Especially thinking that among the quick money I earned were the red old men who escaped from the purses of the seven aunts and eight uncles, I felt a little uncomfortable.

People who live in front of such a market can only accept the modern life that comes with modern technology only if they look farther and broaden their minds.

Just as Jiang Zhixiong's thoughts were undergoing a qualitative change, his physical excitement seemed to intensify.Jiang Zhixiong, who was reborn as a human, has developed sensitive facial features, and he suddenly felt a little unbelievable.He looked around and found that the people under the gurgling spring water were quite comfortable.With very keen eyesight, he found that the faces of the shadowy figures around him seemed to be a little too moist with redness.

This time Jiang Zhixiong didn't dare to continue enjoying himself like this.He worried that the hyperactive body he had occupied would explode in just a few minutes.Although the excess on the body needs to be excreted, it seems a bit unhygienic to just excrete it in the hot spring water.Of course, what makes Jiang Zhixiong feel bad even more is that it seems a little unworthy to just excrete like this.Jiang Zhixiong, who stood up from the hot spring water, hurried towards the exit of the corridor, but unexpectedly, he almost bumped into a figure when he looked down at the road.

"It's you? Why are you here?"

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